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Review of Phobia Relief

Posted: 16 Mar 2024, 09:16
by Tomy Chandrafrost
[Following is a volunteer review of "Phobia Relief" by Kalliope Barlis.]
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3 out of 5 stars
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I have phobias about certain things, and their causes vary. I had a fear of the dark from childhood to adolescence due to stories about ghosts and fear. This fear gradually disappeared as I matured.

Because my parents used to yell a lot when I was a child, I also became somewhat afraid and easily anxious when I heard shouting. But maybe I don't consider that entirely a phobia. Similarly, I fear swimming in deep water because I almost drowned once. I think that's more of a fear that arises as a form of trauma.

I like one of the quotes in this book:

"When a person has a phobia, they will maintain that phobia even when presented with logical facts... Just because they understand something or are informed of the truth does not change how they think about what they are afraid of. A person who isn’t near what scares them gets terrified just by being wherever they are because they see it in their mind. It’s the thought of what they fear that makes them sweat, not what they fear itself."

Many people transition from fear to negative habits like overeating, alcohol, sex, or bad habits. Many people feel they cannot live freely because of their fears and become stressed because of them.

I agree with the writer's perspective that fear doesn't always mean bad. It exists to remind us of danger as well as how to protect ourselves and the ones we love.

It's interesting to see the perspective of an NLP practitioner, viewing it as something that can be controlled and trained. This provides a more positive outlook on how the mind works. He gives examples of people who eventually laugh at their past fears when watching videos. I also like how he emphasizes that this change is a process that can be experienced, and once passed through, we can better achieve our potential.

There are some good guided instruction parts in this book to practice. Sentence fragment like, you can't move past your fears if you're not brave enough to face them. Then there's also the use of positive sentences to instill strong affirmations in your head, for example.

Overall, I'd give it a rating of 3/5.
This book is easy to read and has a amazing flawless perfect editing. It's decent for a book that discusses psychology themes with an NLP approach, and it even provides an example of NLP therapy in one chapter and its reflection. Although I see a lot of promotion about this program that might be somewhat unrealistic and some suggestions that might sound like motivational books with a somewhat toxic positivity vibe, this book is decent in my opinion. It could be because I believe that the process of overcoming fears and trauma cannot be as quick and instant as portrayed, but I could be wrong, and this book could be an alternative way for people to try it out.

Phobia Relief
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Re: Review of Phobia Relief

Posted: 27 Apr 2024, 19:50
by Abriani H
Another book about psychology. Interesting approach through when I see that the writer using NLP approach. Hopefully it doesnt going to give me too much toxic positivity kind of guidance. Thanks for writing this

Re: Review of Phobia Relief

Posted: 27 Apr 2024, 20:10
by Tomy Chandrafrost
Abriani H wrote: ↑27 Apr 2024, 19:50 Another book about psychology. Interesting approach through when I see that the writer using NLP approach. Hopefully it doesnt going to give me too much toxic positivity kind of guidance. Thanks for writing this
I already give you some warning, hopefully it doesn't toxicate you 😁

Re: Review of Phobia Relief

Posted: 28 Apr 2024, 01:34
by Anozie Stephanie
I love the technique Kalliope Barlis used, that people get to watch videos of them scared and how they laugh at it, it's same way when you are scared of public speaking and you record yourself speaking, you would definitely spot the errors you make while speaking.

Re: Review of Phobia Relief

Posted: 28 Apr 2024, 01:45
by Tomy Chandrafrost
You're right. The professors at my campus often record their own voices and listen to them to understand mistakes in their conversations. Thank you for your response.

Re: Review of Phobia Relief

Posted: 29 Apr 2024, 03:12
by Stephen Christopher 1
Hi Tomy, we had slightly different views on this book. I thought it was excellent, I put the exercises into practice (and still do today), and my biggest phobia is now behind me. Sorry that you found toxic positivity in the text.

Re: Review of Phobia Relief

Posted: 29 Apr 2024, 04:17
by Tomy Chandrafrost
Stephen Christopher 1 wrote: ↑29 Apr 2024, 03:12 Hi Tomy, we had slightly different views on this book. I thought it was excellent, I put the exercises into practice (and still do today), and my biggest phobia is now behind me. Sorry that you found toxic positivity in the text.
Its okay Stephen. Each people can have their own comment base on their experience while reading. I read your review on this book though, and I think that you help me to see this book on a more positive way. Thanks for giving your thoughts here :D

Re: Review of Phobia Relief

Posted: 29 Apr 2024, 05:24
by Cristiano Bellucci
Thanks for your review, Tomy. I also enjoyed reading this book. I find it easy to apply and quick to improve.

Re: Review of Phobia Relief

Posted: 30 Apr 2024, 23:13
by Harshitha Nayak
The promotion part is where it feels stuck, like does it add value or only author's benefit which may remain mysterious. I have read this book, and it as you mentioned in the book, the positives are there where we can evaluate ourselves About fears. Good thing is you mentioned about pros and cons, which is beneficial for new readers to pick the book.

Re: Review of Phobia Relief

Posted: 30 Apr 2024, 23:57
by Tomy Chandrafrost
Harshitha Nayak wrote: ↑30 Apr 2024, 23:13 The promotion part is where it feels stuck, like does it add value or only author's benefit which may remain mysterious. I have read this book, and it as you mentioned in the book, the positives are there where we can evaluate ourselves About fears. Good thing is you mentioned about pros and cons, which is beneficial for new readers to pick the book.
Sure. I think we need to be fair in telling the benefits and the shortcomings of the book. We have the responsibility to be a fair and thoughtful reviewer by providing a thoroughful and insightful review on each of our book.

Re: Review of Phobia Relief

Posted: 01 May 2024, 07:45
by Uma gupta
This review succinctly captures the essence of the book, highlighting its strengths while acknowledging any minor shortcomings, ultimately recommending it to a wide audience.

Re: Review of Phobia Relief

Posted: 01 May 2024, 12:22
by Tomy Chandrafrost
Thanks for getting back to me! I reckon it's super important to give a balanced review, talking about what's good and what's not so great. It helps folks get a better idea of what to expect from the book and also supports the indie publishing scene! 😊

Re: Review of Phobia Relief

Posted: 02 May 2024, 15:24
by Tomi Ahmed
Your personal reflections on phobias and their origins add depth and relatability to your review of this book. The quote you highlighted encapsulates the essence of phobias and their impact on individuals' lives, resonating with many readers who may have experienced similar fears. Your agreement with the writer's perspective on fear as a protective mechanism offers insight into the complexities of human psychology. The positive outlook on overcoming fears through controlled training and affirmation techniques is inspiring.

Re: Review of Phobia Relief

Posted: 02 May 2024, 23:44
by Tomy Chandrafrost
Tomi Ahmed wrote: ↑02 May 2024, 15:24 Your personal reflections on phobias and their origins add depth and relatability to your review of this book. The quote you highlighted encapsulates the essence of phobias and their impact on individuals' lives, resonating with many readers who may have experienced similar fears. Your agreement with the writer's perspective on fear as a protective mechanism offers insight into the complexities of human psychology. The positive outlook on overcoming fears through controlled training and affirmation techniques is inspiring.
Thank you for your reply. I believe providing balanced comments and responses is important because as part of the indie publishing ecosystem, we need to help advance independent authors.

Re: Review of Phobia Relief

Posted: 03 May 2024, 09:42
by Cristina-Ioana Toader
Terrific review! I resonate with your thoughts; I found it challenging to believe that phobias can be resolved as quickly as the author suggests, such as the example of 28 minutes. (Personally, I prefer traditional therapy methods.)