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Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 01 Mar 2017, 14:48
by gali
This is a discussion topic for the March 2017 Book of the Month "Station Eleven" by St. John Mandel.

What is your overall opinion of "Station Eleven"? What do you like most about it? What do you like least? Will you recommend the book to other people? Why or why not? Please remember to add your actual rating using the book's page on bookshelves.

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 01 Mar 2017, 14:51
by kandscreeley
Did you mean Station Eleven? It still says Diary of an Immortal...

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 01 Mar 2017, 14:54
by gali
kandscreeley wrote:Did you mean Station Eleven? It still says Diary of an Immortal...
Yes. I fixed it. :tiphat:

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 01 Mar 2017, 16:50
by ashley_claire
I feel like I say this a lot, but I was a little disappointed. This was a book that's been on my TBR for awhile and I've heard such great things about it from different sources. So maybe it was just too built up for me and I was left underwhelmed. I liked the story, but I didn't love it. I liked how everything came full circle at the end, but at a certain point in the book it was pretty obvious that's the direction that it was heading. I felt the plot moved along kind of slowly and I didn't really much care for Arthur's storyline. I gave the book 3 stars.

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 01 Mar 2017, 17:07
by MsMartha
I gave this book 4 stars. I received it as a present, but I wasn't sure I'd enjoy it--I rarely read books like this any more, because they all seem to be very similar. That wasn't the case, though. There were several things I liked, including the variety of characters and the locations where the story takes place (some are areas I'm familiar with). I'd like to try some of the author's other books as well. I definitely suggest it to other readers!

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 03 Mar 2017, 06:00
by Gravy
I gave it a full 4 stars, though I almost rated it a 3 (due to multiple minor issues I had with it).
I actually quite enjoyed it, though I'm not the biggest fan of this POV. I loved the origin of the title.

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 03 Mar 2017, 16:24
by Bookworm39
I want to read this book. Do I have to buy it in order to read it?

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 03 Mar 2017, 22:47
by Shelle
I'm happy to see Station Eleven is the BOTM! It's been on my to-read list for a while and seeing it as BOTM has put it to the front of the line. I just grabbed it from the library today and will start in on it this weekend.

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 04 Mar 2017, 01:40
by gali
Bookworm39 wrote:I want to read this book. Do I have to buy it in order to read it?
Yes, or borrow it from your local library.

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 07 Mar 2017, 05:33
by Heidi M Simone
I read this a while ago, and I'm going to have to revisit in order to give an accurate rating. I remember enjoying it, but I don't think I loved this book. But, I'm looking forward to revisiting it to discuss more!

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 08 Mar 2017, 17:46
by bluegreenmarina
I just read the description of this book and I'm interested in reading it! I hope it goes on sale soon... sounds like a very interesting premise; I love a good apocalyptic thriller!

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 08 Mar 2017, 21:55
by Shelle
I just finished it and eagerly give it a full 4 stars. I liked many of the characters and the storyline, especially how it jumped around to different times. The story made me think about so many conveniences we take for granted and how the world would work (or not work) if everything just stopped. The Traveling Symphony stole my heart and I rooted for this rag-tag bunch of performers who genuinely wanted to bring a little beauty into a cruel world. I had never read any books from this author and now I'm adding her other works to my list.

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 09 Mar 2017, 12:37
by Lulubelle
I would also give it 4 stars. I thought all the characters were interesting, and I enjoyed learning their backstories. I would have liked to have seen more of the Station Eleven artwork.

Re: Scavenging

Posted: 11 Mar 2017, 01:00
by BoazChipere
it's a Fair book with vast turnouts, intriguing story on the outcome results.Its all about survival which can relate to circumstances one faces and that you can do anything to survive in every situation you encounter as an individual

Re: Overall Rating of "Station Eleven"

Posted: 11 Mar 2017, 16:34
by Jennifer Allsbrook
I enjoyed reading this story. The plot was fascinating. A pandemic that ends civilization as we know it. It is hard to fathom such a world-ending scenario but with people our society can not function. We often forget with all our automation and gadgets that people are still at the heart of what makes our civilization work. Another aspect of the story that I really enjoyed was the flash-forward and flash-back literary approach used by the author. This is one of my favorite literary devices. It allows a story to move forward and then at appropriate times allows the author to fill in back story. The characters of the story were all well developed and the imaginative portrayal of this post-apocalyptic world was gripping. I enjoyed Kristen's character the most and I also enjoyed how most of the people we are introduced to have a connection to Arthur. Miranda, Elizabeth and Tyler who later became the prophet, Clark, Jeevan, and Kristen - the story comes full circle. I would have really liked for Kristen and Tyler to have discovered the connection to Arthur, but he was too far gone to have likely cared. I also enjoyed how the symbolism of the comic book story seemed to arise at interesting times. Overall, I rate this story 4 out of 4 stars. This type of story requires immense imaginative skills and understanding of human nature. I would recommend this story to others. Great read!