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Re: Coffee or Tea?

Posted: 30 Oct 2023, 10:05
by Ishq594
I don’t drink either on a regular. However, I think I’m a social coffee drinker.

Re: Coffee or Tea?

Posted: 31 Oct 2023, 17:56
by Miss_Dyana
Tea for me! :D

Re: Coffee or Tea?

Posted: 01 Nov 2023, 11:50
by EnclosedReviewer
I'm definitely a coffee person, no matter what. The rich aroma and bold flavor of coffee are simply irresistible to me. Whether it's a soothing morning ritual or a quick pick-me-up during the day, coffee is my beverage of choice for that extra energy and warmth it brings.

Re: Coffee or Tea?

Posted: 27 Nov 2023, 15:43
by Runan
I like to drink coffee, green tea, or iced tea while I read books. Cold or hot depends on the weather. I like my coffee with just milk and sugar, but sometimes I would like to add vanilla ice cream to it. Just the thought of it is pushing me to make coffee now. Hmm.

Re: Coffee or Tea?

Posted: 13 Dec 2023, 00:08
by Ika Apro
I usually sit in my room drinking mint tea in a Turkish coffee cup.

Re: Coffee or Tea?

Posted: 01 Feb 2024, 14:01
by Shiru Elizabeth
When it comes to the age-old debate of coffee or tea, I am more inclined towards tea. The diverse flavors and calming nature of a good cup of tea make it a preferred choice for me.

Re: Coffee or Tea?

Posted: 01 Feb 2024, 19:10
by Lilxbyul
I love a cup of coffee. Usually use a locally roasted bean and add just a little bit of honey. But the occasional latte from a local coffee shop can hit the spot, with oat milk and a maple lavender syrup.

And I have been like some tea as well. Right now I am loving the Jasmine Green Tea. A little floral but with the green tea flavor with just enough caffeine to help me power through the afternoon hump.

Re: Coffee or Tea?

Posted: 01 Feb 2024, 20:59
by Naushin Moledina
connorjaycolebrook wrote: 04 Dec 2013, 01:14 Neuro-Stimulants are an important part of the writing ritual for most people. The most common of stimulants being nicotine and caffeine. I know that before I can really get myself going I always have to have a cup of coffee, and back in the day, a cigarette outside on my porch.
I don't smoke anymore, and recently ran out of coffee. After like...ONE sluggish morning I went to my cupboard and dug into a huge reserve of black tea that I never thought I'd use. I've been drinking it with a little whole milk every morning and afternoon since.

So give it to me onlinebookclub members. What's your favorite and what's your ritual before you settle in with a book or a pen, pad or laptop?
If it's coffee clue me in as to what blend. Milk. Sugar. Ignite the flavors in my imagination. I want to hear something that makes me want to go out and get a cup of that sweet sweet joe.

If it's Tea, tell me what kind. Caffeine or non. How many cups a day? What kind of mug? Where do you sit? Sunshine on the porch or snuggled in bed(it is winter after all)

We're all readers and writers.
Let's share our drinking problems with each other here.
For me it is tea. The first thing in the morning. Small cup but it is a must. I sit with my family for breakfast.

Re: Coffee or Tea?

Posted: 04 Feb 2024, 10:13
by Tobi Adefila
I'm not a fan of tea or coffee, I rather drink water.

Re: Coffee or Tea?

Posted: 20 Apr 2024, 21:22
by Muhammad Haikal Birton
I personally prefer coffee over tea. I like the energy boost it gives me in the morning and the flavor it has.

Re: Coffee or Tea?

Posted: 21 Apr 2024, 17:01
by Rita Shilisia
Coffee is my go to. I like it black, extra sweet, and very hot. It's a morning and night ritual for me. Sometimes I try going to bed without taking that evening cup but I never make it. I never take tea.

Re: Coffee or Tea?

Posted: 22 Apr 2024, 12:37
by Michele Rathbone
Both! First thing in the morning, coffee definitely. The smell is so welcoming and cozy and the whole ritual of making the coffee is relaxing. I like to ease into the day rather than start off with a bang. Coffee and 2% milk for a great foam. I reserve tea for late afternoons or rainy days. Earl Grey, English Breakfast and Green Tea are my go-to’s. I will drink an herbal tea, but it isn’t my fave. Always tea without milk to get the full flavor. Properly steep it for a few minutes and enjoy!

Re: Coffee or Tea?

Posted: 22 Apr 2024, 18:13
by Analis HG
Being raised in England I'm 100% a tea person. I drink coffee once a day, but tea is my go to for when I need something warm and comforting, freshly brewed with a healthy dosage of milk. Occasionally I drink herbal tea, with floral ones tending to be my favourite (does anyone know what happened to celestial seasonings lavender and lemon tea??? I had a box of it a few years ago and have never been able to find it in stores since T^T). Americans are sleeping on electric kettles they make life 10 times better.

Re: Coffee or Tea?

Posted: 27 Apr 2024, 21:09
by Charmaine Mahlangu
I drink both in different and separate seasons. I love my black tea which is Ceylon and rooibos tea. These I drink mostly around your warm seasons. Then instant coffee is something I drink in winter mostly. I think I need an extra kick to keep my eyes open in winter maybe thats why.

Re: Coffee or Tea?

Posted: 17 May 2024, 01:44
by Jacy Covers
Where I come from, tea is more popular and way sweeter than coffee. I would have to choose tea in this instance.