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Re: What are your thoughts on post apocalyptic stories?

Posted: 21 May 2017, 18:34
by Antares
I like the idea of the genre but, I always want the background. I lose interest in the characters and plot wondering about how the world got there.

Re: What are your thoughts on post apocalyptic stories?

Posted: 22 May 2017, 00:14
by BookishBookkeeping
One book "The Road" is the type of post apocalyptic story I like to avoid. The others just make me want to build a bunker, hoard food and books, and never come back to the surface. These books intrigue me in their depictions of the future and how the characters adapt but mostly they just make me want to become a dooms day prepper. :(

Re: What are your thoughts on post apocalyptic stories?

Posted: 22 May 2017, 07:59
by SilviaP21
I couldn't find yet a book that I love with this subject. But I am completely open to it. Who knows? Maybe in a few years I will also be a fan

Re: What are your thoughts on post apocalyptic stories?

Posted: 23 May 2017, 06:35
by Emilyflint
I enjoy this genre, although not my favorite. There was a set of books I read recently set in a dystopian society. I could not finish these books, the situations ended repeating themselves in all the books and I was just done.

Re: What are your thoughts on post apocalyptic stories?

Posted: 25 May 2017, 20:01
by GCamer
I think there are so many post apocalyptic stories out there. Most readers are fascinated by how the world would be when this happens. I personally like the survival part of these stories. It's funny that in our technologically advanced world, post apocalyptic plots would always force the characters to thrive in the most basic way.

In my opinion, we will be the reason for the collapse of civilization. If we continue to abuse our planet our home will be lost. Or if people become too greedy for power there will be war and we will be the cause of our own fall.

I just hope it won't happen too soon.

Re: What are your thoughts on post apocalyptic stories?

Posted: 28 May 2017, 18:38
by nikkon
In a way we are in a dystopian society right now (poverty, war, famine ect). So with that said, I kinda enjoy it but I wish that there is some change in the genre instead of "Katniss remakes".

Re: What are your thoughts on post apocalyptic stories?

Posted: 28 May 2017, 19:41
by GCamer
"In a way we are in a dystopian society right now (poverty, war, famine ect)"

I kind of agree with Nikkon. I just hope that with all these dystopian books, people will wake up and learn to take care of our environment and help each other so we can help solve problems with poverty, terrorism, and all those negative things.

Re: What are your thoughts on post apocalyptic stories?

Posted: 29 May 2017, 16:56
by Blue-siren
The Post apocalyptic genre, I feel, tend to be filled with tropes (though some books do stray away from them) but I do like the genre but I can't read a book in the genre at the same time. Post apocalyptic book do bring up themes that people don't like to think about. Though themes about humans, their loyal, moral, and values are my favorites in post apocalyptic.

Re: What are your thoughts on post apocalyptic stories?

Posted: 30 May 2017, 06:27
by noorsawhney
I like post-apocalyptic stories - they can be really good if well executed. I think the most effective books are those that describe how a normal world descended into chaos because it's more of a speculative future for us and makes it even more chilling. After reading lots of these I always wind up looking for signs of an apocalypse in real life!

Re: What are your thoughts on post apocalyptic stories?

Posted: 31 May 2017, 17:36
by Katherine Smith
I think that post apocalyptic stories can be interesting if they are written realistically and the reader can see themselves in the characters. I believe that some post apocalyptic stories can seemed forced if the same topic has been done repeatedly.

Re: What are your thoughts on post apocalyptic stories?

Posted: 01 Jun 2017, 17:09
by TheSeelieCourtJester
Post apocalyptic stories generally tell what happened after life as we know it had ended on earth. They talk about human endurance, strength, and whether or not there's hope for humanity in the future. Personally, I believe that these stories walk a thin line between human corruption and innocence, evil and good. As for whether or not that would happen in the future, I've absolutely no idea; so many times we've come close to ending everything, from the threat of nuclear war, to civil wars erupting in the countries close to us, to even domestic disputes in our very own neighborhood. History will essentially repeat itself is what I think, with the thought of an apocalyptic world looming near but never actually reaching us.

Re: What are your thoughts on post apocalyptic stories?

Posted: 05 Jun 2017, 23:48
by jemgirl202
I think we have a history of being fascinated with the apocalypse. You see those stories that were told since the beginning of time, like the story of The Flood. The bible discusses the end of time. So I think it is a popular genre because it is something that we think we can relate too. We see wars and awful things happening and can't help but wonder if this is it.

Re: What are your thoughts on post apocalyptic stories?

Posted: 06 Jun 2017, 17:03
by Anirudh Badri
I like stories that try to set up a large scope for themselves. As a result, I like post-apocalyptic books which focuses on survivors who are trying to re-establish society or a new world order of some sort.

The ones that just deal with survival, either as a thriller book or with a romantic underlying theme end up boring me.

As for causes of an apocalypse, the front runners right now would be global warming, nuclear war and a hostile Artificial Intelligence.

Re: What are your thoughts on post apocalyptic stories?

Posted: 07 Jun 2017, 10:36
by Sarah G
I do find this genre of book interesting but sometimes I think the stories get repetitive or you have the authors opinion on what could save the world and what we should do from now on shoved down your throat. Some can be real hits but I do find more often than not that they fall a bit flat

Re: What are your thoughts on post apocalyptic stories?

Posted: 11 Jun 2017, 04:06
by kislany
Along with mysteries and thrillers, post-apocalyptic and dipstopian novels (and movies) are some of my most favorite past-time activities to engage in. I've just read The Fifth Wave for the second time and can't get enough of it. This BOTM is on my to-read list.