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Re: self improvement books suggestion

Post by Laura Ismajli »

aazminsyeda wrote: 09 Dec 2022, 08:40 How to win friends and influence people. How to stop worrying and start living by Dale Carnegie

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey,

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear
I have seen Atomic Habits recommended on almost every platform. I am curious though, what makes the book so good? I am just starting to get into the self-improvement genre, and I have already been listening to podcasts on habit forming. Any details would be appreciated :D
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Post by Ohmy Book »

I love Rhonda Bryne's books and they are my safe place. She writes self-help books and I've read all of them at least six times. My favourite book of hers is The Greatest Secret which has had a profound impact on me. It boosted my confidence and made me a happier person. I have been able to let go of fearful and distressing emotions easily using the practices presented in this book. Rhonda Bryne will forever be my spiritual teacher and I hope her works help you too if you plan to read them. <3
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Isabela Almeida
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Post by Isabela Almeida »

The best self help book I've ever read is "101 essays that will change the way you think" by Brianna Weist, simply amazing.
Even though some of the points she brings up are commonly known, the great majority opened my eyes in a completely enlightening way.
Tobiloba adeolu
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Post by Tobiloba adeolu »

I enjoyed Always Strive to Be a better you by Pete Hall. It really made an impact on how I approach problems.
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Post by Nikhil Singh Chouhan »

The Millionaire Next Door

The compilation of assets for the average individual remains concealed. An unassuming neighbor may hold the keys to cultivating prosperity. For decades, a clandestine society of the economically affluent has persisted in obscurity. Masquerading as the common man, a select demographic has amassed a fortune in the shadows. The secrets of this financial success have finally come to light in the literary work "The Millionaire Next Door: Unveiling the Secrets of

With an ignited enthusiasm, I would allocate four rather resplendent stars out of a possible quintet to this particular product based on my personal predilections. The favorable facets of this item indubitably outweigh any trifling flaws found within, though a scarce scattering of minor imperfections averted a quintessential five-star valuation. For the vast majority seeking an artifact of this archetype, one would


The previously unread book by financial authors Thomas Stanley and William Danko reevaluates incorrect beliefs around affluence and gives informative observations into the tendencies and mentality of independently wealthy individuals. This work is essential for all desiring enduring fiscal triumph and procuring a further comprehension of how riches amass.

Ordinary individuals who have amassed considerable affluence by adhering to uncomplicated, regimented financial customs over the years constitute a number of millionaires, not what they are customarily depicted as by society. Rather than inhabiting lavish estates, operating high-end vehicles or displaying their opulence, they are normal people.

Stanley and Danko executed broad explorations and discussions with prosperous persons over a range of trades and histories. They submit their conclusions through captivating accounts and numerical figures, which provides reliability to their contentions. The writers accentuate the significance of dwelling under one's capital, circumventing conspicuous expenditure, and prioritizing fiscal self-sufficiency over status representations.

"The literature examines a handful of pivotal attributes distinguishing the independently prosperous. It draws attention to the importance of diligent work, self-restraint, doggedness, and a powerful perception of personal liability. It also focuses on the worth of knowledge, unending study, and crafting prudent financial verdicts grounded on distant objectives rather than instant satisfaction."

The significance of the volume "The Millionaire Subsequent Entryway" lies in its accentuation on the separation between pay and riches. The creators underline that abundance isn't just about the sum an individual acquires, yet rather the amount one holds and puts astutely. They invalidate the legend that high-salary workers are naturally well off and feature the significance of building wealth through thriftiness, sparing, and contributing.

Yet, certain perusers might perceive the volume re-iterative, as the scribblers reemphasize their spots manifold intervals end-to-end the sections. Albeit this conduces to instill the focal communiqué, it could have been compacted to uphold a more taut narrative.

Overall, the pages of "The Millionaire Next Door" give a surprising new look at gathering money and questions normal thoughts of achievement. It provides helpful recommendations and understandings that people with any pay level can utilize. By disproving the fantasy of riches and uncovering the mysteries of independently employed extremely rich people, Stanley and Danko enable perusers to settle on educated monetary decisions and assume responsibility for their own abundance building venture.

Ultimately, should you desire literature inspiring reevaluation of fiscal philosophy and imparting perceptive comprehension into the reasoning and customs of prospering magnates, "The Millionaire Next Door" constitutes an optimal selection. It shall imbue motivation to enact prudent pecuniary judgments and chase enduring opulence generation.
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Post by Screenwriter89 »

How to think like a psychopath an esoteric guide by Theresa Clifford is a page turner with good advice.

It is available on amazon
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Post by Blackstenius »

jashan ps wrote: 09 Sep 2022, 09:50 what was the best self improvement book(fiction or non-fiction) you have read? And in what ways has it changed your life.

Always Strive To Be A Better You by Pete Hall.
The gift turned out to be a curse. They killed him with kindness.
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Post by Dana Youngblood »

"Soundtracks" by Jon Acuff- highly recommend! He is hilarious with a dry sense of humor (if you listen to his podcast, you get the humor in his book a little more) and is so helpful in his writing!
"The High 5 Habit" by Mel Robbins- super good book!
"The Road Back to You" by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile- all about the enneagram!
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Post by Akash mate »

"Atomic Habits" by James Clear is a highly regarded self-help book that delves into the science of habit formation. Clear provides practical strategies to help readers create positive habits and break negative ones. He emphasizes the concept of making small, incremental changes ("atomic" habits) to achieve lasting personal transformation. The book combines psychological insights with actionable advice, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their habits and make meaningful changes in their life.
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Post by a1coder »

One such book is "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg. This non-fiction book delves into the science of habits, exploring how they are formed, how they function, and how they can be changed. Duhigg presents a compelling framework for understanding the cycle of cue, routine, and reward that governs habits and offers practical insights on how to identify and modify them.

"The Power of Habit" can have a transformative effect on readers by helping them recognize the patterns that shape their behavior and showing them how to make deliberate changes for the better. By understanding the mechanics of habits, readers can work towards achieving their goals, breaking free from detrimental routines, and establishing new, positive habits that align with their aspirations.
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MAwais Khalique
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Post by MAwais Khalique »

Some of the top books I have read on self improvement are

1. Atomic Habits by James Clear
2. Subtle art of not giving a f**k by Mark Manson
3. How to win friends & influence people by Dale Carnegie
4. Think & Grow Rich by Napolean Hill
5. Ikigai by Hector Garcia

After reading these books I decided not to touch any other self development book since these books are one of the best sellers of all time and the lesson explained are enough one can improve it self.

The writing is amazing authors never get you bore while reading any of these books specially Mark Manson's hilarious masterpiece in every chapter.
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Carolina Katerina
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Post by Carolina Katerina »

"The Secret", "The Magic", "The Power"' by Rhonda Burn,
"How life works", Andrew Matthews
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Post by Carolina Katerina »

"The Secret", "The Magic", "The Power"' by Rhonda Burn,
"How life works", Andrew Matthews
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Post by E Kane »

I really liked "Atomic Habits" too!

Another book I love is called "The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion." It includes part of the author's personal story/journey, along with questions for you to answer for yourself. A really beautiful book!
Joseph waruru
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Post by Joseph waruru »

Atomic habits
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