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Not so new, but still, totally new!

Posted: 07 Jan 2024, 22:08
by Samantha McKinney- Sami
Hello all,
I joined this community I think a year ago? But did nothing on here because I couldn’t figure it out. Then I saw an email to read and review We Are Volhire. And I was in need of book to read, so kismet. Now I’m just trying to figure out my footing here. I’m an avid reader, but it comes in waves depending on what’s happening in my life. IF life is too stressful where I cannot escape into a book, I get sad and go for TV, but TV leads to me buying compulsively and eating compulsively. Reading allows me to relax. And while I don’t SEE what I’m reading, I work REALLY HARD to create an environment based off the descriptions given, comparing it to places I’ve seen or known. It’s why when a book becomes a movie or a show, it can be SO DEVASTATING because that’s NOT who I casted the character in my head. Never mind ALL the scenes they cut out, change and just butcher! It’s almost better for me to SEE the movie first, love it, and THEN read it and have a separate appreciation for it.
So that’s me in my literary life. I have not always been a profound reader. That happened at the end of high school for me. So much reading in fact, I had to get glasses because I had never read that much before I put such a strain on my eyes.
But as a kid, with dyslexia, I HATED reading. It was a HUGE reminder that I was different from other kids. That I wasn’t as smart, or as good at certain skills as them. And reading and writing has always been one of them. Now as an adult, where you’re not in a room FILLED with other kids hearing all the pages turn at different rates. Or hearing them read a sentence out loud so fluidly, it allows me to relax and just enjoy the books! So often I grow into them, like Sebastian in The Never Ending Story. And when the books end, I always have a moment of grieving because I have to leave these friends behind. These characters I’ve come to know and care about. Reading the Harry Potter series, seven books! You can imagine at the end how bad that can get.
So hello to all. And I look forward to learning this site more and figuring out what all I’m supposed to do on it.