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Re: Favorite Adult Cartoon

Posted: 05 Jun 2021, 23:14
by zayyyna
i love rick and morty from netflix so much i completed the series withing 3 days and that was very good if you want to watch something which is cringe but funny .

Re: Favorite Adult Cartoon

Posted: 23 Jun 2021, 22:16
by FJCJ55
I dont know if Bob's Burgers is considered an Adult Cartoon, but it's definitely one of them, but I second Rick and Morty as well as Solar Opposites!

Re: Favorite Adult Cartoon

Posted: 26 Jun 2021, 19:10
by TopaAzul062
KCWolf wrote: 09 Sep 2019, 15:39 Does the Regular Show count? It's one of my faves and I think I get the humor a lot more than my niece does at times. ;)

I also love The Boondocks, Bob's Burgers, and American Dad.

I used to be a HUGE South Park fan, but the humor doesn't amuse me as much anymore. I think they try too hard to be controversial. (Just my opinion). But some of my favorite episodes are when the kids just act like kids, like Make Love Not Warcraft and Good Times With Weapons. :) I also love Pandemic 1 and 2.
I watched bits and pieces of The Boondocks mainly because the music composer and creator were tied to another show I really enjoyed (Afro Samurai). I've only read the comics for Bob's Burgers and the Make Love Not Warcraft episode was the first and only episode I watched after coming back; mainly due to channel flipping.
After seeing the preview, I knew I had to watch Archer. It was very enjoyable especially when it came to that episode where everyone learned that their ditzy co-worker was an heiress. Majority of the shows that were featured on CN's [adult swim] block but a most notable one would be R.O.D. (Read or Die).

It's a sci-fi adventure type show that follows a group of agents working to solve a complex mystery featuring some notable names from history. As an added bonus, the music is nice as well. Monster is another one and will confuse you from time to time and the inclusion of Obluda was interesting especially when you realized its significance to the story.

Re: Favorite Adult Cartoon

Posted: 27 Jun 2021, 09:34
by Bigwig1973
None really. Although I'm a big fan of the Gorillaz video "Clint Eastwood." I used to watch David the Gnome and a show called Belle and Sebastian years ago. Tiny Toons was interesting, especially when they featured They Might Be Giants songs. I don't think those necessarily count as adult cartoons, do they?

Re: Favorite Adult Cartoon

Posted: 27 Jun 2021, 17:30
by Cassidy Simpson
I don't watch a lot of cartoons, but I do enjoy Bob's Burgers.

Re: Favorite Adult Cartoon

Posted: 27 Jun 2021, 18:02
by David Kai
American Dad does it for me. Absolutely hilarious

Re: Favorite Adult Cartoon

Posted: 26 May 2022, 03:24
by Meenahhhh
Archer! It’s the perfect blend of maturity and comedy.

Re: Favorite Adult Cartoon

Posted: 03 Jun 2022, 15:54
by Jordan Abio
Rick and Morty is an incredible adult cartoon.

Re: Favorite Adult Cartoon

Posted: 09 Jun 2022, 16:58
by Leasa Ana Maria
My favorite adult cartoon is Rick and Morty.

Re: Favorite Adult Cartoon

Posted: 05 Aug 2022, 17:25
by Jonté Joy
For me it's a tie between Bob's Burgers and South Park, I can always watch reruns over and over again

Re: Favorite Adult Cartoon

Posted: 28 Aug 2022, 10:22
by human reader
South Park is up and down a lot for me... but when it's great, it can be really great.

Re: Favorite Adult Cartoon

Posted: 05 Sep 2022, 14:34
by Alet Van Tonder
The new 'Groot' series is, I suppose, technically aimed at kids but so very, very entertaining to watch as an adult.

Re: Favorite Adult Cartoon

Posted: 14 Sep 2022, 02:10
by Agatha Bushguy
Into the Boondocks is my favorite adult cartoon followed by Ricky and Morty, then Bojack horseman. Those three are gold to me.

Re: Favorite Adult Cartoon

Posted: 14 Sep 2022, 02:12
by Agatha Bushguy
I an not done watching The Boondocks, but I heard it was discontinued. Does anyone know why? If that is true, then we should protest until the producers restart it again.

Re: Favorite Adult Cartoon

Posted: 21 Sep 2022, 22:27
by Athena Chen
Helluva Boss is probably my favorite, since it’s a fun cartoon made for adults that I understand. South Park isn’t very entertaining in my opinion, but I only watch the first episode. I haven’t watched the Simpsons yet. There was this one scene in Family Guy I watched by channel surfing that really disturbed me, so I’m not watching that show.