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Re: How many books do you read annually?

Posted: 12 Sep 2012, 23:17
by Ayla
Oh my! I read too much, probably too much for my own good. I read a lot. Like I always say when I introduce myself to people (and this honestly isn't to intimidate people) but I don't like to read, I love it!

Re: How many books do you read annually?

Posted: 11 Dec 2012, 12:16
by brad786
I don't read 100's of books in a year like some of them here but i read 2 to 3 books a month, that makes my count around 30 to 50 books per year.

Re: How many books do you read annually?

Posted: 11 Dec 2012, 13:10
by A24
I too only read about 2-3 (if lucky) per month. This year my total read will be about 36. I hope to beat that in 2013 as there are more than that on my TBR list!

Re: How many books do you read annually?

Posted: 12 Dec 2012, 03:07
by Athena
According to GoodReads I read about 5-8 books a month, the past few months (only been recording it since then), depending on the size of the books I read. A big, long book takes longer of course. It also depends on what else I'm doing.

Re: How many books do you read annually?

Posted: 14 Dec 2012, 15:40
by happybook8
This year I have read 71, so far. Last year it was 53.

Re: How many books do you read annually?

Posted: 16 Dec 2012, 16:35
by Carrie R
Funny to find this thread, because I was just thinking of creating a similar one. It seems I don't read nearly as many books per month as I'd like to. Always so many things competing for my time. But I read at least a little every day, and depending on the length and intensity of the book, I can maybe get through one a week. But I remember when I was younger with less responsibilities (in other words--pre-kids...), and I could get through a couple a week.

Re: How many books do you read annually?

Posted: 16 Dec 2012, 20:03
by WendyJo67
I would say around 36 books a year (I try to read 3-4 books a month)...if we are traveling (we usually do that by car) I will read alot more.

Re: How many books do you read annually?

Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 05:04
by Heidi76
About 40 - 50 / year. Only wish I had time to read more.

Re: How many books do you read annually?

Posted: 19 Dec 2012, 06:44
by emmawatson026
hi, i am also book reader ,i read approximately 100 books in the year

Re: How many books do you read annually?

Posted: 19 Dec 2012, 21:37
by goldengate
I am an avid reader and am disabled after 3 cancer diagnosis and treatments so I read 3 to 4 books a week. That is 156 on the low end and 205 on the high end. It is probably closer to the lower number. I learned to speed read in college and can't seem to slow it down. On vacation, It is not unusual for me to read a book a day... :)

Re: How many books do you read annually?

Posted: 14 Oct 2013, 16:31
by talia_in
Like 35

Re: How many books do you read annually?

Posted: 15 Oct 2013, 21:21
by DeadPiccolo
It depends on the books. If I am reading books that I love, it could come out to 15 to 20 books a month. If I'm reading stuff I don't like as much, it could come out to 10.

Re: How many books do you read annually?

Posted: 16 Oct 2013, 19:05
by Daeja
I read between 150 and 250 books per year, but a good portion are shorter romance novels, like those in Harlequin's theme lines such a Blaze, Desire, etc..

Re: How many books do you read annually?

Posted: 16 Oct 2013, 23:00
by Shadowed_Gates
For this year I'm closing in on 150

Re: How many books do you read annually?

Posted: 16 Oct 2013, 23:10
by juju
30-40. I've only just started to keep track of the books I read so not sure what my actual total is :D