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Do you like to share the book you read?

Posted: 31 Oct 2022, 11:08
by Thommy23
Hi everyone,

I have a question which i m wondering from quite long time, and then i say why not to ask to this great OBC community!

I see many person really love to share what they read and others that doesnt at all. I find my self somehow in the middle, but what about you?

If you want feel free to motivate your answer , it would be great to start a discussion with you :)

Re: Do you like to share the book you read?

Posted: 09 Oct 2023, 11:13
by Lizzie Mustard
I'm not sure from your question whether you mean do I like to share the physical copy of a book, or share a recommendation of a book I've read. So I'll answer both questions. I tend not to share a physical copy as so much of what I read is now digital, so there is no copy to lend. Also the local library is always a good place to get a copy of popular books. However, I love to share recommendations about books I've read with my friends.

Re: Do you like to share the book you read?

Posted: 22 Oct 2023, 13:53
by McAlpine
Yes, I love to share the books that I love to read with my friends! I think that it is a good idea to share my favorite books. I love to share the favorite books of others, too. It is a great way to build friendships. Usually, I hang onto my copy of my favorite book, and my friends buy their own copies.

I enjoy group discussions about my favorite books. They are another way to share the books that I love to read. I enjoy writing reviews, too. I think that reviews are a great way to relate my personal ideas. Recommendations are important to me. I prefer them to hunting for a new book from the sea of books that are available for sale.

Re: Do you like to share the book you read?

Posted: 28 Jan 2024, 22:19
by Alissa Nesson
My impulse is always to share what I love to read but my experience is that people don’t usually give books back. They might say they want to read it to be polite but most of the time they’re never going to read it and you’re never going to get that book back. A couple of times since I’ve realized that, I’ve bought copies of books for good friends that I really think would like a certain book, but mostly I just recommend them now.

Re: Do you like to share the book you read?

Posted: 25 Apr 2024, 04:48
by Tomy Chandrafrost
Of course. I've reviewed many books and shared their reviews on platforms like Goodreads, this website, or on social media.

Re: Do you like to share the book you read?

Posted: 25 Apr 2024, 04:57
by Charmaine Mahlangu
No and I still don't. I don't believe people appreciate my books as much as I do not even take good care of them as much as I do.