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Re-reading: pros and cons

Posted: 21 Feb 2023, 11:10
by Ecaterina Raileanu
What do you think about re-reading the same book multiple times? I like sometimes to read again a book I used to love years ago, just to see if I still feel the same about it.

Re: Re-reading: pros and cons

Posted: 21 Feb 2023, 16:41
by Melissa Best
Yes, I love it! I often find that there are details I've missed or forgotten, and it can also be a good reminder of why I enjoyed a book so much the first time. No harm in trying to recapture that initial enjoyment! Plus, some books are so tricky in their writing that a second read may be required to fully appreciate the content.

Re: Re-reading: pros and cons

Posted: 23 Feb 2023, 17:00
by Jreeve
I enjoy rereading because once I know the ending, I can pick up on little clues that were overlooked in prior readings. I also feel that at different times in my life, I can read different things in between the lines. I recently reread To Kill a Mockingbird, which I read 20ish years ago. I couldn't believe how much of it I had forgotten and felt like I was reading an entirely new book.

Sometimes when I reread, I am not as motivated to continue reading, when I don't pick up on enough new information, which is a downside to rereading.

Re: Re-reading: pros and cons

Posted: 24 Feb 2023, 10:31
by Donna Walker
Ecaterina Raileanu wrote: 21 Feb 2023, 11:10 What do you think about re-reading the same book multiple times? I like sometimes to read again a book I used to love years ago, just to see if I still feel the same about it.
I love to reread my favourite books, and not just the feel-good ones. I've read "The Last Unicorn" about 20 times! I've read all of the Harry Potter series about five or six times, and I've just finished re-reading 1984 for the third time.

Re: Re-reading: pros and cons

Posted: 26 Feb 2023, 20:16
by Ma Leonarda Castañares
Re-reading books is such a delightful way to challenge your perception

Re: Re-reading: pros and cons

Posted: 01 Mar 2023, 20:34
by Donna Walker
Ecaterina Raileanu wrote: 21 Feb 2023, 11:10 What do you think about re-reading the same book multiple times? I like sometimes to read again a book I used to love years ago, just to see if I still feel the same about it.
I do the same. I feel that there is always something that I missed on the first reading, especially if it was years ago. At the moment, I'm listening to all the classics on audible rather than re-reading them. This also offers a different perspective upon hearing the books narrated. 

Re: Re-reading: pros and cons

Posted: 03 Mar 2023, 02:49
by Jack King
I don't think there is any cons to it. Before signing up here I would often read books again as there is no cost in that! On occasion I wouldn't finish rereading a book, I'd get halfway through and be able to remember too much of the book that there was no enjoyment in reading it again currently.

Re: Re-reading: pros and cons

Posted: 04 Mar 2023, 12:17
by Tamara Bengesai
I would usually reread books I have read before after some. It feels better the second time around as I get to understand some details I might have missed.

Re: Re-reading: pros and cons

Posted: 07 Mar 2023, 04:56
by aradwart
I love re-reading because usually it makes me appreciate the book more. On the other hand, sometimes I re-read and am completely baffled as to why I liked the book in the first place and that can be kind of startling!
There are so many books I could re-read forever without getting sick of them (like Donna, I've re-read the Harry Potter series so many times and I've also re-read 1984 too many times to count and have felt I learned something new each time), but then there are some books that I loved so much on the first read that I am afraid to re-read them in case my opinion changes drastically.
I never usually re-read nonfiction.

Re: Re-reading: pros and cons

Posted: 26 Mar 2023, 15:46
by Carlos Mata Saenz
There are some books that I re read every so often, others that I have re read once and others that I will never read again. I agree with previous comments, there are no pro and cons, just if you feel that you want to re visit the story or not 😊

Re: Re-reading: pros and cons

Posted: 27 Mar 2023, 05:17
by Maslina
Love re-reading Classics in particular and always learn something. It's also like visiting with old friends. Absolutely no cons!

Re: Re-reading: pros and cons

Posted: 19 May 2023, 12:49
by Paul Link
I dont like re-Reding

Re: Re-reading: pros and cons

Posted: 02 Oct 2023, 02:44
by Lizzie Mustard
I tend not to reread a book until several years after I've first read it. By then, I've forgotten what it was about, so it's like having a new book to read!

Re: Re-reading: pros and cons

Posted: 02 Oct 2023, 06:36
by Jenni Schmitt
I always re-read books, if they're good. Usually I'll read a book a second time right away, then it will sit on a shelf for a while. Books I've re-read the most tend to come to bed with me.

Re: Re-reading: pros and cons

Posted: 03 Oct 2023, 05:52
by Sameeha Ismail
Jenni Schmitt wrote: 02 Oct 2023, 06:36 I always re-read books, if they're good. Usually I'll read a book a second time right away, then it will sit on a shelf for a while. Books I've re-read the most tend to come to bed with me.
Yes, I re-read books right away as well. The first time, I will rush through the pages to reach the end and soothe my curiosity, and the second time, I will go slowly, savoring every detail.