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How do you establish a good relationship?

Posted: 05 May 2017, 18:45
by Donnavila Marie01
Kitten Kailey and the little bunny Sammy are good friends despite the differences. The have an amazing relationship. How do you establish a good relationship? To keep a good relationship, I strive to keep the trust. Because trust is important in maintaining a good relationship.

Re: How do you establish a good relationship?

Posted: 05 May 2017, 19:53
by Jaime Lync
I usually make a joke to a new acquaintance - usually a play on words joke - nothing perverted or anything. Since I work with chemistry students I might say that the reagent sounds like an agent that lost his job and ten got it again (re-agent). or something of the sort and I might even make a joke using their name especially if they have a title like Smithen...I can ask, 'How many people have been Smitten by you?' Depending on the persons response- their demeanor, body language, ect. I would usually be able to tell if we are compatible companions...and then of course we build on trust.

Re: How do you establish a good relationship?

Posted: 05 May 2017, 20:03
by michelonline29
To establish a good relationship is give them trust in whatever they do. Don't possessed their happiness and freedom.

Re: How do you establish a good relationship?

Posted: 06 May 2017, 09:09
by Aimy
I try to be polite and welcoming. More importantly, I try to think positively about others and find the good in them. It keeps me calm on the inside and friendly on the outside.

Re: How do you establish a good relationship?

Posted: 06 May 2017, 12:16
by Heidi M Simone
Respect for each other's differences and thoughts I think is a big key in establishing a good, solid relationship. Another would be open communication. In order to have a healthy relationship, there shouldn't be this fear of saying anything to your partner.

Re: How do you establish a good relationship?

Posted: 07 May 2017, 11:21
by Manang Muyang
I believe communication is a key factor in every relationship. A lot of misunderstanding happens when we miss understanding what people say.

What people say is not limited to the words that come out of the mouth; language is crucial too. So while technology offers us the electronic means to reach out to others, the face-to-face encounter is always best, especially for our more treasured relationships.

Re: How do you establish a good relationship?

Posted: 07 May 2017, 12:25
by The Researcher
To maintain a good relationship believe in moving on and forgiving.Sometimes to keep a relationship intact and happy I forget and forgive the past misgivings or differences and embrace the person as such.

Re: How do you establish a good relationship?

Posted: 07 May 2017, 14:30
by Amiinatu
I don't know but I think am the worst when it comes to establishing new relationship not that am not jovial or anything, am just not good with new people but I keep the old ones really well

Re: How do you establish a good relationship?

Posted: 07 May 2017, 14:33
by dhomespot
I believe communication is the key in any good relationship, whether it is friendship or romantic in nature. Trust is also very important. I have one person that I would trust before all others. Not to say that I do not have friends, she is just the one that I know I can tell anything to and there is no judgement.

Re: How do you establish a good relationship?

Posted: 08 May 2017, 12:12
by Lest92
Sincerity goes a long way - you have to truly care, talk about important things, and be considerate. Many people don't really do sincerity anymore, which is why I find it difficult to establish relationships.

Re: How do you establish a good relationship?

Posted: 08 May 2017, 19:39
by Spirit Wandering
I find that truly listening to what others are saying is key to establishing a good relationship. Too often we get caught up in our own thoughts that we don't listen to what the other person is trying to communicate.

Re: How do you establish a good relationship?

Posted: 08 May 2017, 21:28
by Jeyran Main
You can establish a good relationship with being honest and proving to be loyal. You have to earn the trust of your friend and to always be there for them.

Re: How do you establish a good relationship?

Posted: 09 May 2017, 09:34
by Donnavila Marie01
michelonline29 wrote:To establish a good relationship is give them trust in whatever they do. Don't possessed their happiness and freedom.
I agree. Another thought is lingering in my mind. It is far easier to establish a good relationship than to sustain it. :roll:

-- 09 May 2017, 09:35 --
michelonline29 wrote:To establish a good relationship is give them trust in whatever they do. Don't possessed their happiness and freedom.
I agree. Another thought is lingering in my mind. It is far easier to establish a good relationship than to sustain it. :roll:

Re: How do you establish a good relationship?

Posted: 09 May 2017, 10:39
by yvonne judy
Personally my relationship with people is always about trust,understanding and always being able to listen someone.
Through all this,have always got the best people around.

Re: How do you establish a good relationship?

Posted: 09 May 2017, 16:40
by srm628
I think trust and commitment are definitely big parts to a good relationship. In order to have a good relationship, relationships require being about to trust the person and knowing they are going to come through on what they say.