He who does not strive does not pray

The deadline for the second contest has already passed and the stories are available for reading. It had a Spring theme, and the winner got a $25 gift certificate. Stay tuned for information regarding another contest!
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Ebrahim Algobi
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He who does not strive does not pray

Post by Ebrahim Algobi »

He who does not strive does not pray

The one who sought to be long was not distracted by all these pieces
Back, whatever
They faced hardships, and they are now a past for them, proving that they are
A determined person!
No matter how unsatisfactory or even unattainable the results were,
As long as you reach the end of this matter, you will be victorious
Frustration when she triumphed over the defeated soul and overcame it
And you proceed between the attempts in other ways that you will not win with the spoils of his pleasure.
Be proud of who you are today, and if you see a thousand people like you, they are not losers.
Neither are you
How many roads coincided until you reached a similar door
Inside it, try entering through its window, even if the doors you used to think were blocked
She believed that a person does not reach unless he strives
And a person will not see himself blamed until he feels that what is in his hands is small.
He obtained it, albeit with effort, for the night of a great sin
And all that the soul strives for until it reaches it is a great achievement, no matter how ordinary it may seem.
. . . . .
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Reviewer Page: onlinebookclub.org/reviews/by-enclosedreviewer.html
Latest Review: Cynthia and Dan by Dorothy May Mercer

Post by EnclosedReviewer »

I thoroughly enjoyed "He who does not strive does not pray," a simple yet profound poem. Its beauty lies in its openness to interpretation, a hallmark of great poetry. This piece resonates deeply and leaves a lasting impression, showcasing the power of concise, meaningful words. 😊
Nallely Rangel
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Post by Nallely Rangel »

nu es un gran poema con una gran enseñanza me encanto el titulo el que no se esfuerza no reza.. con un gran mensaje
Muna Chisom
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Post by Muna Chisom »

As long as you reach the end of this matter, you will be victorious. This particular line hits differently. The poem comes like a daily guide. One keeps coming back.
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