Video of author J. Wesley Porter reading A Spiritual Dog
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Video of author J. Wesley Porter reading A Spiritual Dog
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"Non ignara mali miseris succurrere disco." Virgil, The Aeneid
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I think, however, that this is a great idea! As I said before, I love hearing authors read. I just think it could have been done better. It should be like a show for the audience. It's should keep the audience engaged. Just my opinions
- Kia
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The introduction from the author was great, but from there I wouldn't show any more of the video to kiddos. One of the best ways I like to find videos of books being read is when the video shows the pictures while the author voices over the story.
Children do not have the attention span to just listen to a story without the pictures, and they also are often not capable of following along with the words on their own to turn the page. I would love to see a video of the book with the author's voice reading in the background, but with pictures and obvious page turns. I love it when there's a short message from the author and the beginning and end of the story, but beyond that the focus should be on the book itself to keep kiddos engaged.
- LifeTimeBookAddict
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I noticed the boys and dogs in the book seemed to drastically change appearance from one page to the next. My aunt and uncle had Shih Tzus, so I was confused by the change in the appearance of yours. And why was the dog considered a "Spiritual Dog?" I know that pets can be spiritually soothing, comforting, and healing, but these weren't mentioned.
There were some technical problems like improperly used semicolons, misspelled words (mixed breed puddle, weighted, petted), misplaced modifier (paws with curly hair) and the tense was a confusing mix of present and past tense. Also, "you" was used when talking about yourself and your boys. For example, if you were having a bad day, why would Bear give ME a warm greeting that could melt MY heart? See what I mean? When you write "you," you're taking yourself out of the story and putting ME in it. Yes, we all speak like this, but it's still incorrect.
Another issue was not using the correct verb form. For example, "The place we took Bear for grooming was ... We also take [TOOK] Bear here ..." and "The Groomers enjoyed ..." so "They encircled him with love and Bear always seem[ED] ..." You also used redundant words. For example, if you are saying, "His breathing was very fast and rapid," decide which you want to keep (fast or rapid?).
I still think your book was good with some better proofreading and editing because spelling and grammar can be fixed, but without the story of Bear, you don't have much to work with. Honestly, if I didn't know what to look for, I might not have noticed these problems. So take the advice others have given you, and use those recommendations on your next writing project. I think there is a lot here that you left out, and you clearly are inspired to write! Best of luck to you, Mr. Porter!
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