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Thoughts on hallmark movies

Posted: 27 May 2020, 04:18
by Sumansona1344
What do you think about hallmark movies? I love them so much and they are the best for the people who are hopeless romantic. I always find them predictable and the endings are so satisfying.

Re: Thoughts on hallmark movies

Posted: 29 May 2020, 12:51
by Samwisekoop
I don't really like predictable...I like Chick-Flicks...but not the Hallmark kind. I prefer romantic stuff like Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, While You Were Sleeping, and Father of the Bride. Have you watched any of those movies? Cause they're so great!

Re: Thoughts on hallmark movies

Posted: 01 Jun 2020, 11:26
by Lydia Matson
I think they are of terrible quality, but I quite enjoy watching them. It's fun to point out the subtle nuances between each one even though they all end the same way.

Re: Thoughts on hallmark movies

Posted: 08 Jun 2020, 18:30
by cookiedough
I love them, they are those feel good movies that put you in a good mood anytime.

Re: Thoughts on hallmark movies

Posted: 09 Jun 2020, 20:45
by Arite Seki
I'm not really a fan of hallmark movies, but my mom absolutely loves them so I've watched a lot of them. I usually only watch them when I'm spending quality time with her and so they just seem all the more enjoyable to me.

Re: Thoughts on hallmark movies

Posted: 09 Jun 2020, 21:10
by Eclecticmama
I really cannot stand Hallmark movies. I never am able to relate to the characters, and the stories are all the same to me and like others have said, very predictable. Also, no fart jokes.

Re: Thoughts on hallmark movies

Posted: 09 Jun 2020, 23:31
by Thea Frederick
I find them shallow and superficial in their idea of love sometimes, or just their approach to the relationship in general. That being said, if I am exhausted and feel like watching a movie that requires no brain power, hallmark is my best bet. I do enjoy watching them from time to time, but, they are rather painfully predictable, usually in the first twenty minutes 😂

Re: Thoughts on hallmark movies

Posted: 20 Oct 2020, 13:51
by _claudi_
Hallmark movies are good movies. I feel it appeals to a specific audience and it is not made for everyone.

Re: Thoughts on hallmark movies

Posted: 22 Oct 2020, 14:04
by psmith5659
Hallmark movies are by far some of my favorites. Sure, there are so many better kinds of movies for deep, hopeless romantics, but this genre provides elements that others don't. There is a kind of innocence in Hallmark movies, where things like plot, character development, and originality is not important. You can really lean into the clichés and predictability of these, and enjoy them just for the sake of enjoyment. You don't watch them to further your intellectual or cultural knowledge; you watch them to enjoy them.

Re: Thoughts on hallmark movies

Posted: 29 Oct 2020, 11:32
by Eriny Youssef
I only watch them when I need to pass time. They are light, fun movies. But I don't see anything intellectual or original in them.

Re: Thoughts on hallmark movies

Posted: 20 Nov 2020, 11:43
by RavingReads
I love to play them in the background when I am doing something!

Re: Thoughts on hallmark movies

Posted: 29 Nov 2020, 22:11
by Sue_neth_ak
Awesome discussion thread. I love hallmark movies. They are predictable and kinda less complicated which is one of the reasons I like. It helps to escape the real life drama. Hallmark movies have different tiers. Despite some movies lacking chemistry there a lot of hallmark movies that are simply perfect.

Re: Thoughts on hallmark movies

Posted: 30 Nov 2020, 19:43
by Ldpuff
They’re definitely my guilty pleasure during the holiday season. I don’t watch them if I’m looking for anything serious, more so just something to escape from the world a little with. My mind doesn’t have to do any work when I watch a hallmark film.

Re: Thoughts on hallmark movies

Posted: 26 Jan 2021, 07:48
by Claire Vaal
I personally don’t like Hallmark movies. I feel like they all have the same story line and ending. If I were to just watch one, then maybe it would be okay. The exception to Hallmark movies are the Hallmark Movies and Mysteries. Those are amazing! They’re great murder mysteries.

Re: Thoughts on hallmark movies

Posted: 27 Jan 2021, 17:18
by kmteter26
It's like once you've seen one Hallmark movie, you've seen them all. Same story, same actors, same everything. Yet, somehow, even though you know in the first seconds of watching the movie what will happen in the end, they suck you in, and you marathon all of them.