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Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 20 Jun 2017, 07:09
I think it is His way of testing us, making us tougher. You can get through anything if you have faith. Life has both ups and downs. You have to believe that.

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 21 Jun 2017, 10:15
by Insomniac07
I do not believe God allows bad things to happen. It is usually the result of a choice humans make; if not by us personally, then the choice of someone else. Also, if we do not struggle sometimes, how can we understand what a good life is? How can we empathize with those who suffer more than us?

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 24 Jun 2017, 14:45
by shish_by_design
i don't think God allows bad things to happen to good people. I think that its human choices that lead to bad things happening to good people

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 26 Jun 2017, 03:43
by Harmony Hills
God allows problems for us to grow and for us to get out from our comfort zone. It's like He's saying "I know you can do better than that."

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017, 05:58
by Ruschelle
It is not God's fault. God had given man free will and with this, man should be responsible with his actions. However, man is greedy and insatiable so it's his actions/deeds that makes him miserable.

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 25 Jul 2017, 01:36
by Richard Mudd
The question presupposes the existence of a god who is in a position to allow or prevent good or bad things occurring, I do not subscribe to that view. To my mind having a convenient entity to blame or thank for what is absolutely only in the hands of yourself, other human beings or the natural world's awful magnificence, is just an avoidance of fact. By the way, what defines a good person ?

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 28 Jul 2017, 06:52
by Ssinghal
I think of it as a test whenever it happens. You can also think of it as the prelude to blessings. as it's said, "The night is always darkest before the dawn. "

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 28 Jul 2017, 09:05
by ReviewerDiksha
This is the exact same question that has been rooted in my head for a better part of the year now. And what makes me dwell on it even more is the fact that I see some really bad people around myself and they are never the ones who suffer! I don't want bad things to happen for ANYONE, but I would like to know why scales are tipped in the favor of the bad ones while the good people suffer.

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 31 Jul 2017, 12:06
by bookiegalke
to bring out the best in them and there are numerous scripture verses I would quote to illustrate this

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 02 Aug 2017, 07:59
by Yemurai
I think it's just a test God gives people to measure their level of faith and resolve. Just like Abraham in the Bible who was ordered to sacrifice his son or Job whose life was shattered and everything was taken from him. It's to know you will stand by him(God) through good times and bad.

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 09 Aug 2017, 01:40
by fayetino
bad things happen to everyone good or bad. I think that is just how life works. I think the belief that bad things only happen to bad people is unrealistic. you wouldn't be who you are today if it weren't for all the trials you've had to face.

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 12 Aug 2017, 03:56
by Anjum
In order to make man wise and humble, God has to give him both good and bad experiences.

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 22 Aug 2017, 09:30
by Quinto
Hardship builds character, that's a common saying. So the fact is, one becomes a better person if they go through trials. They seldom last anyway.

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 22 Aug 2017, 14:40
by maggiemae22
I think that is the hardest answer to come up with. I am still trying to figure that out. If you find out can you let me know.

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 04:07
by IanYanny
In my opinion, we shouldn't blame God in regards to the wrong decision we make. God is there to guide us and it is up to us to act on it.