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Re: Do You Believe in Ghosts?

Posted: 04 Jan 2017, 22:54
by Pacers_ze_penguin
I tend to get freaked out by supernatural stuff, yet I tend to love getting involved. there are many cases in which I would believe in ghosts but there are some situations where I just can't seem to think they are real.

Re: Do You Believe in Ghosts?

Posted: 05 Jan 2017, 00:13
by noethe5
I don't believe in ghosts as portrayed by ghost hunting dramas, but I do believe in spirits/souls. I find it hard to fathom that a living soul could just cease to exist in death. Now whether they roam the earth or move on to the afterlife, I won't know until I go there myself. I do believe in God and the Holy Spirit and in the existence of good and evil forces influencing our direction. I guess my beliefs are more spiritual than Casper.

Re: Do You Believe in Ghosts?

Posted: 05 Jan 2017, 04:02
by Peabodie1
Yes, I believe in ghosts because heaven and hell exists. Therefore, there has to be some type of spirit world to house the spirits of the dead. These ghosts apcan be good, bad or indifferent and I truly believe the good ghost visit their loved ones to warn them of danger. The bad ghosts in the atmosphere tend to hinder living humans from receiving their blessings in life.

Re: Do You Believe in Ghosts?

Posted: 05 Jan 2017, 15:15
by James Craft
I believe that there is a possibility for things we don't understand, but I'm not sure if I believe in actual ghosts. The thing is, we are starting to understand the phenomenon that explains ghosts, and often movies will include the low frequency sounds that you can't hear but trigger fear and supernatural responses to trick viewers.

Re: Do You Believe in Ghosts?

Posted: 05 Jan 2017, 21:15
by HeatherSanders
I do believe in ghost. We had a ghost in the house I grew up in. They liked to empty dressers. We could sit on the couch and watch shadows go up and down the stairs then they would dump things out. Thanfully Mom and Dad saw it with their own eyes......we may have blamed the ghost a few times when it wasn't them!

Re: Do You Believe in Ghosts?

Posted: 06 Jan 2017, 11:15
by jessianne67
I love to read ghost stories. Not sure if I believe in ghosts though.

Re: Do You Believe in Ghosts?

Posted: 06 Jan 2017, 14:01
by Wizard Magic
I have never had any personal experience with ghosts so there is nothing to verify my beliefs. Because of this, I think it is possible for ghosts to exist, but I don't think it is very common for people to see them and interact with them often. There are probably some people who have had real life experiences with ghosts, so I can't say that I don't believe them. If they do exist, I would hope that they are peaceful and do not try to harm the people living in this world.

Re: Do You Believe in Ghosts?

Posted: 06 Jan 2017, 16:10
by Lady Countryrose
Yes I believe in ghosts. Once in a while I would see them, but have learned to turn my brain off from seeing them all of the time. Once in a while I would see my grandparents. I would have items misplaced because of them.

Re: Do You Believe in Ghosts?

Posted: 06 Jan 2017, 18:41
by sbradford411
I do believe in ghosts, spirits, entities. I feel that there are good and evil ones, although I have never had an experience with an evil spirit. I used to live in a house that was converted from an old nursing home. We had hundreds of experiences while we lived there. Voices, footsteps, touches, electronics going nuts, etc. Come to find out a few years after we moved out, it was known as the death house. The people that were in this nursing home were dropped off there to die. It explains all the crazy activity in the house.
I'm intrigued by the paranormal. In fact, I'm currently watching Ghost Adventures. I absolutely love horror movies and novels. Anything to get my anxiety levels up. Ha-ha.

Re: Do You Believe in Ghosts?

Posted: 07 Jan 2017, 12:41
by danielleurban23
I too, don't believe in Ghosts. I believe in Angels. There are both good and bad Angels. I think anything other than God is both both evil and good. Like us humans. We are a far cry from perfection. I like reading about ghosts and their pasts. History fascinates me.

Re: Do You Believe in Ghosts?

Posted: 07 Jan 2017, 15:32
by WCLymanIII
When I was a child I awoke from a nightmare and spotted two figures interacting inside the closet door. It was most likely a night terror, but they moved about the apartment all night long. I would really like to believe in ghosts, but I haven't had a similar experience since. Frightening though they may be, a ghost sighting would be renewed confirmation that a reality exists beyond the physical world.

Re: Do You Believe in Ghosts?

Posted: 07 Jan 2017, 16:13
by moonshoes
I've suffered from sleep paralysis for a few years now. One of the side effects of the disorder are hallucinations. Very, very vivid hallucinations, so I'm familiar with just how powerful and deceptive the brain can be. When people say they've seen things, I believe they have. I just don't think that necessarily proves that ghosts exist.

I would actually like to believe they exist. I'm just too much of a skeptic, I guess.

Re: Do You Believe in Ghosts?

Posted: 08 Jan 2017, 01:59
by April Torres
If you believe in life,then you believe in death...In death,comes some souls that died suddenly,or with unfinished business on earth,and with that being said,that's where ghosts,spirits,and hauntings come in at.I'm a very strong believers of ghosts,i've had my own personal experiences with what some would call a ghost,but i'd more like to call it a spirit.

Re: Do You Believe in Ghosts?

Posted: 08 Jan 2017, 14:18
by Vandermaria
I do believe that there is something beyond us! We are definitely not alone on our planet or solar system!
As for ghosts, who knows exactly what happens after body has stopped functioning. There is something like conscious, we are able to think, feel emotions etc. There are highly sensitive people, that almost feel how others do. I mean there are so many unknown factors, I do believe in that energy - would it be ghosts or aliens or something else.

Re: Do You Believe in Ghosts?

Posted: 08 Jan 2017, 22:16
by Insightsintobooks
I believe in ghosts. However, I don't believe that they can influence us in any way.