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The ending of Roan (This topic may have spoilers!)

Posted: 05 Nov 2016, 14:38
by Scott
Do not read this topic until you have read the November 2016 Book of the Month, Roan, because this topic may contain spoilers.

How do you like the ending of Roan? How do you feel about the big battle near the end? Was the ending satisfying to you? Why or why not?

Re: The ending of Roan (This topic may have spoilers!)

Posted: 13 Nov 2016, 10:49
by Janetleighgreen
I think the premise of the ending was fine; but like the rest of the book, seemed to drag. The author just put so much information in and a lot of it was repetitive. I found myself getting frustrated by the repetition and ready for the battle to just start. The ending had some nice elements; and I was happy that the author left it open so we could look forward to Conor's journey. There should be more to come for Conor; because his responsibility is huge, and although it was sad that he had to lose his love, he needs to be free. I'm glad that the author addressed Jace's continual anger at Conor because I was getting a little mad at Jace; with all that new wisdom, he hung on to his anger a little too long. That's just my opinion, maybe I'm just cold hearted. ?

Re: The ending of Roan (This topic may have spoilers!)

Posted: 13 Nov 2016, 14:38
by ebeth
I felt the ending was good and actually quite surprised me. The battle could have been shortened a bit like other areas in the book. I liked the courageous words in the end.

Re: The ending of Roan (This topic may have spoilers!)

Posted: 14 Nov 2016, 22:29
by Jennifer Allsbrook
Scott wrote:Do not read this topic until you have read the November 2016 Book of the Month, Roan, because this topic may contain spoilers.

How do you like the ending of Roan? How do you feel about the big battle near the end? Was the ending satisfying to you? Why or why not?
The ending of the book was good. I was worried that there would be a cliffhanger which I do not like. The increasing conflicts and battle sequences built appropriately. I enjoyed how each character, both good and evil, had a part to play. The conflict of Dr. Drake and Conor and his friends at the clinic; the conflict at DIOGENE; the conflict of Aunt Emily, the Pooka and Caitness; the conflict at the Crossroads between Conor, Troubles, and the McNabbs; the conflict at the river between all the evil forces against all the forces for good - each of these built the tension until finally good prevailed. I keep seeing statements about too many details. I, for one, love the details when they progress the story. The Morrigan, for example, is a character whose appearance always gave insight into what was to come. Learning that Madoc's fate is tied to a Morrigan prophecy near the end of the book points toward interesting things to come in the sequel. Overall, I look forward to seeing what comes next for Conor.

Re: The ending of Roan (This topic may have spoilers!)

Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 05:34
by gali
Janetleighgreen wrote:I think the premise of the ending was fine; but like the rest of the book, seemed to drag. The author just put so much information in and a lot of it was repetitive. I found myself getting frustrated by the repetition and ready for the battle to just start. The ending had some nice elements; and I was happy that the author left it open so we could look forward to Conor's journey. There should be more to come for Conor; because his responsibility is huge, and although it was sad that he had to lose his love, he needs to be free. I'm glad that the author addressed Jace's continual anger at Conor because I was getting a little mad at Jace; with all that new wisdom, he hung on to his anger a little too long. That's just my opinion, maybe I'm just cold hearted. ?
You summed it up perfectly and I agree with you. Some parts were repetitive and could have tightened up some. I also thought that Jace hung on to his anger a little too long.

-- November 15th, 2016, 12:46 pm --

I like the ending and found it satisfying. The battle was very exciting and I was not able to put the book down when I reached that part. I was sorry that Bath died, but was happy to discover the dog survived! I liked it that the book didn't end on a cliff hanger and that most loose ends were closed. I definitely want to see how this will all go down in the next book!

Re: The ending of Roan (This topic may have spoilers!)

