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Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 19 Aug 2019, 10:02
by Aisha_123
Only to a few selected individuals that have proven that they are worthy enough for my books to be given to them. Apart from them, no I do not like lending out books.

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 20 Aug 2019, 16:43
by M Breath
I don’t like lending out my books as they never return. If your lending out your books your not supporting the writer for their hard work and talent.

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 20 Aug 2019, 18:07
by chiadeer
I love lending books to others so they can enjoy them too! I got my old neighbor hooked on Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series, which are VERY long books. She started reading them right before her first daughter was born and then slowed down her reading significantly. I forgot she had one and saw her yesterday and she said she was about halfway through the last one i lent her. I laughed and told her not to worry, let me know when she's ready for the next one.

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 20 Aug 2019, 21:02
by JennyorAlice
It depends on if I think the person will return it in good condition or not (or not return it at all). If I don't think I will get it back or it will be damaged, then you couldn't get me to part with that book.

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 21 Aug 2019, 16:24
by Nightreaderx
I loan my books to my best friend, but he also offers to loan me his (not that I take him up on his offers. That is the only person I am comfortable with lending to. I have loaned a book to my old teacher before and I did not get it back for about a year (I had to remind her). I have also leant out some back in high school and they either did not return them and said they were theirs, OR the books came back a little damaged. This is why I only loan them to him now.

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 23 Aug 2019, 16:51
by DD129
I think it depends on a person’s character. If they’ve demonstrated to me that they can’t be trusted, I obviously won’t give them anything I own (books included). However, I’m perfectly willing to lend books to close friends, especially when I think they would really like it.

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 24 Aug 2019, 15:31
by Lefrog
You can have my paperbacks but, leave my hardcovers alone.

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 08 Sep 2019, 09:04
by Inmortalbooklover
I don´t like lending books because I don´t trust they won´t be damaged. But I don´t mind lending them to my close friends who love books as much as me because I know they will be careful with them

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 12 Sep 2019, 11:23
by Mrunal Tikekar
My experience has been that I have never gotten back the book I lended someone. So I am usually warry. But I can lend one to a friend I trust.

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 12 Sep 2019, 20:04
by kelso9326
I hate lending books to people. I only do it for people who I'd trust with my life. My brother begged me to lend him my Harry Potter books. He has had them for like 2 years and it's super annoying. Thankfully I know they're safe but I hope I get them back soon.

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 15 Sep 2019, 04:10
by Inkroverts
I never say no to lending my books, but I get anxious every time haha

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 25 Sep 2019, 15:21
by Reynaa
I don't mind at all. I like to share the book so I can let another person enjoy the book. Although, my favorite book on greek mythology, I have two copies of. One is for lending out, mainly because I want to be able to grab my copy whenever I feel the need! Haha.

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 26 Sep 2019, 23:12
by celtsshade
I loaned a book to my neighbor/friend as a teen and he completely made up an erotic/rape scene that never happened and did a book report on it which had a teacher calling his mother and then his mother calling my mother. Thankfully, right before him, I had loaned it to my adult sister who backed me up saying no such scene existed. My dad still took the book and read it. Last time I ever loaned any books out and also started putting distance between my neighbor since it weirded me out!

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 03:39
by Grateful_00
I usually do not like to lend my books because once I gave a schoolmate of mine 3 books and she ruined all 3 of them. Since then I've been too careful in lending my books. Anyone who wants a book from me gets a detailed set of rules on how to keep it. They usually call me weird for acting like that but I don't care. Books are important! Plus I'm not very good at saying no because it's rude.
So yeah occasionally I lend books to my friends who are responsible enough to keep them safe.

PS : sharing books = sharing knowledge.

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 03:40
by Grateful_00
Inkroverts wrote: 15 Sep 2019, 04:10 I never say no to lending my books, but I get anxious every time haha
Yes. I can totally relate. :)