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Re: Do you picture actors in your mind when you read?

Posted: 23 Dec 2014, 13:21
by andthemusicfades
OH MY GOODNESS DO I DO THIS!!!!! I will deliberately find actors and actresses that match the authors description. I have to. It helps me soooo much, and the books come alive even more. I read "The Halfling Trilogy" by Heather Burch and two of the characters (Zero and Vegan) I had as Tom Felton and Emma Watson (massive Dramione shipper here.) Its actually unintentional sometimes.

Re: Do you picture actors in your mind when you read?

Posted: 23 Dec 2014, 14:34
by 3chicnP
Not really. I can't think of an actor that matches the descriptions of the characters perfectly. I usually just think or imagine one in my mind. I always picture scenes and characters in my mind while reading the book. I make up the people in my mind and when the movie comes out, the actors look WAY different than I imagined. I would prefer if a movie didn't come out because I like the way I imagine and picture the characters and place. With the movie, it over-writes your imaginations and it just ruins it for me.

Re: Do you picture actors in your mind when you read?

Posted: 28 Dec 2014, 18:57
by Noeld
I can imagine the characters, but I won't match them to any actors in my head unless I've seen the movie. When, I write stories, though, I do think about how it would be in a movie. I don't picture specific actors, but I rather think of how the lines would sound and how the scenes would look. Like, "This doesn't sound as great in the book but it would be amazing in the movie." I just think that thinking about it like a movie makes it more real and easier to write.

Re: Do you picture actors in your mind when you read?

Posted: 28 Dec 2014, 20:11
by Michelle-lit
I always picture the actors if I've seen the movie first, but I would prefer to use my own imagination. That is why I like to read a book first before the movie.

Re: Do you picture actors in your mind when you read?

Posted: 29 Dec 2014, 16:10
by jonesh91
I absolutely do this- depending on the tone of the book I occasionally picture animated characters as well.

I definitely have a bad habit of ignoring author's descriptions of characters and picturing them however I feel like.

Re: Do you picture actors in your mind when you read?

Posted: 24 Jan 2015, 23:46
by PRIYA1994
Only those books which have been made as movies.... Like Harry potter, Divergent, P.S: I Love You etc...
All the other books I imagine the faces of the characters as per the description but I don't picture any actors

Re: Do you picture actors in your mind when you read?

Posted: 25 Jan 2015, 03:18
by Alexavier-Taiga
Only if I have seen the film before reading the book. For instance, I didn't read the Harry Potter series until The Deathly Hallows came out in the cinema, so I couldn't help but picture the actors while I read the book, and the same goes for The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings . But if I am reading a book before watching the film/a book that hasn't been made into a film, I let my imagination run wild with my own creations!

Re: Do you picture actors in your mind when you read?

Posted: 28 Jan 2015, 21:47
by jessicahoover39
I like to read the book before I watch the movie that way I form my own impressions of the characters and how they look

Re: Do you picture actors in your mind when you read?

Posted: 02 Mar 2015, 00:53
by akhreader
I do not. I try to make up my own image from the description given by the author.

Re: Do you picture actors in your mind when you read?

Posted: 27 Mar 2015, 01:34
by Rachaelamb1
Nope never. I like to imagine what the person looks like on my own.

Re: Do you picture actors in your mind when you read?

Posted: 30 Mar 2015, 14:43
by csimmons032
I do this all the time if the book I am reading was made into a movie, and that's assuming that I watched the movie as well. I can't really help but picture the people that play the characters when I am reading. If not, then I just pretty much make up a face for the character lol.

Re: Do you picture actors in your mind when you read?

Posted: 30 Mar 2015, 19:59
by Jesska6029
I do this all of the time. The problem is that a lot of book characters just take the appearance of Emma Watson of Jennifer Lawrence in my head!

Re: Do you picture actors in your mind when you read?

Posted: 01 Apr 2015, 11:00
by laurafrutos
Always!!! and then, when the movie comes out, they ruin the whole book for me, thanks. (I tend to imagine the characters more handsome and smart than the actors they put there)
There was a time I decided not to see the movies of the books I've already read. But then some of my friends told there were some great exceptions, like Harry Potter. So now I go to the movies and see it from a different perspective. I'm there just to see how the director tells the same story I already read, and see what changes he made. (like Angels and Demons from Dan Brown) But in my mind, the original and only good story will always be in the book. Sometimes make it a movie becomes a complete fiasco, but others, they pretty much get the same idea I imagined when I first read the book.

Re: Do you picture actors in your mind when you read?

Posted: 01 Apr 2015, 11:09
by CYMH090909
Not usually. But when they make books into movies I'm always like, "that is not who I pictured playing that person". I never actually picture an actor.

Re: Do you picture actors in your mind when you read?

Posted: 01 Apr 2015, 11:27
by gabby1991
I usually picture the characters as the author had described them, but usually with my own spin on them. Unless it came out as a movie before I read the book. For example I started Gone Girl when the movie was out in theaters and knew Ben Affleck was Nick in the movie, so I did picture him while reading the book.