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Re: What Would You Miss?

Posted: 28 Apr 2017, 15:45
by karolinka
I would miss my husband and my pets! And yes, everything else, too!

Re: What Would You Miss?

Posted: 01 May 2017, 17:28
by Nthabeleng
Technology keeps me in touch with my mother so without it I would miss her :-(

Re: What Would You Miss?

Posted: 01 May 2017, 19:46
by Lovely Eimeren
I miss the chance that I didn't do things right when I have the chance. But now I understand that I wouldn't have been better had I not committed those mistakes.

Re: What Would You Miss?

Posted: 03 May 2017, 18:56
by csimmons032
I would miss my family. I would probably miss everything that I take for granted. This does not have to be one specific thing, just a number of little things. The people I love though would be number one on the list. I couldn't imagine a life without anyone that I love in it. That would make for a very lonely life.

Re: What Would You Miss?

Posted: 04 May 2017, 14:56
by Natalie Charlene
I would most definitely miss the people in my life, along with my dog. Secondly, I would miss my books. The list of things I would miss goes on and on, but those are the most important to me.

Re: What Would You Miss?

Posted: 09 May 2017, 16:28
by srm628
It's hard to pick one specific thing. I would miss my friends and family, but I would also miss things like my iPhone and YouTube.

Re: What Would You Miss?

Posted: 14 May 2017, 21:07
by Lu-Ellen
I'd miss my family and modern conveniences, internet ect. I'd also miss a structured life. I live a very structured life due to my disabilities.

Re: What Would You Miss?

Posted: 16 May 2017, 14:55
by SilviaP21
It's kind of hard to think about this but I think that every little thing that happens to us and everything that surrounds us has its purpose. If I would be deprived of just one insignificant thing, that is probably what I would miss and need the most at that time. That is why I think that Everything is the most correct answer to this question

Re: What Would You Miss?

Posted: 18 May 2017, 07:01
by Karrar Ri
Gravy wrote:This question appears in the inside front cover, and it followed me through the book. With every turn of the page it was in my head.

So what would you miss?
I hope i will not have to miss anyone ,but of coarse i will miss my home my family my bed sometimes my phone lol.

Re: What Would You Miss?

Posted: 22 May 2017, 00:30
by BookishBookkeeping
The world I knew and the one I thought I was heading into. Creature comforts, a sense of security, and a home. We take to much for granted.

Re: What Would You Miss?

Posted: 22 May 2017, 09:44
by bruin
Scerakor wrote: The thing that you tend to miss the most is something that has become second nature to you already and that you don't think about.
This is so true. You really don't realize how much something means to you until it is no longer available. Sometimes you can adjust to this change, but sometimes it really has a great impact on your quality of life. I realized how much I rely on electricity when my power went out for a few days during a blizzard in a rural area.

Re: What Would You Miss?

Posted: 23 May 2017, 03:55
by Janien van Rooyen
I would miss my kids. Nothing in this world could ever have the same amount of importance to me than they do.

Re: What Would You Miss?

Posted: 24 May 2017, 21:16
by jemgirl202
My family! My husband and my boys mean the world to me.

Re: What Would You Miss?

Posted: 26 May 2017, 18:31
by Khaya
bruin wrote:
Scerakor wrote: The thing that you tend to miss the most is something that has become second nature to you already and that you don't think about.
This is so true. You really don't realize how much something means to you until it is no longer available. Sometimes you can adjust to this change, but sometimes it really has a great impact on your quality of life. I realized how much I rely on electricity when my power went out for a few days during a blizzard in a rural area.
That is true. I just came back from vacation in Florida, but while there I had no T.V and couldn't really use my computer and only really had my mom for company for 10 days. This boredom along with some other things had a definite change in my happiness levels.

Re: What Would You Miss?

Posted: 27 May 2017, 20:52
by k2rugman
My family is so important to me, I would definitely miss them. I'm also very attached to my childhood home. I built it with my family so it has great sentimental value to me.