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Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 20 Apr 2023, 10:45
by Danix1
I like reading the book to be able to create my own mind picture version of the environment and characters before watching the movie. I like to keep it original and not influenced by the movie version first.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 22 Apr 2023, 15:26
by T J 6
I never see a film of a book before reading the book - if I plan to read the book. If I see the movie first I will just let it go. The movie never does the book justice in my opinion.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 30 Apr 2023, 20:55
by HeatherReader
I prefer to, unless I am really behind on my reading (I'm in a busy book club) also depends on how badly I want to see the movie & how much notice I have of it coming out.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 04 May 2023, 03:02
by Melbie Bie
I always finish the book first because the movie sometimes doesn't do justice to the book.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 12 May 2023, 11:01
by Wanjla Carl
I wait till I have finished reading because it allows me to immerse myself fully into the movie with the characters and the setting. It enhances my understanding of the plot and story line.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 18 Apr 2024, 12:49
by Tobi Adefila
Depends on the one that comes my way first. If I've watched a movie and I see a book of it I will definitely read the book. Also if I read a book and I see a movie of that same book I will definitely watch the movie.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 18 Apr 2024, 14:14
by Ambar Gill
Definitely! I like to compare and by rule, the book is always better. I enjoy seeing the characters come on screen and how they change it. Sometimes it's done well, sometimes it's not but at least I'll have the author's version in my head to fall back on.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 19 Apr 2024, 02:42
by Muhammad Haikal Birton
i prefer enjoy the film first to appreciate the visual storytelling and then read the book to delve deeper into the details and nuances of the story.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 25 Apr 2024, 14:54
by Lupita Widyaningrum
Well usually I would want to read the book first, and then I would definitely watch the movie.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 01 May 2024, 20:33
by Kristin Cowan
If I start a book, I definitely have to finish before the movie.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 02 May 2024, 23:28
by Tomi Ahmed
I always try to read a book for watching the film just so I can compare them. There are times I haven’t done that though. Right now, I’m listening to “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before” by Jenny Han and I’ve already watched the movie. I was afraid I was afraid I wouldn’t enjoy the book since I’ve watched the movie already, but the book is great. I can’t wait to read the rest of the series.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 03 May 2024, 03:47
by Charmaine Mahlangu
I do this a lot. I already have an overactive imagination so I want to imagine the characters and the picture of the entire book unfolding before watching the movie. Movies are not as detailed as books so the movie will just help me understand certain things so much better.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 05 May 2024, 17:09
by Ouko Okach
I try to read the book first if there is one. I love to see the comparison with the story line. I know that most movies don't have as much impact as the book, but you have to think about what the screenwriter has to do. They have to take 300 pages or more and squeeze it into a 120 min movie, which is 120 pages of a script. If you make it too long, it gets boring, and the viewer will stop watching. So yes, I read the book first and try and see where the screenwriter was trying to go with the story.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 17 May 2024, 08:07
by Jacy Covers
No, I do not wait for anything. Watching thr movie is always better. I only wait when I had already started reading the book.

Re: Who waits to finish the book before going to see the film?

Posted: 24 May 2024, 15:39
by Monika Holzknecht
Well, I would like to read the books first, but it doesnt happen very often, sometimes I dont even know, that it is based on the book, for example Mortal Instruments, I loved the movie so much, and hated the fact, that they didnt plan next one, that I almost wept, when I came upon the books. Loved them soooo much. Movie After, was also good, but the books were top!! so I read them all before the second movie came out. And thank god for that, cause the second one wasnt that good.