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Re: If you were an animal, what would that be?

Posted: 01 Jun 2017, 09:01
by s_hempel
^_^ Cat all the way- but big cat! Tiger/Lion etc... if I had to be a domesticated breed- Norwegian Forrest Cat! My Norwegian (Rambo- 15yrs old) has a pretty good life! Spoiled rotten <3 But so big and majestic- king of the hill for sure!

Re: If you were an animal, what would that be?

Posted: 01 Jun 2017, 09:58
by jemgirl202
I would most likely be a dog. I am a huge dog person and love dogs. They are so loyal. Sometimes I feel I can trust them more than humans.

Re: If you were an animal, what would that be?

Posted: 01 Jun 2017, 14:19
by BlogofBooks
If i were an animal I would be an owl. There always there watching but at the same time they stay in the shadows. I relate so much to them.

Re: If you were an animal, what would that be?

Posted: 01 Jun 2017, 16:32
by TheSeelieCourtJester
If I were an animal, I'd probably be a bat. The reason for that is that in Finland, bats are believed to be human souls flying through the night. When a person goes to sleep, they believe that their soul flies around the night skies (and thus is the reason for dreams). When sunrise comes, a bat would go back to the person, and that person would wake up. I'm also a paranormal/supernatural/horror fan, and associate bats with vampires and other monsters.

Re: If you were an animal, what would that be?

Posted: 02 Jun 2017, 16:02
by Egbenine
I would rather like to be a rabbit. They can live with absolutely other animals, but if none ' eats,' me!

Re: If you were an animal, what would that be?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017, 06:38
by Josh0018
I would rather be a carabao. My parents are both farmers, and the only thing that I could do to be able to help them is to be a strong and big carabao who could help them in tilling our farmland's soil and plow it for a better plantation.

Re: If you were an animal, what would that be?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017, 08:21
by Zubia rana
i would like to be a falcon who makes long flies over the mountains and fly over the sky. his flights are away from earth, away from mean people of world. I want to be free like him....

Re: If you were an animal, what would that be?

Posted: 04 Jun 2017, 23:53
by Storygamer88
My favorite animal is an ostrich, so I guess I'd be that. I don't know what my personality matches up with honestly. I don't believe in stuff like horoscopes and don't think animals necessarily have certain traits like loyalty or laziness except maybe a select few.

Re: If you were an animal, what would that be?

Posted: 07 Jun 2017, 02:06
by rhiza021
A bird. I would love to fly and go wherever I want.

Re: If you were an animal, what would that be?

Posted: 07 Jun 2017, 14:25
by Adair McClain
I always thought I would want to be a wolf. Loyalty to the pack/family, nurturing, protective. And even with their fierce expressions, they tend to be very gentle and loving.

Re: If you were an animal, what would that be?

Posted: 11 Jun 2017, 15:47
by Lennycat
Good question. My opinion varies from time to time, but at the moment I think I would like to be a bird of some kind. I love their sense of freedom. There is a mockingbird that perches at the top to the brownstone across the street. He flies there in the morning and sings his heart out and sometimes he gets so excited he suddenly jumps in the air and does a little dance. I'd like to be that kind of bird, I think. So happy to be in the morning sun and singing a happy song!

Re: If you were an animal, what would that be?

Posted: 11 Jun 2017, 18:41
by Kalin Adi
if I were an animal, I would be a meerkat because they are very loyal animals not only to family but also to friends. Besides, they are very sociable animals. They cooperate with each other; some work as guards and the rest as babysitters. They are lovable!

Re: If you were an animal, what would that be?

Posted: 14 Jun 2017, 06:22
by twinn
I would be an elephant. Sometimes I love company but can also get moody. And I love my personal space whoever gets in it without notice will have to face my wrath..A social creature that gets moody once in a while.

Re: If you were an animal, what would that be?

Posted: 21 Jun 2017, 12:33
by juliusotinyo
Pigs. As a pig Farmer I can't think of a more intelligent creature. I love their company

Re: If you were an animal, what would that be?

Posted: 21 Jun 2017, 15:33
by IsabelMay
Definitely a cat. :) They have played a huge role in my life, but it's amazing how they can be so close to you. By the way they behave, I sometimes even wonder if they can understand us perfectly well. I know most people say dogs are more loyal but according to my experience, cats are too and it is as if they can sense how you feel. They always brighten my day, such lovely creatures.