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Brooklyn 99

Posted: 28 Sep 2021, 00:30
by Akshi Porwal
Who is your favourite Brooklyn 99 character? Mine is Jake obviously :lol: but I relate more ro Amy.

Re: Brooklyn 99

Posted: 19 Nov 2021, 08:16
by T T 2
Mine was Gina. But sadly she is not in the series anymore. But her character was a whole mood. My second fave character is Captain Holt. He is savage without even trying lol.

Re: Brooklyn 99

Posted: 30 Nov 2021, 01:45
by Inge van Tonder
I love this series! Each time I decide to watch it again, there are so many jokes I missed the first time. I like the 'humorous' Captain Holt, and Detective Rosa. They're all great though.

Re: Brooklyn 99

Posted: 25 May 2022, 17:25
by Meenahhhh
I watched all 7 seasons available on Netflix and I loved them so much. I'm so sad it's over.

Re: Brooklyn 99

Posted: 04 Jun 2022, 05:51
by Jordan Abio
I loved the series so much. My favorite character was Captain Holt because of his humorous nature.

Re: Brooklyn 99

Posted: 26 Mar 2023, 14:06
by Carlos Mata Saenz
Jake. I love the series and I have watched every episode, I heard there was going to be one more serie but not clear. I really hope so. So good that the episodes are so short as well, it doesn’t make you feel tired at all!

Re: Brooklyn 99

Posted: 17 Sep 2023, 14:19
by hugsforkoo
Rosa and Holt

Re: Brooklyn 99

Posted: 30 Sep 2023, 06:14
by Malthide Jones
For me, it's a coin toss b3tweem Jake and Amy. I rwpated to Jake's character tye most and I can understand his decisions

Re: Brooklyn 99

Posted: 03 Oct 2023, 10:27
by Kelvinna
Certainly! The reviewer's exceptional work truly resonated with me, and I plan to include this review in my collection. The reviewer's excellent job has impressed me, prompting me to place this review on my bookshelf.

Re: Brooklyn 99

Posted: 25 Dec 2023, 23:43
by Jacob Mamman
"Brooklyn Nine-Nine" is a refreshing comedy that balances humor with social commentary. Its diverse cast and ability to address serious issues with comedic finesse make it both entertaining and socially relevant.

Re: Brooklyn 99

Posted: 15 Jan 2024, 01:07
by Mari Thompson
They are all my favorite! Absolutely one of the best comedy shows of all time in my opinion.

Re: Brooklyn 99

Posted: 30 Jan 2024, 02:32
by Shiru Elizabeth
It's a hilarious and heartwarming show. It strikes a balance between humor and addressing serious issues, and the characters are endearing.

Re: Brooklyn 99

Posted: 08 Feb 2024, 05:17
by sanna254
I prefer a 'Charles' kind of vibe. Awkward but a sweet heart.

Re: Brooklyn 99

Posted: 07 Mar 2024, 13:02
I relate to Rosa. Her anger, not wanting to be around with a lot of people - esp destroying her laptop - are all things I can relate to very well. I used to smack the monitor multiple times at my office if it got stuck and my colleagues used to remind me it's a system and it doesn't work like that.

Re: Brooklyn 99

Posted: 22 Mar 2024, 16:21
by Ambar Gill
Jake or Captain Holt are my favourite characters. So effortlessly funny and entertaining, they're the reason I keep going back to rewatch the show. I wish it had more seasons though, it was one of those shows that never got boring. I would easily watch another few seasons of them.