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Re: End-of-the World Scenarios?

Posted: 09 Feb 2017, 04:40
by Mark Johnson
Did any of you happen to see the last episode of Black Mirror on Netflix with the nanobot bees, or bee drones as they called them? That was down right creepy, but not so far-fetched of an idea. Somehow the whole thought just gets under your skin when you talk about that many bees being controlled by someone for a purpose.

Re: End-of-the World Scenarios?

Posted: 09 Feb 2017, 19:15
by Janetleighgreen
hsimone wrote:Hm...I think the most plausible one was the asteroid of even the bees one. I feel bees (even though they freak me out) do help a lot in pollinating, so if they slowly died out, then the food we get from the ground would slowly begin to fade.

The scenario where eventually everyone wouldn't need to leave their houses because everything can be accessed there could also be plausible. Though traveling would be challenging, right now we have a lot that we can access in our homes (internet, cell phones, etc.), so all we need is a bit more technology and we might be there. Scary :shock:
I agree with you, I think the bees was the most disturbing for me. I think because, not too long ago, there was a danger of a shortage of bees or something. There may still a shortage. True to real life, and scary.

Re: End-of-the World Scenarios?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017, 22:25
by KAV
I think any of the senarios could be possible in the future, which is scary to think about. They are all a little far fetched but with a little advancement in technology I think anything is possible.

As to the bees comment. There are societies that will voluntarily rehome bee hives for free because of the decline in population. So if you have a bee hive around your house don't kill them, contact the organization.