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Re: Do you love watching your country movies or foreign movies?

Posted: 15 Jul 2020, 07:12
by rik17
I feel everyone should watch foreign films once a while because it helps one understand the political, cultural, and social circumstances of other nations. For instance, few days back I was watching a film called Halima's Path. I came to know about the struggles and sufferings of the people of Bosnia through this film. Before that, I had no clue of this.

Re: Do you love watching your country movies or foreign movies?

Posted: 16 Jul 2020, 04:10
by Doziesixtus
I prefer foreign movies because of the Science fiction but other than that I think I prefer local movies.

Re: Do you love watching your country movies or foreign movies?

Posted: 09 Aug 2020, 08:17
by Charity Damaris
I have always enjoyed foreign movies esp. Indian movies because one gets to know different cultures.

Re: Do you love watching your country movies or foreign movies?

Posted: 11 Aug 2020, 14:26
by Mariesg
I enjoy both. I watch more of my country's movies in all honesty, but I love branching out to watch movies done in other places, spoken in different languages, and made by different people than those in my country. I think it's a generally a good idea to broaden your tastes. There's an entire world of beauty and culture and ideas out there. To limit yourself to only one aspect, in my opinion, causes you to lose out from so many amazing things. I also feel like it helps to build understanding. I just like learning and observing. Watching movies from different cultures seems like an amazing way to do that. :)

Re: Do you love watching your country movies or foreign movies?

Posted: 16 Aug 2020, 03:25
by Justine Ocsebio
Many people in my country would say foreign films are better but it really depends. Sometimes there are good foreign movies, sometimes there are good local ones too if people just bothered to look.

Re: Do you love watching your country movies or foreign movies?

Posted: 16 Aug 2020, 11:38
by jerimiahsebastian
I love Hollywood movies, but when talking about series, I prefer Bollywood. Their movie series are always packed with suspense.

Re: Do you love watching your country movies or foreign movies?

Posted: 22 Aug 2020, 14:19
by Lilyflower-x2
I watch foreign movies. My country doesn't produce the quality of action films I enjoy.

Re: Do you love watching your country movies or foreign movies?

Posted: 22 Aug 2020, 19:04
by Wangui07
I love watching both.

Re: Do you love watching your country movies or foreign movies?

Posted: 24 Aug 2020, 18:31
by Moira15
For me its almost always foreign movies. There were only 1 or 2 hungarian movies I ever watched and those were made many years ago. Unfortunately, many times there isnt a great concept, or story. There are some amazing hungarian actors, but all in all nowadays I think the hungarian movies and series are just not on that level. So I prefer to watch foreign series or movies.

Re: Do you love watching your country movies or foreign movies?

Posted: 25 Aug 2020, 09:05
by shirleym89
I love watching foreign movies because I am always transported to a different culture. I am exposed to how other people do things in other countries.

Re: Do you love watching your country movies or foreign movies?

Posted: 26 Aug 2020, 16:54
by Lee-2u
I love indian, chinese and korean.

Re: Do you love watching your country movies or foreign movies?

Posted: 27 Aug 2020, 03:18
by Lhammamy
I always watch American movies. Being an Arab, we don't produce much interesting movies. There are some but not as wide varied as the American.

Re: Do you love watching your country movies or foreign movies?

Posted: 25 Sep 2020, 19:21
by Amalia Lantano
It really depends upon the movie but majority of the movies I have watched are foreign because of the budgets they used to produce quality movies.

Re: Do you love watching your country movies or foreign movies?

Posted: 26 Sep 2020, 14:17
by MariaLivaniou
Well, I am from Greece... and I don't particularly love our movie productions. We do have some amazing ones but still I prefer foreign ones.

Re: Do you love watching your country movies or foreign movies?

Posted: 16 Apr 2021, 20:09
by fridamadrid
I don't personally watch a lot of movies from my country because they can be cringy and the topics are just super basic and I don't like that. I watch plenty American movies and some of them are great. I also watch some other foreign movies that are really good.