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What do you think of the Supernatural Thriller Genre?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017, 10:44
by MarisaRose
Supernatural stories can be thrilling, scary and even thought provoking. What is your take on the genre? Do you like reading about ghosts and deamons?

I find the genre has been so flooded in the last few years that it can be difficult to come across an original supernatural based story. Do you think the genre has become overly repetitve?

Re: What do you think of the Supernatural Thriller Genre?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017, 11:36
by kandscreeley
It can be repetitive, but I think there are ways authors can distinguish themselves. Good characters being one. This isn't my usual genre, but I do read one here and there.

Re: What do you think of the Supernatural Thriller Genre?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017, 11:42
by gali
I like the genre and enjoy reading about ghosts. I agree it becomes overly repetitive. I don't read as many of those books now due to the lack of originality. Now and then I come across a good one, though.

Re: What do you think of the Supernatural Thriller Genre?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017, 11:42
by Mune
I do agree that it has sort of ran it's course in the traditional aspects, especially with the over production of possession, ghost, and demon movies and stories. Many have a simplistic religious backing and the general demonic or evil entity.

That being said, there is the random gem that can poke through. I would have to say the closest I have seen in the past few years is the movies Sinister and Dream House. As for books, I tend to read the older ones, as many newer ones are rather repetitive. With writers like King and Poe setting my mental basis, it is difficult for many books to live up to those standards.

I think it is time for a fresh twist on these types of stories. Turn tropes on their head and approach them differently. Classic can still be good, but it truly is a flooded market.

Re: What do you think of the Supernatural Thriller Genre?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017, 12:28
by Amagine
I don't like reading stories about spirits and ghosts but I don't mind reading about angels or demons. I occasionally like the supernatural. Even though, I'm more of a contemporary writer/reader.

Re: What do you think of the Supernatural Thriller Genre?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017, 20:23
by Sindhu Srinath
I think it's a fascinating genre. I'm sure that only a very skilled writer can excel in this genre. Introducing too many or too complex characters might not be very easy to understand. Having an engaging story-line would be very impressive.

Re: What do you think of the Supernatural Thriller Genre?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017, 20:58
by Dh_
I love this genre because there's so many things an author can do with it. Since it's supernatural, it's up to their imagination and so I find that no two books are alike.

Re: What do you think of the Supernatural Thriller Genre?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017, 10:22
by hailvilla18
I like supernatural thriller genre when I notice the originality of the author. There have been so many stories with this genre. If the author is able to distinguish his work from the others, I'd surely love it.

Re: What do you think of the Supernatural Thriller Genre?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017, 10:33
by Lest92
As it has been mentioned, the genre became flooded so quickly that I never had much interest in it - and originality in all genres is going the way of the dodo but just sometimes a truly talented writer comes along and stands out above the millions of pedestrian books on offer. It really does take a phenomenally creative mind to make a splash these days.

Re: What do you think of the Supernatural Thriller Genre?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017, 10:52
by christinac_2585
kandscreeley wrote:It can be repetitive, but I think there are ways authors can distinguish themselves. Good characters being one. This isn't my usual genre, but I do read one here and there.
I agree. I believe it has become repetitive but with great characters it can make all the difference. I read this genre and also paranormal romance so I have seen some stories being very similar in storylines.

Re: What do you think of the Supernatural Thriller Genre?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017, 13:32
by Heidi M Simone
Honestly, I don't actively seek this genre, however, through OBC, I have found a few that I have enjoyed. As everyone has said, I feel this can become repetitive if authors are not careful.

Re: What do you think of the Supernatural Thriller Genre?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017, 19:12
by Amagine
Swara Sangeet wrote:I think it's a fascinating genre. I'm sure that only a very skilled writer can excel in this genre. Introducing too many or too complex characters might not be very easy to understand. Having an engaging story-line would be very impressive.
I agree that you have to be skilled to write in this genre. You have to be very detail oriented as you must paint a careful picture for thriller fans. Also, there has to be great mysteries and secrets in these types of books as well. I applaud anyone who can write a great thriller novel. It's definitely not for novices.

Re: What do you think of the Supernatural Thriller Genre?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017, 21:23
by Kourtney Bradley
Supernatural Thrillers are definitely on my top favorites list. I enjoy reading about what seems impossible, so these books are right in line with what I look for!

Re: What do you think of the Supernatural Thriller Genre?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017, 22:15
by CarrieMe
I like this genre, but the quality of the characters and whether I'm able to care about them always comes first for me. Sometimes it can be hard to find books that manage to accomplish this.

Re: What do you think of the Supernatural Thriller Genre?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017, 22:44
by bruin
Supernatural thriller books can be similar, and I have to be in the mood to read them. Some lose my interests if I can't connect with the characters right away.