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Re: Favorite Harry Potter character (Apart from the golden trio)

Posted: 05 Mar 2024, 11:34
by wedwilson
Luna Lovegood

Re: Favorite Harry Potter character (Apart from the golden trio)

Posted: 05 Mar 2024, 13:37
by Tobi Adefila
I can't even remember what happened in the movie. It's more like I just watched it cause of the hype it was getting.

Re: Favorite Harry Potter character (Apart from the golden trio)

Posted: 07 Mar 2024, 03:38
Fred, Sirius, Lupin are some of my favorites but my top favorite is Severus. It's funny how I got to like the character.
In the 3rd book and movie, Sirius was my favorite character - I was shocked when Sirius died in 5th book. I thought this was end of me wanting to follow this series and ended us re-watching the 3rd movie over and over again. Unintentionally, I started liking Severus and Lupin in the Shrieking Shack scene. I was more drawn to Severus than Lupin. And, that's it after the 3rd movie and the 5th book that was already released - Severus became my favorite character. I kept fighting with my sister that Severus was good and she just ignored me.
I understand how difficult it is to protect something and someone who you both love and hate at the same time. I cried when he died - I had not cried even for Sirius but I did for Severus. Sirius death was a complete shock - I maybe hoped he would somehow come back but I never cried. I think we all expected Albus to die - so it was neither a surprising or a shock for me. But Severus, once I read the 6th book - I did expect him to die - I was even ready for his death - but it still made me cry. The only other character I bawled my eyes out was for Fred - I think I cried for Fred more than I did for Severus, but still Severus takes the first place.
I don't swear on my family or God - within my friend circle, if I swear by Severus name - they know I am dead serious.

Re: Favorite Harry Potter character (Apart from the golden trio)

Posted: 09 Mar 2024, 01:50
by Srikant Mahanty
Severus Snape!

Re: Favorite Harry Potter character (Apart from the golden trio)

Posted: 14 Mar 2024, 21:36
by Bella Hassan
Mrs Weasley is my favorite. She is agood mother and her smile amazing, be careful to make every one happy.

Re: Favorite Harry Potter character (Apart from the golden trio)

Posted: 27 Mar 2024, 07:39
by Kirti Saraff
Thats a tough one. honestly i like draco purely for the looks. But character wise maybe minerva. Though i also really like Viktor krum.

Re: Favorite Harry Potter character (Apart from the golden trio)

Posted: 02 Apr 2024, 14:41
by Ambar Gill
Luna has got to be my favourite, apart from the trio. Though neville is a very close second. I love Luna's personality and character. She is adorably nerdy and quirky and something about that makes me love her, the fact that she's a Ravenclaw makes me love her more.

Re: Favorite Harry Potter character (Apart from the golden trio)

Posted: 03 Apr 2024, 00:20
by Do Thi Huong
Dobby will forever hold a special place in my heart. His final scene brought me to tears. I love him for his loyalty and selflessness. He can be both adorable and tough, always protective of Harry and his friends. He's my hero in Harry Potter.

Re: Favorite Harry Potter character (Apart from the golden trio)

Posted: 15 Apr 2024, 16:10
by Jennifer Cowhig
My favorite character is Luna. People underestimate her but she is powerful. She loves animals and is a dreamer. I also love Hagrid for his heart.

Re: Favorite Harry Potter character (Apart from the golden trio)

Posted: 19 Apr 2024, 03:16
by Muhammad Haikal Birton
My favorite Harry Potter character is Remus Lupin. He's just so cool! I love how he's a werewolf and how he's such a great teacher and friend to Harry and his friends.

Re: Favorite Harry Potter character (Apart from the golden trio)

Posted: 25 Apr 2024, 04:19
by Tomy Chandrafrost
Snape. Because he's an antagonist who is also a protagonist, he plays his role well when being both.

Re: Favorite Harry Potter character (Apart from the golden trio)

Posted: 25 Apr 2024, 04:25
by Charmaine Mahlangu
Professor Snape!

He scared the livingness out of me . If you read the book you realise that he was more of a guardian angel to Harry than anyone else ever was . Snape loved Harry's mother and every time he saw Harry's eyes he remembered his mother .

Re: Favorite Harry Potter character (Apart from the golden trio)

Posted: 25 Apr 2024, 14:23
by Lupita Widyaningrum
My favorite Harry Potter character beside the golden trio is Mrs. Weasley. Mrs. Weasley is just really hardcore. She's an awesome cook, a good mom, really good at yelling, and she called Bellatrix Lestrange a bitch.

Re: Favorite Harry Potter character (Apart from the golden trio)

Posted: 26 Apr 2024, 05:01
by Miriam Ratemo
He was refreshing, and also at some points comic relief. He never cared for himself, but always for Harry and his friends. He did not like the rest of the people only worship Harry, but had great respect for Ron as Harry's best friend, to the point where Ron was actually embarrassed about it. It was very sad when he died.

Re: Favorite Harry Potter character (Apart from the golden trio)

Posted: 24 May 2024, 15:43
by Monika Holzknecht
Dobby forever!