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Re: Good vs. Evil

Posted: 07 Jun 2017, 04:05
by samuelmhambwa
To me God is the most high and will always remain at The top and the devil has no prosperity into our lives
God knows how to handle and also how to deal with the evil plans of the devil

Re: Good vs. Evil

Posted: 07 Jun 2017, 15:45
by masterhawk88
I believe that even though good vs evil stories are often predictable we will always enjoy them. There are a million reasons why, but I think it boils down to we want good to prevail, and in the world we exist in it's never so clear cut as that.

Re: Good vs. Evil

Posted: 08 Jun 2017, 02:44
by mercy wanjiku
I love the book, playing the good guy sucks,the book is aimed at younger reader, thanks .

Re: Good vs. Evil

Posted: 08 Jun 2017, 03:17
by MTReader91
I agree with the predictability, but I've also read where evil prevails for most of the series until an unlikely hero(ine) comes into the light of the story line. The book also opens up a new world to us readers knowing that there is evil out there as well as creatures we assume are legends and tales.

Re: Good vs. Evil

Posted: 08 Jun 2017, 03:22
by dekoh
the book is quite interesting and very good

Re: Good vs. Evil

Posted: 08 Jun 2017, 12:35
by Kalin Adi
I totally agree when we read this type of books we know or assume Good will prevail. However, what I personally consider exciting is to read about how hard it is to achieve a goal or how many obstacles the characters have to endure or face in order to receive a reward or win over Evil. I like the fact that these characters give us an example of strength and perseverance.

Re: Good vs. Evil

Posted: 24 Jun 2017, 14:52
by shish_by_design
as predictable as the trope may be, a well executed book can be enjoyable. It all depends on the writing and the plot twists

Re: Good vs. Evil

Posted: 25 Jun 2017, 20:41
by MelDevi
I actually adore Marvel because of this. Those who dislike plain good vs plain evil will definitely appreciate characters like Loki (aside from it being potrayed by the gentleman Hiddleston). Good and evil each has a beginning, and choices to take, which is true for all of us. When crafted well, stories on good vs evil tell us that the pen is in our hands, the pages are blank, the book is life.

Re: Good vs. Evil

Posted: 26 Jun 2017, 00:08
by MTReader91
I can relate good and evil to the Dragonlance Novels by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. Their stories are full of good and evil as well as good winning and evil winning.

Re: Good vs. Evil

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 04:16
by Naval Aulakh
I believe that if our thoughts are good then everything is good. Negative thoughts create negative situations

-- 09 Jul 2017, 02:43 --

Whenever we read a book that depicts good vs evil, we always assume that good is going to win at the end which makes the story of the book quite obvious.

Re: Good vs. Evil

Posted: 12 Jul 2017, 17:25
by Yoli GarcĂ­a
I find interesting the theme of good versus evil, and I think Lincoln Cole brought it up nicely throughout the story. Haatim almost lost his faith after his sister's death, but his inner strength and knowledge allowed him to prevail at the end. I think there's more to him than meets the eye. Abigail has an inner battle and is more complex than Haatim (at least during this book). Many of her actions, particularly her deal with Delaphene, showed her multidimensional personality. She wants to save people but is prepared to fight dirty.

Re: Good vs. Evil

Posted: 18 Jul 2017, 21:19
by Pm7lucas
I love the good versus evil theme! It never gets old or boring for me. Yes, you usually assume that good will win, but that is not always the case. Even though I've read literally thousands of these kinds of books, as long as the book is well written with good characters, I will enjoy the tale!

Paula :D

Re: Good vs. Evil

Posted: 20 Jul 2017, 07:14
by IsabelMay
Due to the fact that it never gets old, it's even better to keep discussing it. It's interesting to see what different people think about it. I personally believe that good wins in the end, but it's a slow and devastating process sometimes. One bad thing can cause good things to happen too, it's never too dark. It's unfortunate that, to get to ''good'', we have to work so hard and fall so many times, but we only learn to value it more.

Re: Good vs. Evil

Posted: 25 Jul 2017, 01:13
by Richard Mudd
First, one would need to define those terms and I challenge anyone to come up with definitions that are met with universal agreement. Your personal version of good and or evil will be very different from almost everybody else on the planet, as your perception is unique, at least assuming you have not been brainwashed into reciting another person's mantra, and here lies the rub of the matter. Adopting one religion's or culture's concepts will tend to close your mind to alternative theories and crush, at least sideline any independent thinking. I am an expat Brit living in semi bush in East Africa, with close ties to the local community, most are subsistence (often barely surviving) farmers with a few cattle, chickens etc., I can assure you that their concept of good and evil will be different from yours.

Re: Good vs. Evil

Posted: 09 Aug 2017, 02:04
by fayetino
you're right. they become predictable. this is the reason I didn't read the other books in this series. You know how it's going to end. the only question with these books is the how.