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Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 05 Sep 2020, 23:34
by dianaterrado
Not really, no :|

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 16 Sep 2020, 14:00
by Essywa
Yes I do, but it all depends on whom am lending the books to.

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 18 Sep 2020, 16:53
by Moira15
I honestly dont know if I have ever lent a book to anyone. But I think it would depend on who am I lending it out to. If it was someone close to me and I know he/she will take care of the book, I would lend it. But definitely not anybody, seeing the example, certainly not to my neighbors. But neither my classmates or that kind of people.

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 05 Oct 2020, 09:41
by V-20
I used to share my books with my friends and to those who are not too close to me but wants to read because I want them to experience the same way I did. Unfortunately, I had traumatic experiences that made me think otherwise. Some of the borrowers haven't finished the book but the spine was super creased, one even had the guts to write something on my book and the worst was when my book got lost. Well, I can't do anything but be sad and angry. I have never lend someone my book again after this.

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 10 Oct 2020, 06:36
by Bles
It depends. I used to lend my books to anyone who borrowed and they were returned while in bad condition. Others were not returned. Since then I don't just lend my books to anyone since I care so much about their condition.

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 12 Oct 2020, 17:37
by alyssarenn
I do! I'm always happy when I can convince my friend to read something that I've recommended. It's weird because I usually never like sharing (probably since I'm an only child), but I actually don't mind lending my books at all, so long as it's someone I'm actually close with. The only problem is when they take too long to read it because I'm always anxious to hear their thoughts :cry2:

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 14 Jul 2021, 12:42
by Divya Tamilselvan
Yes, I like lending books to others. Because that's how my book reading journey started. My friend used to lend me books during our college days and I started developing book reading interest. I have read the quote "Share your good fortune" in one of the books that I read. Books are the good fortune. I cannot give away the good fortune I have gotten but I can share it.

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 14 Jul 2021, 19:21
by Wesusa
If they are someone I trust, of course. If not, no. They likely will not take as good care as you will, and almost it's always treated poorly.

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 23 Jul 2021, 14:16
by Akshi Porwal
No! I don't like lending my books as people are not as careful as I am

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 01 Aug 2021, 11:57
by Archaeoptery
No. I am too scared something will happen to it no matter how much carefully they say they would be with it.

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 06 Aug 2021, 19:16
by MysticSpade
Call me selfish but I really don't like lending my books out. I like to keep them in good condition to the point that I don't like to break the spine when I'm reading it. It seems like any time I did lend out a book it didn't come back in the condition it came.

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 07 Aug 2021, 14:51
by DE Navarro
I generally do not like lending out books to others. They seem to walk away when I do that. So often people say, "I returned that to you" and I know darned well that they didn't. So now, if I do lend out a book (rarely), I follow up on it every three days or so by asking the person how it is going, are they reading it, what do they think, and other such stuff. My goal is to keep the book in mind and in the borrower's mind. If they do not get to reading it right away I ask them to please return it until they are ready to read it. I hate to hawk my books like that, but I hate losing one to bad borrowers even more, so I have to hawk them.

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 22 Aug 2021, 13:15
by Elena Nechita
No one has actually asked me to lend to them a book before, which is kind of sad but also, good for me because I wouldn't trust most of them with taking care of my books.

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 25 Aug 2021, 15:51
by Neshboy Aburi
I don't usually lend out my books. This is usually because in the society I come from, there are very few people who read as a hobby. This makes my scope of interactionn with other readers limited.

Re: Do you like lending out your books to others?

Posted: 01 Sep 2021, 07:46
by Divya Tamilselvan
I like to lend books to other people as long as they assure me to return those books without any damage.