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Re: Basic "Facts" About Vampires

Posted: 23 Jan 2017, 07:11
by kimmyschemy06
The usual, I think. They drink blood. They can't be out in the sunlight. They are uncharacteristically pale. They can either kill you by drinking all of your blood or they can turn you into one of them. They stop aging from the moment they are turned. Wow! I think I read a lot of vampire books.

Re: Basic "Facts" About Vampires

Posted: 31 Jan 2017, 10:02
by Vermont Reviews
Oh of course a stake thru the heart. Does them in.
Vermont Reviews

Re: Basic "Facts" About Vampires

Posted: 05 Feb 2017, 10:40
by The Researcher
From many novels that i have read about vampires. The following facts emerged out:
1) They need blood for their survival
2) They have hard time when exposed to sunlight
3) They are generally very cold ( temperature wise)
4) They never age
5) Their fangs are retractable
6) They have different powers

Re: Basic "Facts" About Vampires

Posted: 20 Feb 2017, 19:52
by Mannie913
I did like that they didn't cling to any vampire myths in particular except for drinking blood of course. I think its much easier to relate to characters when they can go out in the sun. It's hard when they stay inside and cont leave except at night because then it makes it hard to see what type of person they are.

Re: Basic "Facts" About Vampires

Posted: 23 Feb 2017, 14:06
by Momlovesbooks
I can't think of any basic Vampire facts that haven't already been mentioned. I'll just comment on the mind tendrils. I thought that was a unique aspect. He was able to gain strength from humans while limiting the damage done to them.

Re: Basic "Facts" About Vampires

Posted: 23 Mar 2017, 17:24
by Rebeccaej
What I think is cool is that the "stake through the heart," thing wasn't originally meant to be a super-special way of killing them. The idea was that, while they were in their grave, you rammed a stake through their heart, *and into the ground,* to pin them there. It was a way of keeping the dead in their graves.

Re: Basic "Facts" About Vampires

Posted: 09 Jul 2017, 03:35
by Naval Aulakh
I have heard that vampires are allergic to silver. This fact is not related to the book but I just wanted to share it :)

Re: Basic "Facts" About Vampires

Posted: 20 Aug 2017, 09:47
by GwenWood
A better question, for me, may be "What don't I know about vampires?" This has been an obsession of mine since I was in high-school. Many "new" authors want to "break the mold" vampires have been placed in, and that's fine, but I feel before you break the rules, you must know what the rule is. There have been some books I've read that before I can even get into the heart of the story, I am screaming at the author, "WRONG!", and in others I've seen the rules broken and accepted it as original story. A true fan can tell when the author in question knows the rules and when they don't.

-- 20 Aug 2017, 10:50 --
The Researcher wrote:From many novels that i have read about vampires. The following facts emerged out:
1) They need blood for their survival
2) They have hard time when exposed to sunlight
3) They are generally very cold ( temperature wise)
4) They never age
5) Their fangs are retractable
6) They have different powers
I feel this is a good summation of the basic rules of vampirism. :twisted: Many of the other rules can be bent or broken to fit the story without losing credibility.

Re: Basic "Facts" About Vampires

Posted: 04 Dec 2017, 07:36
by Anjum
I once heard that vampires can't touch silver or else they will burn.

Re: Basic "Facts" About Vampires

Posted: 04 Dec 2017, 07:40
by Molebza mahe
It's also obvious that vampire bats don't actually bite humans into vampires. It just kills them, bloodless or even infected with a disease.

Re: Basic "Facts" About Vampires

Posted: 06 Apr 2018, 15:24
by Sakilunamermaid
The take that an author takes on vampires weaknesses is a cool detail to take note of. In The Vampire Diaries wearing lapis lazuli rings makes them able to be in the sun but they are weakened by vervane. I like the loopholes and tools that help with their weaknesses.

Re: Basic "Facts" About Vampires

Posted: 08 Apr 2018, 05:20
by atonykamau
I think that a vamper can't walk in daylight but I am not sure about turning into bats and if they can they be out during the day?

Re: Basic "Facts" About Vampires

Posted: 02 May 2018, 16:55
by mamalui
csydc wrote: 01 Dec 2016, 23:51 Another fun fact!! Many people thought that children who had hair when they were born, or who had red hair were more likely to be vampires! :)
First I'm hearing of this one. :?

Re: Basic "Facts" About Vampires

Posted: 30 Nov 2020, 09:52
by Sarah Schmidt
I preferred Eric's type of vampire over the other ones introduced. It still stuck with the whole turn to ash if exposed thing but the shift between daylight and night accompanied his transition from mortal to not. It beats out some of the other used myths, like (God forbid) a sparkling vampire.

Re: Basic "Facts" About Vampires

Posted: 22 Sep 2022, 13:51
by Agbata Precious 1
There are a lot of say about vampires but I love vampire movies and novels. I can say that they only come out at night and are also thirsty times.