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Review of Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise

Posted: 22 Mar 2024, 05:23
by Opeyemi Ajiboye
[Following is a volunteer review of "Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise" by John K Danenbarger.]
Book Cover
5 out of 5 stars
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Entanglement: Quantum and Otherwise is a novel written by John K. Danenbarger. The book's opening introduces us to Bett, a young woman who, due to the toxic relationship between her father and her mother, was forced to run away from the house and go into prostitution to survive. On a certain night, when Bett passes out, she finds and rescues Joe, a male stripper. The next morning, Bett wakes up in Joe's apartment and is alarmed at how she has been cleaned up and confused about how she ended up there, but then is immediately told by Joe that he doesn't have an interest in women and is only interested in men due to his gay sexuality. They get acquainted, and shortly afterward, Joe helps her secure an escape trip to Bermuda with the help of his friend, Gerry. On getting to Bermuda, she squats with the Gerry family and tries to live a new life with new friends around. However, her start to a new life was cut short when Gerry's father, who goes by his nickname Mr. Slave Owner and who is also known to love raping young black women, began to make silly advances at her. With the help of her mother, she secures a plane ticket to fly out of Bermuda, but it is stopped due to Mr. Slaveowner's influence.
How will she manage this exhausting situation?
We are introduced to the love story of Beth and her husband. We are also taken on an interestingly complicated journey through Kelvin's investigation of a robbery of a big Swiss bank. Which was allegedly orchestrated by Carl, a guy who Beth met on a boat sometime ago. But then Carl informs Beth of his innocence and suspends Gerry's involvement, given that he is the son of the slave owner and has been involved in some of his dirty businesses. Also, we are giving closure to Mr. Slave's owner's case and the grave consequences of Beth's involvement in her own matter.
I like how later the many untold stories were finished off, because at first I was confused due to the unfinished story of Beth and other characters.
I recommend this book for those who enjoy reading books about love stories. I dislike the relationship between Kelvin, his brother, and their father, and I felt very bad when Kelvin, the elder brother, committed suicide at a very young age. I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars because it makes me understand the importance of friendship between Kelvin, Beth, Joe, and Florie. I was unable to detect any errors in it. This goes to show that it was edited professionally.

Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise
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Re: Review of Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise

Posted: 15 Apr 2024, 08:16
by Anozie Stephanie
When I picked up Entanglement by John K. Danenbarger I read all through and saw how one can be betrayed and how one can stand from that disappointment. Bett was truly a main character of survival.

Re: Review of Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise

Posted: 17 Apr 2024, 21:40
by Mfon Ukim
What i gleaned from the book is that human lives are intertwined in ways that may not be quite obvious. It shows human relationships and the fact that these relationships can have an enormous influence on others.

Re: Review of Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise

Posted: 20 Apr 2024, 07:28
by Janson Ortega
The books show the problem that Bett face but she still have some people to help. It show how bothered Beth and Kelvin struggled since the young age but still manage to be successful.

Re: Review of Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise

Posted: 01 May 2024, 06:04
by Jevonte Malik
Beth got her self into problem because she ran away from home but she has a friend to him her out.

Re: Review of Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise

Posted: 04 May 2024, 11:56
by Ezeani Emmanuel
Beth went through a lot that I can say and it's not easy to still survive through all those trials and still keep on pushing even with betrayal.