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Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 25 May 2017, 04:57
by Janien van Rooyen
This is a question that Haatim seemed to struggle with. It's also this question that crippled his faith and beliefs.

Have you ever asked that same question? What was the answer you got from it?

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 26 May 2017, 21:49
by Riki
The only answer that ever made me feel better was that bad things need to happen for people to mature and change. That might seem cruel, but I don't know what kind of person I would be if I never had to struggle. But I wholly believe I would be worse off internally if I never learned how to overcome hardships.

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 26 May 2017, 23:03
by Janien van Rooyen
Riki wrote:The only answer that ever made me feel better was that bad things need to happen for people to mature and change. That might seem cruel, but I don't know what kind of person I would be if I never had to struggle. But I wholly believe I would be worse off internally if I never learned how to overcome hardships.
I do like your take on it... its like the old saying, you've got to have bad days in order to appreciate the good ones ?

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 27 May 2017, 04:35
if god did not allow bad things to good people,good people will be taking them above the bad people

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 28 May 2017, 02:23
by joycekiki
God does not allow bad things to happen. Bad things happen because of the choices made by humanity. Think about it, from global warming, crimes, environmental destruction, wars, sicknesses, i could go on and on... God never intended or even wanted bad things to happen to people. It is his adversary Satan through our sins that these things happen. The bible says the enemy comes to steal, kill and to destroy. I think we have seen this so many times. However there is hope. God wants us to believe in him and to trust him by accepting Christ into our lives. When we do this all that was lost will be restored.

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 29 May 2017, 03:25
by jhwoest
God does not bring bad things over people. The human beam brings it upon them self's. God a peace full God.

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 29 May 2017, 11:09
by shimaturnage
God wants bad things to happen to good people so that they can learn, mature, and grow from the bad things. in order to receive good thing you have to have a few down falls to help you keep from getting back into the bad things. its all about learning life if you have good things all the time in your life you wouldn't know what to do when you in a bad situation. so GOD is helping ones learns life.

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 29 May 2017, 12:00
by vinacachero
Its not because a person is good, you cannot say God will not allow him to do some bad things in there lives. Because sometimes, it was their own choice if they will do some bad things. Because we all know that God is always there for us. Even we're a good or a bad person. He always forgive us no matter what. And remember, Jesus died for us. God helps us.

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 30 May 2017, 01:09
by Sade
I think that God allows bad things to happen so he can mold you and make you into a stronger and more perfect image of him. I believe that when they go through this, they become a living testimony to him and a symbol of perseverance.

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 30 May 2017, 07:06
by Ngure
I think that God allows bad things to happen to good people so that the good people can grow strong emotionally and mentally and also as a test of faith so that they can show where their faith is in God only.

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 31 May 2017, 12:55
by SherriD
The bad things that happen to good people, I feel, test faith, compassion, grace and forgiveness. I really need to get out my bible, but I read The Shack and it seemed that one of its core themes is that God is unable to choose which of his children gets judged because he loves us all. Therefore, he allows us to suffer the consequences of our own choices. Innocents that suffer tests our forgiveness and faith the most, and like Ngure said above, there are no answers except faith in God.

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 31 May 2017, 16:15
by michael kwaghhar
This is possible so that you will move to a greater level and be able to handle higher task.

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 31 May 2017, 17:13
by jemgirl202
This is a great question and I think anyone who believes in god/gods/higher being comes across this at some point within their faith. I have been through quite a bit when it comes to tragedy. It does affect your faith. We are human. We are emotional beings. For me, I don't think God looks down on each individual person and says, "well they need to grow, so I am going to make them go through this __________ (insert example)" I am not even sure what I believe. I think people put God in this box and say, "this is how He is and what He is thinking and this is why bad things happen" When in reality no one knows. No one can say with 100% certainty, this is why God didn't answer his prayer but answered hers. This is no way to be offensive to anyone. This is just based on my own personal tragedies and observations stemming from those tragedies.

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 31 May 2017, 17:31
by Katherine Smith
I believe that the bad tings that happen to us are caused by us. Many times the struggles that we go through in life are their to challenge us and make us better people.

Re: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Posted: 31 May 2017, 19:27
by Ghingir
I, too, have an issue with this. I have always wondered why God can't just stop really bad things happening to good people. Yes, we have free will and can cause bad things to happen to us by wrong actions and/or decisions, but that doesn't mean that God couldn't stop whatever bad things from happening in the end. He could teach us in a less threatening manner what it is we are to learn. I believe that is just an excuse by Christians to explain why God seems to not be there (sometimes). I have a feeling I'll be flamed for that last statement, but that is how I feel.

Death, on the other hand, even at a young age, I don't consider to be a bad thing if it happens to a good person. While the good person's friends and family will, of course, be hurt tremendously, it is a reward to the good person to be taken early to Heaven, and avoid whatever horrible tragedies may have befallen them in life. They will not need to suffer through what a lot of us already have, or will in the future. I believe that early exit through death is a gift from God to the truly good. So, if you're still here, you got some learning to do, Lucy! Including myself... My, I'll probably live forever, haha.

What are your thoughts? Thanks!