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Re: You wake up as a vampire- do you panic or party?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017, 16:10
by Kb3ck
I would most likely panic if I woke up as a vampire. It would be a shock to the system that's for sure!

Re: You wake up as a vampire- do you panic or party?

Posted: 10 Mar 2017, 01:35
by Moniquejm
I would definitely panic. So many changes will occur, and I'm not ready for such changes! Sure, it does have some good points (being a vampire and all) but I would not be able to cope up with the changes. I would very much like to stay human, thank you very much.

Re: You wake up as a vampire- do you panic or party?

Posted: 10 Mar 2017, 02:06
by dhomespot
If I woke up as a vampire, I do not think any of my family or friends would be surprised. However, I do believe I would panic, then party, and then panic again because now I have an eternity of hiding.

Re: You wake up as a vampire- do you panic or party?

Posted: 10 Mar 2017, 04:03
by Masinde
It is incontestable that I do fear watching vampire movies.Finding myself in such a state,first, I am sure may not tell if am so.But if it has to happen and realize it,Ii will really consternation.

Re: You wake up as a vampire- do you panic or party?

Posted: 13 Mar 2017, 12:57
by Brea_21
I would flip out if I woke up a vampire!! First off it would totally flip my world inside out! I don't believe in vampires and to become one would be freaky! I wouldn't want to be immortal either!

Re: You wake up as a vampire- do you panic or party?

Posted: 13 Mar 2017, 15:09
by Lincoln
ramblinggnomes wrote:If you woke up to find a drunken night and a one night stand has converted you into one of the undead, what would you do?
Erik takes it on the chin but I'm not sure it would be for me! I'd rather curl up in a corner and cry.

What about you? Would you want to run and hide or would it be the best thing that had ever happened to you?
Would definitely freak me out, but I would probably try to make the best of it. I might end up being evil, though...hard to tell! Lol

Re: You wake up as a vampire- do you panic or party?

Posted: 14 Mar 2017, 01:03
by Jessica Samuelsen
I would panic at first, then I would learn and adapt to the situation to be as humane as possible, like Twilight Vampires.

Re: You wake up as a vampire- do you panic or party?

Posted: 14 Mar 2017, 11:57
by Scerakor
As many have said above, I'm sure that the first thing anyone would do is panic. Everything you know and understand about life and existence has been ripped out from under you. I think it is what you do next which is likely to define who you are. As the OP said... curl up in a corner and cry or make the best of a bad situation: maybe you look dashing in a cape and didn't like garlic in the first place!

Re: You wake up as a vampire- do you panic or party?

Posted: 16 Mar 2017, 07:58
by matildajay
Chances are I would have a solid ten minute panic session, bit of a break down. I mean I have just found out I've become a monster to some, a god to others. After that I'd probably try to rationalize the whole situation, and ask as many questions as I could from whoever turned me into one. Get the facts, make a list of pros -cons (big on lists here,) and then figure out who of my human friends I could break the news to.

Re: You wake up as a vampire- do you panic or party?

Posted: 17 Mar 2017, 05:59
by Aimy
ramblinggnomes wrote:If you woke up to find a drunken night and a one night stand has converted you into one of the undead, what would you do?
Erik takes it on the chin but I'm not sure it would be for me! I'd rather curl up in a corner and cry.

What about you? Would you want to run and hide or would it be the best thing that had ever happened to you?
Just thought of waking up as a vampire gave me the creeps. God knows what I'll do if it actually happens :shock2:

Re: You wake up as a vampire- do you panic or party?

Posted: 17 Mar 2017, 09:00
by hailvilla18
If I wake up as a vampire, I would panic. I easily adapt to changes. However, unexpected happenings really shock and scare me. I think my initial reactions would be to shout and question people on how I became who I am now.

Re: You wake up as a vampire- do you panic or party?

Posted: 17 Mar 2017, 10:49
by Sparkletime
I probably would end up going to a hospital and becoming an experiment subject because I would panic and not understand what's wrong with me. I'm just not sure partying as soon as I become one could happen.

Re: You wake up as a vampire- do you panic or party?

Posted: 22 Mar 2017, 22:05
by CarrieMe
I would certainly be on the panic and then curl up in a corner and cry end of things. I don't deal well with major, unexpected life changes sometimes.

Re: You wake up as a vampire- do you panic or party?

Posted: 23 Mar 2017, 08:59
by Jeyran Main
It depends on what kind of vampire I am getting up to be. If I am one of the Twilight ones, then yes, I will be happy as a bunny.

Re: You wake up as a vampire- do you panic or party?

Posted: 24 Mar 2017, 06:15
by jwheeler28
I don't know how I would react to waking up as a vampire. I don't think I would panic though, but I wouldn't party either. I think it is something I would probably take in stride. I would probably think this is my life now and I would have to deal with it. Not saying I haven't thought about what it would be like to be one. To have the freedom to be who I want without worrying about others opinions. Most people I am sure have thought the same thing in their lives at least once. I know a bunch who have thought about it, but none who have considered that the only way to live. So in the end, no I wouldn't panic, and no I wouldn't party, but I would accept it as my life taking a turn in a new direction. I would live my new life to the fullest and not allow myself to dwell on what could have been.