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Re: Live animals at home?

Posted: 06 Jun 2017, 20:32
by Ginya
I have always had dogs at home. I think they can teach us much more than the basic responsibility of caring for them, though I am not saying that those skills aren't important! I think all kids should have some kind of pet.
I think they teach us a lot about real friendships with people. I know some people that think dogs are barely aware and are just kind of dumb, but in a sweet way. Some of them are even dog owners! But I know so many others that see dogs as emotionally intelligent beings (myself included, of course) and recognize their empathy and loyalty and unwavering love. It looks to me that relationship between dog and owner is dependent on the what the owner puts in...just like friendships and relationships.

Re: Live animals at home?

Posted: 07 Jun 2017, 18:17
by Kalin Adi
I am a cat lover! I have a cute cat named Amai (sweet in Japanese). He is so clever. He usually eats at 5:30am because my husband feeds him before he goes to work. But, if for any reason my husband doesn't wake up at that time, Amai starts meowing to wake us up and feed him. If we still do not wake up, Amai then starts pushing the door back and forth and if he still feels ignored, then he starts scratching the door. For me this situation is hilarious because he doesn't give up until he gets what he wants. Shouldn't we copy this example of perseverance when we have a goal in mind? I'm sure Amai is not the only one focused to get something in life. :D

Re: Live animals at home?

Posted: 08 Jun 2017, 04:32
Best experience with cats tells how clean you can be except if the lessons are not well learned.

Re: Live animals at home?

Posted: 08 Jun 2017, 07:15
by Kelebogile Mbangi
I remember when growing up, my father brought home a Siamese kitten. My little sister named him Georgie. He taught the two of responsibility and to be kind and loving towards animals in general. When I have children of my own I most definitely will get them a pet.

Re: Live animals at home?

Posted: 08 Jun 2017, 19:28
by Natalie Charlene
For about 95% of my life, I have had one or more animals in my home, whether it was in my family home growing up or as an adult on my own. While I do not have any children, I do remember the impact that having animals growing up made on my life and how it influenced who I became as a person. Having animals around shaped who I am today. I am an animal lover, working in a vet clinic, and I made the switch to veganism several years ago.

Aside from that, having animals around when I was growing up taught me responsibility. I learned how to care for someone other than myself, and I did my best to learn as much about animals, so I could give them the best care. I would wholeheartedly say that animals are an extremely important addition to the life of a child and teaching them not only responsibility, but also understanding, compassion, and love.

Re: Live animals at home?

Posted: 08 Jun 2017, 20:21
by EMoffat
I think having animals at home is very important - both for teaching and also for health. Companionship with a pet can do amazing things for your long term health, not to mention having something there for you. I think as far as children are concerned, having pets can be great for responsibility. Having to walk, clean, and feed them is a great lesson.

Re: Live animals at home?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017, 01:59
Having pets at home teaches children compassion and that we have to share the planet with other beings too.

Re: Live animals at home?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017, 14:35
by Lennycat
We have two cats and a dog at home. One of my children has special needs and having animals as part of our family has helped him to cope with his medical hardships. In my opinion, children can learn so much from having animals as pets. My kids have learned kindness, compassion, gentleness and how their role as stewards of the earth is an important job.

Re: Live animals at home?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017, 15:10
by Manang Muyang
I am glad that your special child has special friends who help him carry his burdens. I pray that he will remain hopeful and cheerful. God bless your family, Lennycat.

Re: Live animals at home?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017, 23:21
by Czarmaine AM
We have a very cute cat at home. He is very lovable. I don't have kids yet but I'd probably share with them these lessons I learned from my our family cat. One, always keep things simple. Be honest about what you want. Well, our cat never asks for anything except food. He'll just meow and tap our feet. Life can be so much simpler if we aren't afraid to ask. No matter what the answer, have the guts to just say what you want. Also, I learned from my cat never forget how to be playful.

-- 10 Jun 2017, 23:23 --
Kalin Adi wrote:I am a cat lover! I have a cute cat named Amai (sweet in Japanese). He is so clever. He usually eats at 5:30am because my husband feeds him before he goes to work. But, if for any reason my husband doesn't wake up at that time, Amai starts meowing to wake us up and feed him. If we still do not wake up, Amai then starts pushing the door back and forth and if he still feels ignored, then he starts scratching the door. For me this situation is hilarious because he doesn't give up until he gets what he wants. Shouldn't we copy this example of perseverance when we have a goal in mind? I'm sure Amai is not the only one focused to get something in life. :D
I could totally relate to this! Haha Cats are the best!

Re: Live animals at home?

Posted: 12 Jun 2017, 16:09
by Ashley Nestler
I love animals! I have 1 cat, 2 dogs, 1 lizard, 1 fish, and1 turtle. Animals are such a great teaching mechanism to teach humans compassion and responsibility.

Re: Live animals at home?

Posted: 12 Jun 2017, 16:35
by Manang Muyang
Ashley Nestler wrote:I love animals! I have 1 cat, 2 dogs, 1 lizard, 1 fish, and1 turtle. Animals are such a great teaching mechanism to teach humans compassion and responsibility.
Wow! I can understand the rest of the animals but how do you pet a lizard? How big is Lizzie?

Re: Live animals at home?

Posted: 13 Jun 2017, 01:21
by leia99
I have a 6 year old English Setter named Betsey and 5 fish. I have two children... a 13 year old girl and a 10 year old boy.

Re: Live animals at home?

Posted: 13 Jun 2017, 01:44
by itsmeariank
I love animals in general, but that doesn't mean I have a lot of animals at home, I got a few yet I love them very dearly. I got a dog named Salin a very energetic dog, sometimes I wonder where she got all her energy, she's just crazy energetic :shock: I also have a cat named Natsu, a very sweet and smart creature, I got his name from an famous anime character. We also have a turtle named Rafael, I guessed you already know where I got his name. hahaha My brother also have a bunch of fishes, where he keep on a big pond at the side of our house. And lastly my father have some chickens at our backyard to keep him busy when he is out from work. I guess that's all. :)

Re: Live animals at home?

Posted: 14 Jun 2017, 19:42
by lostwon
I will never forget the first time I had a pet die on me. It hurt, and taught me a little about death.