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Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 17 Oct 2022, 12:29
by Flora Posh
Not me. If I like a book so much and I find out the movie is available, I'll see the movie before finishing the book.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 05:18
by Kendal Low
I definitely like to finish the book first. I like to imagine everything in my head first before it is given to me on screen.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 10 Nov 2022, 18:10
by Michael Adam Glidden Forteski
Finishing the book first is an absolute must for me, especially if there is a potential twist involved. But, I understand that sometimes the movie comes out and you'd rather join in the crowd and catch the movie while it is topical. For example, if I were reading Frankenstein and a new movie came out, I wouldn't wait unti I had finished the book.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 28 Jan 2023, 02:21
by Jakub Bystrowski
I don't. I just watch the movie and let whatever happens happen. If the movie is good, I won't need to read the book first.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 31 Jan 2023, 15:43
by Meatballs022
I do the opposite sometime :roll2:

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 02 Feb 2023, 20:16
by Spac3Pood1e+Bri
Me. I usually read the book first before watching the movie adaptation because that way I would know about the internal thoughts or background of a character while I'm watching the movie based on the additional information about them from the book.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 04 Mar 2023, 12:15
by Tamara Bengesai
I first finish reading the book before watching the movie. The movie is so original and movie is always an edited version and some scripts sometimes are changed.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 06 Mar 2023, 07:56
by Oluwatobilola Olu-awe
I always wait to finish the book before I watch the movie because it doesn’t matter how well thay do it, It’s never going to be as good as the book and I’d like to get a general idea of the characters setting.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 08 Mar 2023, 01:01
by Camelia Pharatlhatlhe
I do I prefer to see if the movie and book play out well and if the movie director is really good at displaying a good image of what the author wrote.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 29 Mar 2023, 04:01
by Ash Subra
I do that. I will read the book before watching the movie. I really want to know the full story and the characters in the story. This really helps me to enjoy the movie.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 29 Mar 2023, 04:06
by Book owly
Honestly, when I finish reading a book I just go and search to see if there is any movie related to it. Like for example I read The Giver by Lois Lowry a couple of months ago and I realised there was a movie about it too so I watched the movie too. So basically I try to finish a book and then go for the movie and I love to see the difference as well.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 02 Apr 2023, 09:05
by Ohmy Book
That person is one-hundred percent me! :lol2:

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 04 Apr 2023, 23:03
by Carlos Mata Saenz
I change my preferences depending on which film/book we are talking about. Usually, if I got the book first, I go ahead until finish it and then watch the film. In series, I try to read each book before each film.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 05 Apr 2023, 13:18
by Sheri Iodice
I do most of the time, but sometimes if I haven't had the chance to read it and it comes out I usually can't wait! I am not that patient of a person.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 08 Apr 2023, 06:57
by Saima Rahman
I'll read the book before the movie. The movie doesn't always capture the essence of the book, and once I know what is happening from the movie then the book loses its magic.