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Re: Alien Abduction or Psychosis?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017, 22:34
by KAV
David Nash wrote:The problem with Henry's story being a psychotic episode is that he experiences time loss and the loss of his clothes. Now it is possible for a person to have a psychotic episode in which they lose time,but the episode time and real time differ by a huge factor in most cases. That is, the person experiences the loss of days when in fact, only minutes or hours have passed. And, in disappearing for long periods of time in psychosis there is a consistency in returning - someone should have seen him elsewhere, wandering in his psychotic state. The loss of clothes could be him removing them himself, but it then where did they go? Is he so consistent that he not only removes his clothes during an episode, but he also destroys them so that they never show up again? I think the facts argue that the abductions are real, not psychosis..
I would have considered the psychosis theory except for the fact that no one found him during the times that he was missing. A naked kid running around a town would be noticed. In some instances he was gone for a few days. The police were even looking for him. I believe that he was actually taken and the aliens wanted him to find a reason to save Earth.

Re: Alien Abduction or Psychosis?

Posted: 08 Mar 2017, 17:51
by bluegreenmarina
I think it's possible the abductions were a form of defense mechanism to help him deal with some of the emotional aspects of the situations he was in, and his relationships. I think certain emotions are too hard to put into words and we all find different ways to escape them - perhaps this was his.

Re: Alien Abduction or Psychosis?

Posted: 23 Mar 2017, 20:10
by Ellie Gatillo
I think aliens exist and what Henry experienced was actually alien abduction. The universe is a huge place. The possibility of other life forms is just as wide.

Re: Alien Abduction or Psychosis?

Posted: 24 Mar 2017, 16:32
by Amagine
I also believe it is alien abductions that he is experiencing because of the fact that he keeps finding himself naked. I mean, it can also be psychosis where he's in a trance and doing all this himself without realizing it.

Re: Alien Abduction or Psychosis?

Posted: 24 Mar 2017, 18:46
by Dh_
I want to believe that it was actually aliens and not that he was crazy. I definitely believe in aliens and it makes perfect sense for it to be an abduction rather than his imagination.

Re: Alien Abduction or Psychosis?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017, 03:17
by Naval Aulakh
I have always believed that aliens do exist. What happened with Henry in the book is alien abduction according to me.

Re: Alien Abduction or Psychosis?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017, 04:32
by Anjum
I think that it was a real abduction rather than a psychosis.