Posted: 17 Nov 2016, 09:25
by greenstripedgiraffe
Jennifer Allsbrook wrote:
The ending of the book was good. I was worried that there would be a cliffhanger which I do not like. The increasing conflicts and battle sequences built appropriately. I enjoyed how each character, both good and evil, had a part to play. The conflict of Dr. Drake and Conor and his friends at the clinic; the conflict at DIOGENE; the conflict of Aunt Emily, the Pooka and Caitness; the conflict at the Crossroads between Conor, Troubles, and the McNabbs; the conflict at the river between all the evil forces against all the forces for good - each of these built the tension until finally good prevailed. I keep seeing statements about too many details. I, for one, love the details when they progress the story. The Morrigan, for example, is a character whose appearance always gave insight into what was to come. Learning that Madoc's fate is tied to a Morrigan prophecy near the end of the book points toward interesting things to come in the sequel. Overall, I look forward to seeing what comes next for Conor.
This is exactly what I thought. I did find Rory's sudden goodness a little strange, since he was set up as one of the "bad guys" from the beginning.

Re: The ending of Roan (This topic may have spoilers!)

Posted: 24 Nov 2016, 03:09
by Gnome
I felt shoehorned into the ending. It felt too neat and I started looking for a "deus ex machina" moment, which thankfully didn't show up. I think I expected more somehow based on all the world building the author did. Jim Warren's actions threw me a bit, since he had a comparatively minor role up until then. In the end I think Jim points me to thinking there were too many characters for the roles needed in this story and everyone needed to be herded into exactly the right way to have a satisfying ending.

I do like how no threads were really left for the reader to question, but like my complaint with Jace/Beth, it felt too pretty.

Re: The ending of Roan (This topic may have spoilers!)

Posted: 24 Nov 2016, 21:44
by Guppy
The ending was good. The part of the battle where it was 2 against Piasa was a bit unfair and un-heroic. In popular culture its usually the good guy fighting more than one bad guy at a time and most people would call it unfair or even cheating. However I was really happy about Troubles and thought the Morrigan's last scene was touching.

Re: The ending of Roan (This topic may have spoilers!)

Posted: 28 Nov 2016, 11:00
by greenstripedgiraffe
Guppy wrote:The ending was good. The part of the battle where it was 2 against Piasa was a bit unfair and un-heroic. In popular culture its usually the good guy fighting more than one bad guy at a time and most people would call it unfair or even cheating. However I was really happy about Troubles and thought the Morrigan's last scene was touching.
I liked that there were more good guys than bad guys in the final battle. That was a little refreshing, and also the bad guy was so amazingly powerful, that just one wouldn't have had a chance.

Re: The ending of Roan (This topic may have spoilers!)

Posted: 28 Nov 2016, 14:04
by Janetleighgreen
greenstripedgiraffe wrote:
Guppy wrote:The ending was good. The part of the battle where it was 2 against Piasa was a bit unfair and un-heroic. In popular culture its usually the good guy fighting more than one bad guy at a time and most people would call it unfair or even cheating. However I was really happy about Troubles and thought the Morrigan's last scene was touching.
I liked that there were more good guys than bad guys in the final battle. That was a little refreshing, and also the bad guy was so amazingly powerful, that just one wouldn't have had a chance.
I agree, Piasa was too powerful for one man to fight alone, powers or no; the author did a good job compensating for this.

Re: The ending of Roan (This topic may have spoilers!)

Posted: 28 Nov 2016, 23:02
by gali
Janetleighgreen wrote:
greenstripedgiraffe wrote:
Guppy wrote:The ending was good. The part of the battle where it was 2 against Piasa was a bit unfair and un-heroic. In popular culture its usually the good guy fighting more than one bad guy at a time and most people would call it unfair or even cheating. However I was really happy about Troubles and thought the Morrigan's last scene was touching.
I liked that there were more good guys than bad guys in the final battle. That was a little refreshing, and also the bad guy was so amazingly powerful, that just one wouldn't have had a chance.
I agree, Piasa was too powerful for one man to fight alone, powers or no; the author did a good job compensating for this.
I agree with you two. I think it was a fair fight due to the strength of Piasa. He was an inhuman entity after all, so the odds were even.