Frederic Bastiat: Recommendations

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Frederic Bastiat: Recommendations

Post by DavidB52 »

It has been a while since I picked up a book for pleasure, but I have compiled a list of suggested authors and am planning to pop onto Amazon to do a little shopping. First, I am wondering if members here are familiar with a couple of these authors.

Frederic Bastiat was a French author who wrote about politics and economics. I am not looking for a biography or writings about him. I am looking for writing by him. Can anybody here recommend a book, that provides a compilation of his writings and would give me a good intro to his theories?

"The Rise of the Roman Empire"
by Polybius

I am familiar with similar books by Gibbon, Plutarch, and Livy, but had never heard of Polybius before. He is new to me. Anybody here familiar with him? I am thinking of looking for a Penguin Classic book by him (unless somebody can suggest a better intro for me.)

Suggestions and advice welcome.
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