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Re: What are your thoughts about vampire stories?

Posted: 03 Jul 2017, 05:44
by NikkyT
I'm not sure any vampire stories will ever be as good as The Twilight Series, so I think they're sort of over done now. Unless anyone has any recommendations for me to try?

Re: What are your thoughts about vampire stories?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017, 03:44
by Naval Aulakh
Most of the vampire stories seem similar due to the same way of depicting vampires. I think Twilight Series has depicted vampires in a quite different way.

Re: What are your thoughts about vampire stories?

Posted: 20 Jul 2017, 11:03
by Sophie11
I'd have to say it definitely depends on the author. J.R. Ward and Gena Showalter would have to be some of the good stories i have read on vampires and immortals. Any more recommendation?

Re: What are your thoughts about vampire stories?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017, 00:43
by Yemurai
For the most part, vampire stories for teen audience are sometimes toned down so that they can integrate a love story. However, I like reading the original lores, they tend to stay more realistic, given the nature of vampire. I found books like twilight series such a disappointment

Re: What are your thoughts about vampire stories?

Posted: 20 Aug 2017, 09:31
by GwenWood
I absolutely love them! They are my favorite monsters. I am not a fan of the sparkly variety. I like the ones who are truly capable of being the monsters of old. The Blood Gospel is the latest, of a long line, that I feel truly got it right. My favorites include Kim Harrison, early Laurel K. Hamilton, Charlaine Harris, and Richelle Mead. Vampires, of the romantic variety, have been overdone and I am over the paranormal-romance phase.

Re: What are your thoughts about vampire stories?

Posted: 28 Sep 2017, 17:56
by eelavahs-jay
I'm pretty sick of vampire stories to be honest. I will completely ignore a novel if it has vampires in it. Especially if there is some silly romantic subplot. They tend to be very cliche and downright ridiculous. I have yet to recover from the trauma I suffered reading twilight. I'm not ready to venture back into that territory anytime soon.

Re: What are your thoughts about vampire stories?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017, 08:31
by Anjum
caliwagon18 wrote: 05 Dec 2016, 00:22 I have read a lot of different vampire stories, mainly in the young adult genre (which may be why I have issue), and I really feel that they are overdone, too similar to one another, and too cliche. The books and series I have read about vampires have almost all focused too much on the love and romantic relationships in the books. It almost felt like I was just reading the same book over and over. I think they could be great, if they found a new focus rather than romance.
I agree. Vampires should be given a new type of personality. How about a detective vampire or a vampire who loves to go on adventures.

Re: What are your thoughts about vampire stories?

Posted: 15 Dec 2017, 12:02
by inaramid
Vampires have become so cliche after the Twilight books. But I did enjoy the Cirque du Freak series, although the movie sucked big time. The books offered a harsher, uglier, grittier view of becoming a vampire which is the exact opposite of the glamorous enshrined-in-immortality image that Meyer provided.

Re: What are your thoughts about vampire stories?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018, 14:59
by Sakilunamermaid
I'm a huge fan of vampire literature. They all have different mythos, their weaknesses and strengths change based on the author. I also appreciate that many books have different takes on how someone is turned and what abilities they end up with. Its refreshing when books feature more magic being applied and used by vampires, more than just glamouring or their great speed. I will read any vampire book I can get my hands on. So far my favorite book in the genre is Thirst by Christopher Pike.

Re: What are your thoughts about vampire stories?

Posted: 02 May 2018, 17:03
by mamalui
littlefrog wrote: 01 Dec 2016, 16:35 I love Vampire stories....cut my teeth on Bramstoker,, devoured Anne Rice...tried twilight series and did not like them so kind of gave it a break. However, I am loving Knightlord: Sunset...introducing different species of Vampires, loving it...Vampire with a code of it...I really am enjoying this book...just enough humor and sarcasm to take off the dark edge...I am about half way through and it is really hard not to write spoilers...great book Garon Whited.
I agree with this comment.

Re: What are your thoughts about vampire stories?

Posted: 20 Jul 2018, 08:53
by Dusamae
I love vampire books. I have read so many that put a different spin on them that they keep getting better.

Christine Feehan has a great spin on her version of vampires. In her version, there are good and bad. The Carpathian males have to fight the dark ones, the Carpathians that have turned vampire, and the fear of becoming one of them is a struggle that could last for centuries unless they find their other half, the light to their dark.

Sherrilyn Kenyon has a different spin on her version. Immortals hunter vampires. The immortals have traded their souls to get revenge on a wrong done to them but they have to serve as hunters of the undead. Only the women that truly love them can get back their souls.

Re: What are your thoughts about vampire stories?

Posted: 27 Jul 2018, 07:01
by kelvinmwaniki17
I love vampire stories they are amazing and really captivating to read. I think that vampire stories are those stories you can never get bored with.

Re: What are your thoughts about vampire stories?

Posted: 07 Jan 2019, 18:43
by Surabhi Rani
Through vampire stories the authors try to an idea of a world that is strange, new, unknown to the readers yet true and existent. I find them informative. I know about ancient stories in which vampire like creatures have a role of teaching a lesson to the readers and impart wisdom through the protagonist. They are noble and kindhearted like Eric in the story and often symbolic.

Re: What are your thoughts about vampire stories?

Posted: 14 Feb 2020, 20:09
by Claudia Thornton
I like vampire stories in general, but it really depends only on the author and the storyline. I hated Twilight for the most part, though I did manage to read all four books. Edward was a coward and I know he believed he was doing the right thing but to leave Bella, a human, so vulnerable was just stupid. I mean can the man think? He had to suspect that Victoria would come back for more. I can't believe Carlisle never stopped him, but then again, maybe he couldn't, since Edward was technically, a grown man and over a hundred years old to boot. There was only so much that the werewolves of Lapush could do to protect her and her father. Vampires are classical characters and I doubt that any reader who likes that kind of thing is going to get tired of reading about them. Still, as a general rule I do like vampire fiction though I hate Anne Rice. I never could get into her and I tried years ago.

Re: What are your thoughts about vampire stories?

Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 17:06
by rjohnston815
I for some unknown reason really enjoy vampire novels, I am a few chapters into this book and so far, I love it. I like the twist of the feeding and that there are two types of vampires... That all said, I believe there is always room for a new vampire novel that has a new twist allowing it not to be the same old same type of vampire book.