Why do you like reading?

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Re: Why do you like reading?

Post by Mpilis »

I like to read since childhood - we lived in poverty, there was an old worn ball from toys - but we had a lot of literature that our family carefully kept and passed on from generation to generation - since there was nothing special to do - I read everything from fiction to scientific research. I went to work early, money began to appear slowly, thanks to the knowledge gleaned from books, I achieved success in every position and eventually created my own company and am a successful businessman
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Emilie Mathiesen
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Post by Emilie Mathiesen »

There are many different reasons, but I will mention the two main ones

1) the fact, that you can sort of escape from the real world, and travel into another's mind or universe. I absolutely love that you can just get carried into another world!

2) Seeing things from different perspectives, and I also learn a lot by reading!
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Shenila Ginabay
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Latest Review: That's what Ed said by U A Dumas

Post by Shenila Ginabay »

When you find a question like this, you think it's easy to respond, but it's not. Why do I like reading?
Well, I like reading because it takes me to other places while I'm still at the same place. Because I can escape reality. Because I can enter the minds of other people. Because I can connect to characters and feel what they feel. I like reading because it's awesome.
Ali Newton
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Currently Reading: Natural Relief for Anxiety and Stress
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Post by Ali Newton »

Reading is, traveling to a new world as you sit in one place reading a book. Those that haven't been on the outside of their city's lines can travel to different places in their mind with every page turn. They can go to Paris and Rome from the comfort of their couch in California. For a 21st century person, they can look through the lenses of the character Ann Shirley and be in a time of a horse drawn carriage. For a hearing person, they can read Marlee Matlin's memoir and get a glimpse into a Deaf person's life in a hearing world. Reading is wonderful.
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Stephen Ogunwale
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Latest Review: Killing Abel by Michael Tieman

Post by Stephen Ogunwale »

I find solace in being alone and at that point in time, I'll rather dip my head in a book to escape the immediate than wallow in self-pity or inglorious chit chats. Also, knowledge is power, so they say, but the application of knowledge, is wisdom. I'd rather become wise than die ignorant.
Valar Morghulis, Valar Dohaerys. 🦅⚓🖤
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Charlienmegan Wehner
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Currently Reading: Finding Joy with an Invisible Chronic Illness
Bookshelf Size: 62
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Latest Review: Death Ray by Tom King

Post by Charlienmegan Wehner »

I love to get lost in a good book. I typically go for fiction, romance, and paranormal romance because the worlds are so different from reality. However, there are some great non-fiction and biographies that I will mix in with the romance books so I don’t have romance overload!
Latest Review: Death Ray by Tom King
Christine Tamuno
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Latest Review: A Dream For Peace by Dr. Ghoulem Berrah

Post by Christine Tamuno »

I like reading because i use it as a form of escape. I use it to bring my fantasies to life. I day dream a lot and when I read a good, it is like I just watched a great movie of my own making in my head.
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AnnaMarie Collins
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Currently Reading: Solaris Seethes
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Latest Review: Twisted Threads by Kaylin McFarren
Reading Device: B00JG8GOWU

Post by AnnaMarie Collins »

The short answer is because everything else gives me anxiety :lol2:
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Pelumi Aikore
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Currently Reading: From This Night, Forever More
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Latest Review: Sister B by David Charles Hart

Post by Pelumi Aikore »

1) I think a book is a place where anything and everything is possible, as long as you can imagine there's no limitation to what you can write.
2) The escape reading gives, you can just pick up a book and get lost in it, there are days when everything just doesn't seem to be working out and I have found out that the only way for me to let go of my problems is through reading, not even alcohol can do that.
3) A book also seems like the only place where you can get your dream man, the perfect gentleman, you can only get them in books, so yeah I love reading.
Gloria Kaszyczky
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Latest Review: Luray by Dennis Haupt

Post by Gloria Kaszyczky »

I like reading because it allows me to live billions of lives and adventures, it allows me to learn new things and understand our world better. I love spending time reading a book that will make me dream and feel like I'm a part of the story, I know it wouldn't be the same without books.
Latest Review: Luray by Dennis Haupt
Stephanie Cameron
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Latest Review: Storm Front Over Atlantis by E.W. Roberts

Post by Stephanie Cameron »

I read to pass the time. I love getting lost in the imaginations of others. I mostly like fantasy but I also like learning from history.
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Reviewer Page: onlinebookclub.org/reviews/by-kajal31.html
Latest Review: Killing Abel by Michael Tieman

Post by kajal31 »

I like reading because it helps me articulate my thoughts better. I can handle the conversations more effectively as I am always reading something, and this gives me new thoughts, new ideas, and new words. Furthermore, I love to read because it tells me the author's experience in certain situations, and we can use that learning to apply to ourselves so that we can't make that same mistake. Books take me on very adventurous trips. I really love to read about new themes and new books.
Thando Pertunia 1
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Post by Thando Pertunia 1 »

I like reading most of the time because it keeps my mind active and out of stress because you can't read without focusing
kasedy Fairbairn
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Latest Review: Natural Relief for Anxiety and Stress by Gustavo Kinrys, MD

Post by kasedy Fairbairn »

I love reading for many reasons. It’s like asking someone why they love watching tv. It’s hard to explain. I like the escape from reality. On top of that, I have some
Learning disabilities and I feel like the more I read the more it won’t be an issue.
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Anastasia Atkinson
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Currently Reading: We are Voulhire: A New Arrival under Great Skies
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Latest Review: Worldlines by Adam Guest
Reading Device: B00HCNHDN0

Post by Anastasia Atkinson »

It honestly depends on my mood and what books I feel like reading. I read fantasy fiction when I feel like escaping this world and into the adventures of galactic aliens or a world where magic exists. I enjoy historical fiction, so I can learn new things while still in a reading format that can keep my attention. Furthermore, I read horror for my love of dark things, and I love reading some really crazy psychological ideas. Any comedy involved will always brighten up my day, and I love a good sarcastic joke.
Books and stories provide wonderful knowledge and lessons, but I must agree with my father that experience garners wisdom.
~Janet McNulty, excerpt from Solaris Seethes
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