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Re: Is immortality a good or a bad thing?

Posted: 21 Feb 2017, 19:11
by rssllue
Immortality in this world is really not something that I would enjoy. There is way too much sin and evil to have to deal with it for such a long time. I just don't see it as a good thing overall.

Re: Is immortality a good or a bad thing?

Posted: 21 Feb 2017, 21:16
by taniaorellana
I think the answer depends on the type of person to become immortal because
Type a) would be sad to watch all their loved ones go, even if they enjoy themselves.
Type b) wouldn't really be attached to every mortal thing and can really be focused on learning new stuff and mastering the old one because they've got plenty of time.

I would also like to know if this immortality means not aging and dying or being fully resistant to deadly things.

Re: Is immortality a good or a bad thing?

Posted: 21 Feb 2017, 21:45
by Shashikant N Sharma
It is bad if option is available to all. It is good if available to good and talented persons.

Re: Is immortality a good or a bad thing?

Posted: 22 Feb 2017, 00:43
by CryssieAddis
Sounds good in theory but I would say it's a bad thing and is avoiding death. Living in avoidance and fear is never a good thing.

Re: Is immortality a good or a bad thing?

Posted: 22 Feb 2017, 23:01
by reader460
It's a a bad thing ...
Because if you are immortal
You'll see your beloved dieing in front of you and you'll not die...
diseases will make you weaker and weaker but you'll not die...
Even if you suffer with most severe pain but you'll not die..
And you'll start desire death but you'll not die....

Re: Is immortality a good or a bad thing?

Posted: 23 Feb 2017, 13:55
by [CA]
Reincarnation sounds better than immortality. Especially if one could unlock their past memories. There's also regeneration to consider, à la Doctor Who.

Re: Is immortality a good or a bad thing?

Posted: 26 Feb 2017, 17:20
by WaltzEternal
Ultimately, it depends on what you do to the world once you gain immortality.

Immortality is often portrayed in media as something bad, something immoral, and only bad guys will want it. But in the end, we find out all he/she wanted was a simple life, and he/she took a wrong turn and it snowballed out of control

What if you are just a normal bloke, and just want to see what happens to the world? You stay in your secluded part of the world, and just take in everything the world has to offer, quietly and peacefully.

It is your choice, you can rule the world, or do nothing to it. You know you can't die, and will live for a long time. Immortality gives your freedom, but is it real freedom? Alan Watts once said..."Freedom is the state of not havng to choose..."....*shrugs*

Re: Is immortality a good or a bad thing?

Posted: 26 Feb 2017, 17:37
by Orchids47

Good Look how much knowledge you could obtain.

Bad You would have to watch all your friends and family die before you.

Re: Is immortality a good or a bad thing?

Posted: 27 Feb 2017, 04:21
by Wasif Ahmed
WaltzEternal wrote:Ultimately, it depends on what you do to the world once you gain immortality.

Immortality is often portrayed in media as something bad, something immoral, and only bad guys will want it. But in the end, we find out all he/she wanted was a simple life, and he/she took a wrong turn and it snowballed out of control

What if you are just a normal bloke, and just want to see what happens to the world? You stay in your secluded part of the world, and just take in everything the world has to offer, quietly and peacefully.

It is your choice, you can rule the world, or do nothing to it. You know you can't die, and will live for a long time. Immortality gives your freedom, but is it real freedom? Alan Watts once said..."Freedom is the state of not havng to choose..."....*shrugs*
Nice Post! :D

Re: Is immortality a good or a bad thing?

Posted: 28 Feb 2017, 06:29
by lolashoes
I can't really speak for everyone but in my case, immortality will be a good thing because I'll make the most of it and I don't think my immortality will harm anyone.

Re: Is immortality a good or a bad thing?

Posted: 28 Feb 2017, 13:59
by lindsycummins
hsimone wrote:I think it depends on a few things.
  • 1) The type of person (greedy vs. kind)
    2) How will it affect our environment? Will Earth become overpopulated if many were given the choice? (not enough resources)
    3) Quality of life for those who are not mentally stable and others.
    4) Religion - people were not created to live forever on Earth.
Very challenging question indeed. :eusa-think:
Agreed! Very well said! :D

Re: Is immortality a good or a bad thing?

Posted: 28 Feb 2017, 19:48
by dosenron877
Immortality is a good thing if the immortal can learn from history.
Published historically accurate accounts are the closest we can get to the knowledge we need to use the gift of immortality wisely.
To date, published history shows that we do nothing more than repeat mistakes of the past.
Therefore, immortality is a bad thing. Horrors compounded are worse than their appearance in the initial incident.

Re: Is immortality a good or a bad thing?

Posted: 28 Feb 2017, 23:34
by drewcress
Wasif Ahmed wrote:
dhwanis wrote:I feel it is long as everyone around you is immortal as well....if that is not the case...then I feel it is bad as what is the point of living a life seeing everyone you love leave the planet..
If everyone becomes immortal, won't the earth become too overcrowded in just a couple of years?
Nah think how cheap space travel could be if we didn't have to worry about dieing! A few millenniums of medication may even be a selling point.

Re: Is immortality a good or a bad thing?

Posted: 01 Mar 2017, 15:52
by 1denarius
Immortality is a great thing. Truly this the destiny of mankind in the "grand" theme of all things. Death, was never a part of creation, only a penalty for transgressions. In the "new" age (aion), death will no longer have any power over mankind, and man will in turn, live forever, and all will be IMMORTAL, this is the finality,and the culmination for all flesh and blood human beings. :!2:

Re: Is immortality a good or a bad thing?

Posted: 01 Mar 2017, 15:59
by constantine265
I believe we are already immortal, someone mentioned the problem of ethernal youth being more important than immoratlity (nice reference to Greek mythology by the way) - in my oppinion death is just a recycling process dealing with that and bad memories... I think immortality is more probable than its alternative which would be nothingness before and after our lives - still have to see proof of nothing existing or even someone's explanation what nothing is, how does it look like, and an example of nothing exisiting in the universe. So in my oppinion it's not good or bad it just is, like most other concepts.