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book recommendation request

Post by luisdent »

I was wondering if someone could help me find a book based on some criteria?

I just finished harry potter... absolutely loved them all. I want to read something similar in how the books "felt." What I mean is that the characters felt very likeable, the story moved at a decent pace, there was always something interesting going on, the writing was detailed enough but not overly descriptive as to slow down the pace. The overall story and "world" was complex enough to be intriguing without having so many characters that you get confused or that server no real purpose, and the various places and themes were discussed throughout the books in a way that they become familiar and intimate.

There are other books I feel shared similar aspects, such as the first few sword of truth books. Some of the wheel of time felt similar, but both of those series are ridiculously long, venture into overly descriptive entire sections of books that become tiresome to read, and lack the pacing and intrigue of HP. I've ready most of the lord of the rings, and it also has some "force yourself to read it" sections. Not nearly as bad as WOT, and I love LOTR, but still. I'm just looking for something fun to read that is also very interesting.

Some of my favorite books of all time are Jane Eyre, Sherlock Holmes, Dan Brown novels, Walden, Dracula, Wheel of Time, Sword of Truth, Sphere, Mitch Albom novels... You can see I'm not partial to any one genre, but I do like fantasy atmosphere and medieval/victorian/etc. But I want something that is as enjoyable and smooth of a read as HP.

I just started the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson and it's OK, but it just doesn't make me want to keep reading after a while of trying. One other thing I don't want to do is start a series of books that isn't finished. I have no desire to hang on while new books are released.

So my main criteria would be:
- Fun, easy read (I'm not against long or sophisticated writing as long as it doesn't feel like work instead of fun)
- Awesome atmosphere (cozy candlelit castles, tiny cottages, beautiful secluded forest hideouts.. whatever, just nice atmosphere)
- Not an unfinished series
- Lovable characters
- Interesting plot with a good ending

I've seen so many magic/fantasy recommendations for people who liked Harry Potter, but frankly I'm turned off by almost all of them. I can't stand things I consider "cheesy". Harry Potter would almost come across as cheesy, but she managed to make the world charming and funny instead while still being serious when needed. I prefer serious/realistic, but lightheartedness isn't a bad thing.

Any recommendations would be appreciated. It's so hard to know what to look for that I just figured maybe someone in a similar situation has experience with books that might fit my desires...
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Post by Alissa Nesson »

The Vampire Diaries was a fun, supernatural read. It’s very different from the tv show. A Series Of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket is a kids book that’s very simply written but funny and fun. I’ve read them multiple times. If you like historical romance at all there’s a great series called Desperate Duchesses that is so funny and delightful, it had me invested the same way HP did. The books are very well paced. I know you said you don’t want unfinished series but it’s still worth mentioning that Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros has been said by so many people to feel like the Harry Potter books and I definitely agree. I haven’t felt that way about a book since I read HP.
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