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Re: The Lord of the Rings

Posted: 17 Aug 2018, 04:14
by amsula_2018
uyky wrote: ↑20 Jan 2018, 06:50 For me, The Lord of the Rings movie was incredible at times and terrible at other parts. What was your favorite moment of the movie and what did you dislike the most? Why?
I actually love Lotr because of the story of friendship of sam and Frodo. I dislike the part where Rohan refuse to help Gondor and the part where Faramir is about to be burned alive in the stake because of the stupidity of his father. I dislike these parts of the movie because of the selfishness of the characters on those scenes and I hate that kind of attitude.

I like the part where sam carried frodo to throw the ring in the lava. It made me cry and appreciated the friendship of the two characters.😊😊😊😊

Re: The Lord of the Rings

Posted: 18 Aug 2018, 16:49
by capricornius16
I love the LOTR films. There's a lot of things I like but my favorite moment would be when the army of Rohan came at Pelennor Fields and they came charging into battle and you'd see the unbelieving faces of the orcs.

The end credits in the extended edition of the third film was also special to me as they showed drawings of each of the characters while Annie Lennox's song is playing in the background. It was a perfect ending credit for all the people who worked in the films.

Re: The Lord of the Rings

Posted: 20 Aug 2018, 15:18
by KarlaE89
Lord of the Rings will ALWAYS be my go-to for rainy day movies. I only watch the extended version and I have lost count of how many times I have watched it! My favorite scene of all time is when Arwen chooses to stay in Middle Earth instead of leaving with the Elves, and she tells Aragorn, "I would rather share one lifetime with you, then face all the ages of this world alone." Gets me every time. Probably my least favorite scene is the scene with Tom Bombadil- because it never actually made it in the movie. That alone is the biggest tragedy in the movies as he is one of the most fascinating characters in the books! I am a huge fan and always will be!

Re: The Lord of the Rings

Posted: 22 Aug 2018, 18:13
by ObsessedBookNerd
I love the scenery it’s a beautiful world that they had been able to create & the story, the thing I hated the most is when you watch it you realize J.K. Rowling basically ripped the entire series off for Harry Potter so it ruined my childhood basically. I watched Harry Potter first & then in later years after Harry Potter was done I watched Lord of the Rings. I was so disappointed cause I thought Harry Potter was a complete original!😒

Re: The Lord of the Rings

Posted: 25 Aug 2018, 00:30
by Jennifer Fernandez
I didn't appreciate this movie until I watched them when I was older. There's a lot of great parts in my opinion. I like when the Rohirrim decide to join the battle, Pippin's song, when the girl kills the Nazgul and when Pippin and Merryl meet again.

Re: The Lord of the Rings

Posted: 27 Aug 2018, 13:45
by cosette1789
I enjoyed Lord of the Rings when I first watched it, but I really respected the amount of effort it took to make such a compelling series when I read the books. I am still amazed that Peter Jackson and his team could translate Tolkein's non-linear writing into such an engaging and inspiring story. I really enjoyed the cut scene "Houses of Healing" and "Galadriel's mirror." There was a little too much emphasis on Eowyn's painfully unrequited love in my opinion.

Re: The Lord of the Rings

Posted: 27 Aug 2018, 20:34
by Yerenzhu
I love that The Lord of the Rings is so prevalent in today's modern-day culture that it is on Hulu now for anyone to watch at any given point. I love the trilogy. I really enjoy the suspenseful moments in The Lord of the Rings (e.g. in the first movie when Frodo and his friends were chased by the Ringwraiths). The Lord of the Rings is not a suspenseful movie at all, but it has those moments of fright and terror.

Re: The Lord of the Rings

Posted: 27 Aug 2018, 23:17
by Blacksoul
A total success! The best of the trilogy for my taste! Peter Jackson takes us into a dark and magical world and it feels like traveling.History (adapted from Tolkien's novel) is exciting: we are caught in history in the impressive prologue that explains the situation very well The work is superb and the shots are of great beauty, accompanied by the unforgettable and epic music of Howard Shore. The cast is perfect: Ian Mc Kellen is charismatic and Sean Bean, Hugo Weaving, Cate Blanchett and Christopher Lee among others, are very convincing.The special effects are very good and have not particularly aged.Some scenes are very memorable as the passage in the Moria or Spoiler: .At all, 2h45 very large cinema that pass in a blink of an eye. 'eye. The beginning of one of the best trilogies that exists, rarely has it been so epic ...

Re: The Lord of the Rings

Posted: 28 Aug 2018, 18:52
by Donabdell123
For me,watchimg lord of the ring is now my 3th year,we use to watch it at school with our teacher when we do activities the thing i like is the story but what i didnt like was the end of the last movie

Re: The Lord of the Rings

Posted: 29 Aug 2018, 18:02
by Vlinstry
I love the movies but have yet to read the books. The hobbit will always be my favourite book so Im sure ill love lotr. I just thought the movies were amazing though!

Re: The Lord of the Rings

Posted: 30 Aug 2018, 10:13
by Italiansweety1982
The ending was dragged out. My mom said it best - Tired of seeing them all cry and be sappy lol

Re: The Lord of the Rings

Posted: 06 Sep 2018, 01:46
by John97
Lord of the rings is one of the best movie that i love watching all the times, but it's has scary part and i like the part that Frodo and Sam plays in the movie most expecially Sam who stay truth to Frodo and shows true friendship.

Re: The Lord of the Rings

Posted: 06 Sep 2018, 11:58
by jacutrader007
Lord of the ring series is the best fictional movie series of all time. Audience of all age categories can understand the stories.

Re: The Lord of the Rings

Posted: 08 Sep 2018, 01:06
by book worm1
My family and I watch these movies quite often. They are brilliant. We also love the extras which show behind the scenes. The one thing that does bother us, though, is Legolas' eyes changing from blue to brown throughout the series. My teenage daughters, like most females, are slightly in love with Aragorn, in his scruffy ranger guise.

Re: The Lord of the Rings

Posted: 19 Sep 2018, 10:40
by DakotaA
LOTR has been, and will always be, my favorite movie trilogy. When I'm feeling bad I'll watch the second DVD of the Extended Edition version of The Two Towers to watch the Battle of Helms Deep and can probably quote all the movies by heart.