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Re: What is the last book you read, and your rating?

Posted: 12 May 2024, 09:34
by urrutiap
last book I recently read and finished yesterday was the paperback of Wheel of Time Winter's Heart. rate it 8/10

loved the last chapter where there was some magic action at the end

Re: What is the last book you read, and your rating?

Posted: 13 May 2024, 07:29
by mrlefty0706
The last book I read was "Doing Hard Time" by Stuart Woods. Stone Barrington is an incredible attorney that is also a very lucky man. I highly recommend the entire Stone Barrington Series, 65 books. I rate this book 5 out of 5-stars. @mrlefty0706

Re: What is the last book you read, and your rating?

Posted: 13 May 2024, 07:42
by mrlefty0706
The Last Book I read was "The Magic Lantern" by Charles Townsend. It was an exciting story written for young adults, but I found that it was an excellent book for adults. I would rate the three-book series 5 out of 5-stars and I highly recommend all three books. @mrlefty0706

Re: What is the last book you read, and your rating?

Posted: 13 May 2024, 07:57
by mrlefty0706
The last book I read was "The Covid Murders: Another American Health Policy Detective Story" by Greg Vigdor and I rated this book 2 out of 4-stars. Being an analytical person that has worked with statistics for more than 40 years I found this book biased towards not getting the vaccine which tells me it was written by a far-right republican. One can cherry pick statistics to support one's evaluation good or bad. I personally believe vaccines are good and the COVID vaccine prevented millions of deaths throughout the U.S. If Trump had done something about the pandemic much sooner than he did we would not have see more than 1 million Americans die from COVID. In addition, there are several hundred thousand COVID survivors that have long COVID which might affect them for the rest of their lives. I do not believe the republican claims that the vaccine did not work or that one was better off not getting the vaccine. I believe the number of deaths was much greater and republican governors buried the data like DeSantis. These people should be held accountable, but it probably will not happen. This should be another strike against Trump and he can thnk about how he handled COVID while he rots in prison. @mrlefty0706

Re: What is the last book you read, and your rating?

Posted: 13 May 2024, 08:05
by mrlefty0706
The Last book I read was "Krazy Tales from the World of Golf" by Gail K. Holden, a funny book based on the Spokane Valley Hockey Club. It is an easy to read book that I would rate 3 out of 4-stars. @Mrlefty0706

Re: What is the last book you read, and your rating?

Posted: 13 May 2024, 08:16
by mrlefty0706
The Last Book I read was "Rasputin's Shadow" (Templar #4) by Raymond Khoury. This is an excellent book that I highly recommend. Plenty of action and historical facts. I could not put it down until I read the last page. @Mrlefty0706

Re: What is the last book you read, and your rating?

Posted: 13 May 2024, 08:22
by mrlefty0706
The last book I read was "The Mayan Secrets" (Fargo Adventure #5) by Clive Cussler. I really enjoy reading the Fargo husband and wife adventures and I highly recommend the series. I rate this book 5 out of 5-stars. Enjoy! @Mrlefty0706

Re: What is the last book you read, and your rating?

Posted: 13 May 2024, 08:36
by mrlefty0706
The Last Book I read was "Second Son", a Jack Reacher novel by Lee Child. The Jack Reacher series is incredible, and I really enjoyed this book. I would rate this book 5 out of 5-stars.

Re: What is the last book you read, and your rating?

Posted: 18 May 2024, 15:39
by elma_2
The last book I read was the fantasy book „the Impostor“, which is the last book in the trilogy „the cursed bloodstone“. It follows a prophecy about lost magic and the chosen one. I enjoyed this book, but I wasn’t impressed as it was extremely fast paced and lacking in-depth details. I would rate this book 3 out of 5-stars.

Re: What is the last book you read, and your rating?

Posted: 18 May 2024, 22:59
by mrlefty0706
The last book I read was "The Imposters" How Republicans Quit Governing and Seized American Politics by Steve Benen. The subtitle says it all. A controversial topic but sadly it is true. We need two functioning political parties, so I think the solution is to create a new Republican party. I finished the book on May 14, 2024. I would give this book 5 out of 5-stars.

Re: What is the last book you read, and your rating?

Posted: 19 May 2024, 00:06
by mrlefty0706
The Last Book I completed reading on May 17,2024 was "R.I.P. G.O.P. How the New America is Dooming the Republicans" by Stanley B. Greenberg. This is an excellent book for people that are not Republicans and I can think of a much better character on the cover instead of an elephant laying on its back. Greenberg believes the demise began in 2010 when the Tea Party took control of the Republican Party. The election of Donald Trump enabled the G.O.P. to make things worse. I wonder if an updated edition would explain the rapid decline by the G.O.P. to a party of people that want the power but refuse to govern or do the right things for the people in America. The potential movement to a dictatorship will probably start a Civil War and after the G.O.P. loses we can start rebuilding America to be great, just not the great that Trump wants. @Mrlefty0706

Re: What is the last book you read, and your rating?

Posted: 20 May 2024, 11:08
by human reader
Typewriter In The Sky by L. Ron Hubbard

It's hard to recommend this book because of some brief racist moments. It's also not an amazing book. However, I do like the concept and the meta aspects. The idea is that Mike is friends with an author who likes his appearance for the villain. Somehow, this sends Mike into the story, and now he must survive being a villain, when this author usually kills the villains off. At one point, Mike notices how some women wander around town night and day, every day, because the author wrote something like, "There is always women walking about town." Or they'll be in the middle of a sea battle and the enemy will suddenly have all their ships again, like Mike is dealing with an author changing the story. Parts like that were quite memorable.

Re: What is the last book you read, and your rating?

Posted: 21 May 2024, 10:58
by Stephen Somtochukwu Ezeme
Tha last book I read is Tour of Duty, and I rated it 5 out of 5 stars.

Re: What is the last book you read, and your rating?

Posted: 22 May 2024, 02:13
by mrlefty0706
The last book I read February 24, 2024 was "The Way It Wasn't: Great Science Fiction Stories of Alternate History". The alternate history scenarios would have totally changed our country. I would rate this book 4 out of 4-stars. @Mrlefty0706

Re: What is the last book you read, and your rating?

Posted: 22 May 2024, 02:19
by mrlefty0706
The last book I read and finished on February 26, 2024, was "Collusion - Secret Meetings, Dirt Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win" by Luke Harding is an incredible story with in-depth research that proves there was Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Trump should never have been president, and he should be charged for Treason. @Mrlefty0706