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Re: Judging People

Posted: 02 Jun 2017, 10:51
It is not good to judge others when you know too well the offence it carries, all have feelings and killing anyone's feeling may not be proper, it generates hate and also leads to gossip, this is one vice that we should all avoid at all times.i have been a victim of the same and it was not interesting at all

Re: Judging People

Posted: 03 Jun 2017, 06:32
by Josh0018
Honestly, no one could claim that he has never judge any person. Admittedly, its very hard to accept judgment from other people specially f it penetrates you so much. I already have tried to judge individuals and that is something that bothers me and now I'm too cautious with everything that I do or tell to anybody.

Re: Judging People

Posted: 05 Jun 2017, 00:09
by Storygamer88
I find it hard to believe you'll find anyone who can honestly say no to this - who hasn't been judged or done some sort of judging?

It's every where, even in kindergarten, I remember being judged for my race.

Re: Judging People

Posted: 06 Jun 2017, 10:52
by Mindi
As I get older, I try my hardest not to make too many judgments or unfair assumptions about people. I've never been one to be very judgmental, but we all do it occasionally, sometimes without realizing it. I know I've probably been judged at times throughout life, so I try to stop myself from judging too hard on someone else's situation.

Re: Judging People

Posted: 09 Jun 2017, 05:52
by Fuzee4
I once had a teacher who was new to our class. Somehow in her first day itself ahe developed a misunderstanding and started treating me oddly. Even though I proved myself a good student later on, and she came over to like me, I still think about those first few days of her judgement.

Re: Judging People

Posted: 09 Jun 2017, 12:29
by Vivian Paschal
I get judged all the time because of my simple lifestyle. People tend to think I'm boring because I don't always dress to kill or go out of the time. Someone thought I was a religious fanatic because she'd never seen me on trousers, and I wear trousers a lot. People say I'm fake because I smile all the time and they think I just fake enthusiasm or interest when I'm actually being genuine. So basically, people judge even about the most unimportant things.

-- 09 Jun 2017, 12:30 --

But then I've also judged people. I guess no one is perfect. We just have to be more thoughtful towards others.

Re: Judging People

Posted: 11 Jun 2017, 09:48
by kareemareader
i think we all are guilty of judging people, and i hate to say that i do it naturally based on appearances, like if i see someone wearing something i don't like, i will say how they are dressed badly, or when someone is doing some action that i normally don't,i'll say that they are bad with as socializing things like that, but i've dealt with being judged my whole life so i try to do it less, but sometimes it seems like it's a habit

-- 11 Jun 2017, 10:00 --
kareemareader wrote:i think we all are guilty of judging people, and i hate to say that i do it naturally based on appearances, like if i see someone wearing something i don't like, i will say how they are dressed badly, or when someone is doing some action that i normally don't,i'll say that they are bad with as socializing things like that, but i've dealt with being judged my whole life so i try to do it less, but sometimes it seems like it's a habit

Re: Judging People

Posted: 11 Jun 2017, 11:05
I think we have all been judged some time or the other. But I don't think we have a right to judge anyone without knowing their story, what they have been through.

Re: Judging People

Posted: 13 Jun 2017, 06:35
by Kelebogile Mbangi
Unfortunately yes, I find myself drawn to certain people due to how they look, nothing to do with ethnicity, race or gender, just by how well put together they look, or by their vibe. I have found however that this can be misleading, people are often completely different from what they look like.

Re: Judging People

Posted: 15 Jun 2017, 14:08
by Ashie
Thou shall not judge others i.e condemn them - that's what I believe.

Re: Judging People

Posted: 29 Jun 2017, 02:30
by Eman Frasy
We must not judge people by their appearance, because appearances are always deceptive. A goodly apple may be rotten at the core. Every picture has a bright and ugly side, so never be deceived with appearance. Never be judgmental, and always give time to others for expressing themselves and to yourself for making an opinion.

Re: Judging People

Posted: 03 Jul 2017, 08:48
by raikyuu
Yeah, I experienced being judged (unfairly). I also judge others not because I want to, it's automatic for me to judge others.

What I can do, at least, is to be aware that I am judging others, so that I wouldn't act or make decisions based on unfounded prejudice.

Re: Judging People

Posted: 04 Jul 2017, 06:39
by Shreyoshi Sen
We all judge people in some way or another. But most commonly we judge people based on their appearance. We must realise the fact that not all good appearance people are saints nor do all filthy appearance people are criminals.

Re: Judging People

Posted: 04 Jul 2017, 09:34
by Ssinghal
It happens everywhere and every time. People always judge on the basis of colour, religion or other physical characteristics. Once I was at an airport and the immigration officer asked me if I was homosexual just because my skin is a bit tanned and I was wearing a light red t-shirt.

Re: Judging People

Posted: 04 Jul 2017, 17:50
by sophiemer642
Even today, I am still judged by people. I do not like dressing like everyone else, and people judge me because of it. Fashion trends are not important to me. People would laugh or talk behind my back, but I have gradually learned to ignore these people. These people are completely irrelevant to me, and I'm going to do whatever makes me happy.