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Re: Does reading more books increase reading speed?

Posted: 11 Oct 2022, 12:16
by Betelhem Demsie
Reading more absolutely increase speed reading. It took me two weeks to read a 250 pages book when I started reading books in English. Now I can can read more than three books a week.

Re: Does reading more books increase reading speed?

Posted: 11 Oct 2022, 14:20
by Henry Patrovic
No, but you develop the ability to skip words that you know won’t impact the story. That is at least what happened to me.

Re: Does reading more books increase reading speed?

Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 13:33
by Flora Posh
I don't know if it doesn't work for anyone else, but it does for me.

Re: Does reading more books increase reading speed?

Posted: 21 Oct 2022, 12:35
by Jay Peter
The more you type on a computer keyboard, the more you type fast. The same story is true for reading too. The more a personal is an experienced reader, the more he scans pages in a short period of time.

Re: Does reading more books increase reading speed?

Posted: 24 Oct 2022, 05:52
by Le-nic Pretorius
I have always been a fast reader, I don't think my speed has increased with age. I do read faster if a book is put in simpler terms and easier to comprehend what I am reading.

Re: Does reading more books increase reading speed?

Posted: 01 Nov 2022, 17:06
by Hazel Mae Bagarinao
Definitely! I found myself reading fast now than before. After more than a year of reading books every day, I would happily say, when I see 300+pages, it is a short book for me unlike before when even 10 pages, it's hard for me to finish. I'm happy when I read books. What more can I ask for?

Re: Does reading more books increase reading speed?

Posted: 10 Nov 2022, 07:25
by Michael Adam Glidden Forteski
I think everyone has their own method of increasing reading speed I don't know if volume or quantity affects reading speed but maybe focus and effort. I do not have any data to support this, but perhaps the number of times you see the same patterns of words allows your brain to jump forward faster without losing comprehension.

Re: Does reading more books increase reading speed?

Posted: 24 Nov 2022, 01:33
by Wisely Time
It sure does. Not only your eyes but your mind also gets used to it and builds up speed.

Re: Does reading more books increase reading speed?

Posted: 26 Nov 2022, 18:31
by Jay_shon03
Absolutely. Reading becomes a habit when you read more books.

Re: Does reading more books increase reading speed?

Posted: 30 Nov 2022, 23:29
by Hubre De Klerk
I believe the answer is yes. I do read faster the more I read. If I go through a slower month or two, I have noticedt that I read a bit slower. I have also done speed tests and for me personally there is a definite increase in the more books I read at a time.

Re: Does reading more books increase reading speed?

Posted: 02 Dec 2022, 06:54
by Lillian Muliro
My reading speed normally depends on my connection with the book and also the surrounding environment. The less interruption I have the more attention I will have which gives me time to read more.

Re: Does reading more books increase reading speed?

Posted: 10 Dec 2022, 07:15
by Scott Fling
I think so yes, the more books you read the better your comprehension of reading increases also, but only if you enjoy the book and are not forced into reading it.

Re: Does reading more books increase reading speed?

Posted: 08 Feb 2023, 21:58
by Ebets
I think in a way it does help increase your reading. Say for instance, if you get used to one of your favorite author's writing style the more you read of that author that faster it is because you are used to that. However, some books can just be so slow or boring that it can make for a slow read. In my case that is usually when I either speed read or skim through it. I have found instead of giving up on the book I like to try to finished until the end because sometimes the ending can surprise you and you find that you are glad to finish it.

Re: Does reading more books increase reading speed?

Posted: 17 Feb 2023, 09:58
by Ben Madeley
I think it does up to a point but it tails off after a while and you find a pretty standard rhythm but when I don't read books for a while, I feel like my speed has decreased quite a bit and it takes time to get it back up again.

Re: Does reading more books increase reading speed?

Posted: 19 Feb 2023, 15:31
by Anna_Hernandez
I believe that the more you read, the better your focus becomes. When people first start reading, it can be harder for them to settle in and focus on a book. As you become a more avid reader, you look forward to getting lost in your book and blocking out everything else, which helps to create better focus.

In my experience, children who become avid readers gain speed and steadily increase the time they dedicate to books voluntarily. When comparing them to children who dedicate more time to TV, computers, or phone programs, their ability to settle and focus is much shorter. Both groups started in the same place, but avid readers realize how potent good books can be and find an alternative 'program' that helps to expand their focus.

This can also be applied to adults. We are so used to constantly moving and being bombarded by technology, that we find it hard to sit in one place and focus on one thing. Reading is a stationary activity that happens entirely within you. The better your focus, the faster your reading speed, in my opinion.