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Re: Do you believe in exorcism or possessed?

Posted: 17 Jun 2017, 07:49
by Fuzee4
Being possesed is completely different from the question of devil's existence. They exist, but I'm sure they don't go around possessing human beings.

Re: Do you believe in exorcism or possessed?

Posted: 18 Jun 2017, 02:16
by Rosemary Okoko
I believe evil spirits are created in the mind. If you allow evil thoughts you get possessed by them. It's kind of like brainwashing. One would need intervention to come out of it.

Re: Do you believe in exorcism or possessed?

Posted: 18 Jun 2017, 14:18
by bridget3420
I definitely believe in being possessed. I don't know whether or not i believe an exorcism will work though...

Re: Do you believe in exorcism or possessed?

Posted: 24 Jun 2017, 14:47
by shish_by_design
of course i do. I've seen it happen more than once back home that i cannot afford to dismiss it

Re: Do you believe in exorcism or possessed?

Posted: 01 Jul 2017, 16:15
by Kalin Adi
I believe what the Bible says, and it says there was a battle between Jesus and Satan, but Satan lost the battle and he and his demons were hurled down to the Earth, and now they are causing tribulation to people. Besides, the Bible says the demons do have the power to possess someone; however, this only happens if the person allows the demons possess him/her by calling them, practicing spiritism or/and enjoying entertainment related to spiritism.

Re: Do you believe in exorcism or possessed?

Posted: 09 Aug 2017, 02:26
by fayetino
evil spirits do exist and they do possess people. but that is not the only reason why bad things happen.

Re: Do you believe in exorcism or possessed?

Posted: 09 Aug 2017, 09:53
by Vivian Paschal
I actually do believe that these things exist. It's beyond culture even, it's also religious. As a Christian, I have read about them in the Bible and heard trustworthy people talk about their personal experiences. I've even witnessed a few myself, though not really serious ones. I also think some of these diseases in science like multiple personality disorder are actually spiritual in nature... Just saying. I believe that there's more to this world than meets the eye.

Re: Do you believe in exorcism or possessed?

Posted: 25 Sep 2017, 12:47
by Kadzo mae
In Kenya I have witnessed people acting strangely, falling down and shouting out. I've seen people taking in different tongues whilst in the throes of exorcising the demon but I'm still not convinced about what was actually going on. I've seen witchdoctors driving out "demons" and the Catholic Church has specialists who deal in exorcisms but the logical part of me says that it hysteria. I really don't know.

Re: Do you believe in exorcism or possessed?

Posted: 28 Sep 2017, 12:58
by eelavahs-jay
I've experienced it before (not the possession bit) but the actual haunting of a spirit. I had to seek spiritual intervention to be free. I kid you not, there was also a case of possession at a college nearby. It had to be closed down for a while. There are still online articles about it.

Re: Do you believe in exorcism or possessed?

Posted: 29 Sep 2017, 01:51
by IanYanny
I believe in such things given the fact that I know people that saw someone who is possessed. The real possession not the one caused by mass hysteria.

Re: Do you believe in exorcism or possessed?

Posted: 05 Oct 2017, 14:30
by Doaa Wael
Based on my religion, Demons and Dijins exit. They may influence humans to do bad deeds but they are not always capable of possessing or harming them. Historical incidents of black magic entail that it was performed with the "assistance" of demons, so in a way that proves their existence. While i believe they exist, i am not sure how much our world and theirs collide.

Re: Do you believe in exorcism or possessed?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017, 21:34
by Que Lopez
I do believe that there are evil spirits and demons walking amongst us. I think that they can and have the ability to possess people. However, I’m not sure if I believe that exorcism is real or has the ability to free an individual from being bound by an evil spirit or demon.

Re: Do you believe in exorcism or possessed?

Posted: 10 Feb 2018, 13:15
by Harrygx3
I don't believe in any of those but I am always willing to change my mind upon proof that such things exist. Blaming evil spirits for doing bad sounds irresponsible to me and more like a delusion some people use on purpose to give a reason for a bad act. If you think or do bad just be honest about it and take responsibility, none is perfect and being honest will make receiving help easier.

Re: Do you believe in exorcism or possessed?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018, 10:55
by Mailis
I think it's best not to give power of belief to anything evil that might or might not manifest in this world. I want to believe in good things.

Re: Do you believe in exorcism or possessed?

Posted: 18 Mar 2018, 16:00
by mamalui
I do believe in evil spirits and that they can influence a person's conduct. I believe they can cause fear, they can cause desease, and many other terrible afflictions.