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Re: New type of vampire

Posted: 27 Oct 2021, 06:21
by Alexandur Gicov
There is right in this opinion because the stories about vampires touch on exactly the same things. They drink blood, cannot come out into the light, fly and have great strength. In short, everyone uses this concept as a basis. It would be nice if there was a story with vampires in which they use echolocation to orient themselves, but of course, many times better than their fellow bats. Separately, through their bite, they inject a venom that injects a toxin that drives the victim insane. These are just some of the examples of how vampires can have a new look, and I also agree with daylight.

Re: New type of vampire

Posted: 04 Jan 2022, 19:07
by Everal Pardo
Vampire stories are very intriguing kind of friction to read.

Re: New type of vampire

Posted: 14 Sep 2022, 02:34
by third agbata
From what I know a vampire to be . I don't think I can classify Eric as a vampire. Eric has alot of characters that distinguishes him from normal vampires

Re: New type of vampire

Posted: 06 Dec 2022, 10:16
by Park Cherri
I don’t agree with you😂. Funnily, what makes a vampire is the presence of blood. The way they drink blood and super power makes them a vampire. I love this type of vampire here.

Re: New type of vampire

Posted: 04 Jan 2023, 16:03
by Mellino Itz
If I were to write a vampire story, I will create a world were everyone is a vampire and then moonlight would burn them. I have had enough with the blood sucking vampires. In my story story all vampires would have to feed on a very rare plant specie. Its gonna be the survival of the fittest.

Re: New type of vampire

Posted: 04 Jan 2023, 16:05
by GCRam91
Interesting, I’ll put this on my reading list.

Re: New type of vampire

Posted: 08 Feb 2023, 15:41
by Micheal Ukewuihe
I don’t think I want to change the entire story and tradition of vampires I prefer them the way they are.