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Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 30 Mar 2017, 08:49
by Acwoolet
I don't usually enjoy end of civilization type books. But it seems to be widely enjoyed. I may just have to look it up!

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 30 Mar 2017, 16:38
by godreaujea
I give this book 5/5 stars! And so do several of my friends. Very good book.

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 30 Mar 2017, 22:20
by Shelle
Harsh99 wrote:I'm thinking about reading it. I've heard a lot of good things about it and have nothing to spend my Amazon gift cards on. Everybody's rating it 3 or 4, so I wonder how can everybody like it? It's really got me intrigued.
I definitely encourage you to give it a read! Then you'll need to come back here and let us know what you thought an add your insights to the discussion!

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 07 Apr 2017, 10:53
by ilovechickens777
I have only started reading this and so far it is pretty good.

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 08 Apr 2017, 12:39
by Leese
I'm only about a quarter of the way through it but I'm really enjoying it. Obviously can't put a completed rating on it yet, but I love the author's writing style and it really hooked me pretty quickly, especially for something that isn't usually a genre I'd go to.

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 19 Apr 2017, 22:04
by KAV
ashley_claire wrote:I feel like I say this a lot, but I was a little disappointed. This was a book that's been on my TBR for awhile and I've heard such great things about it from different sources. So maybe it was just too built up for me and I was left underwhelmed. I liked the story, but I didn't love it. I liked how everything came full circle at the end, but at a certain point in the book it was pretty obvious that's the direction that it was heading. I felt the plot moved along kind of slowly and I didn't really much care for Arthur's storyline. I gave the book 3 stars.
I felt the same way. The story was good but not great. It was entertaining and a good book to promote discussion, but it was pretty slow and many of the characters got on my nerves.

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 26 Apr 2017, 17:20
by MagicToDo930
I'm almost finished with it and I really thought it was going to be good, at least from the beginning. But as I'm continuing to read it, I don't like it. Not at all. Parts are ending abruptly which I can't stand. And the time not being continuous is too confusing. And normally I like end of the world books, sadly not this one.

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 30 Apr 2017, 03:15
by Shreyoshi Sen
It's a nice book with an amazing story. I rate it 4 out of 4.

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 06 May 2017, 04:20
by Jessiebessie123
I only read the review and it sound really great.

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 06 May 2017, 13:33
by MagicToDo930
After reading it, I have to say my opinion didn't change. There was so much going on and I felt the jumping from past to present got confusing. It made me lose focus on the book. I was hoping this was going to be a great read, but it wasn't.

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 30 May 2017, 19:10
by Azrevread
There were lots of unexpected plot twists in the novel.. The novel was compelling because the stories relating to the different characters happened before and after the devastating event. I rate the story at 3 out of 4 stars, and plan to read it again when I have more time. I would recommend Station Eleven to readers who like reading science fiction short stories or dystopian novels.

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 10 Jun 2017, 21:49
by kdstrack
I rate this book a 4 out of 4. This is an intriguing theme and very relevant to our time. What would life be like if we were one of the few that survived a worldwide pandemic? How many of us could survive and remain sane without our current technology? Would we know how hunt, fish or plant a garden? What would we do for medical care? The author presents interesting scenarios. This is a great fiction book but really makes the reader ponder on what could become reality!

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 04:19
by Naval Aulakh
From the review, this books seems interesting and I would like to read it :)

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 04 Jul 2017, 04:07
by NikkyT
This is the book of the month in a reading challenge I'm doing so I'm glad I came across this thread, it sounds like a very interesting read.

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 28 Jul 2017, 18:39
by smart24
my rating to this book is relatively high