Do you picture actors in your mind when you read?

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Re: Do you picture actors in your mind when you read?

Post by Brother Juniper »

dhomespot wrote:
Brother Juniper wrote:I do. I have always had the image of Tom Selleck as the lead character of Jim Qwilleran in The Cat Who books. My wife started reading the books too and she asked me, "Does Jim Qwilleran remind you of an actor?" I said, "Tom Selleck, right?" She said, "Exactly!" So I think that's probably a a pretty common connection in those particular books.
It makes you wonder if the author had an actor in mind when they wrote a story.
I've thought that myself. It sure does seem like it in this instance.

-- 20 Dec 2013, 13:03 --

Well, after a aquick search I found that Lilian Jackson Braun's first Cat Who book was published in 1966, and Tom Selleck's very first role was in 1969, so I guess not. But the resemblance is uncanny.
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Post by Ja5mne »

All the time!! I literally make a movie in my head complete with casting, costumes, soundtracks, and even locations. I do the same with music as well I can put together a whole music video after listening to the song 2 times or so.
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Post by dudeandduchess »

It depends on the author's description of the character. I mean, if the description indicates something very vivid, then I don't have to use a "face claim" for the character; if, however, the description only states the eye colour or the well-defined facial features of the character, I find myself picturing any person I have seen that fits the description.
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Post by miztree46 »

I try not to picture actors in my mind while I’m reading. I’m usually disappointed when producers announce they are going to turn a book into a movie. The actors I think should play certain characters aren't usually chosen.
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Post by FlorenceDupuis »

It's funny, lots of people do that, but I never ever did, except of course when I saw the movie, or already know who the actors are going to be. I read Twilight before seing the movie, but I had already seen the trailer so Kristen Stewart was alreay Bella for me.
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Post by ladylioness »

Only if I happen to see the movie first I will place the characters in the book with whoever played their part in the movie, which is rare. I usually read the book first.
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Post by nolane9 »

I always try to get to a book before I see the movie so that I can create my own image of the characters. Sometimes actors will start to materialise but I like to do it my self
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Post by dana5570 »

Yes! For some reason every youngish guy in any books I read, I picture Steven Webber from Wings! No idea why, it's not like I'm a huge fan of his but I always picture him. When I was younger and read Judy Blume books, I used to picture all dads being James Gardner back when the Rockford Files was on. One of my major pet peeves is when a movie is made based on a book and a character is described in the book and the actor they get to play the character is the total opposite lookswise. I always think is it THAT hard to find an actor or actress that kind of resembles the way the author described him or her?
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Post by pamelaylawrence »

I only picture actors, when I've already seen a movie based on the book; but, when the characters prove to be different than the Hollywood portrayal, I release the actor's image.
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Post by lbuckman »

Can't say I have ever pictured specific actors when reading books. I have pictured what I think the person would look like - but have never associated that with an actual individual.
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Post by H0LD0Nthere »

When I was younger, the books usually had a painting on the front cover. My mental image of the characters would start with that painting, but would quickly get modified by the author's descriptions and, as the action progressed, somehow my mental image would "creep" away from the painting too.

It used to drive me crazy when the cover artist apparently hadn't read the book. E.g. you go through half the book only to find out that a certain character is, say, bearded. :-)

I also used to picture Laura Ingalls' log cabin looking sometimes like a log cabin inside, but sometimes like my own house. :-)
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Post by Iggy_86 »

Unless I've seen the movie of the same book, no. This is also the reason why I try to avoid watching movies before I've read the book. I like picturing imaginary characters while reading.
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Post by sarah92480 »

Sometimes I do, it depends on what I am reading. Often if I find the character attractive, I'll make them look like an actor/actress I'm attracted to. Sometimes it really works, sometimes it doesn't. 8)
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Post by dianaan »

:))))) great question! Until now I thought I'm the only one doing that :D
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Post by scuster »

I have read books that was a storyline for a movie so rewinds of the movie were playing in my mind while the author was trying to paint another viewpoint in our minds. Some of the classic stories that we read in school were a based for a painting of the early times in America history and where we have been to get where we are today so it helps me as a reader to be able to paint the storyline in my mind as the author had written the book to express their ideas.

-- 22 Jan 2014, 15:16 --

I have read books that was a storyline for a movie so rewinds of the movie were playing in my mind while the author was trying to paint another viewpoint in our minds. Some of the classic stories that we read in school were a based for a painting of the early times in America history and where we have been to get where we are today so it helps me as a reader to be able to paint the storyline in my mind as the author had written the book to express their ideas.
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