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Which super ability do you possess?

Posted: 01 Jul 2017, 19:59
by Emmaky
I believe we all have super abilities that we can bless the world with.
Personally I am a great listener and I have offered those close to me my shoulder to lean on countless times.
Which super gift have you blessed those around you with?

Re: Which super ability do you possess?

Posted: 01 Jul 2017, 20:31
by Amagine
I believe that I have a super ability to be really creative at times. I can't use this ability all the time. It comes and go, unfortunately. When my super ability is activated, I use it for the entertainment of the children that I work with.

Re: Which super ability do you possess?

Posted: 01 Jul 2017, 21:08
by Emmaky
That's great Amagine. You are a super hero to those kids.

Re: Which super ability do you possess?

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 07:58
by Manali_DC
I am very perceptive about people's moods at different times-- this makes it easier for them to be around me even if they are upset or sad or grieving and I instinctively know how to behave around them!!

Re: Which super ability do you possess?

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 08:00
by Shreyoshi Sen
I guess I get unusually very creative which I myself get surprised to. Sometimes I prepare beautiful crafts but then the other times I fail to draw a crow even. Lol ?

Re: Which super ability do you possess?

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 13:22
by Izesicle
My eyes are very good at quickly spotting typos. Comes from being a prolific reader, I guess.

Re: Which super ability do you possess?

Posted: 05 Jul 2017, 02:11
by ChillAndRead
You guys are all super heros! Wow!! I'm not one of the kind.
Maybe if I stop dreaming that much I could grow a super ability...!

Re: Which super ability do you possess?

Posted: 05 Jul 2017, 09:26
by Christina O Phillips
My creativity is the super ability I'm most proud of. My logic and reasoning and problem solving skills would be ones my friends and co-workers appreciate, but I always brag about my creativity.

Re: Which super ability do you possess?

Posted: 05 Jul 2017, 15:20
by Yoli GarcĂ­a
I think one of my super abilities is being bilingual, which allowed me to help girls of low-means one time. The Girl Scouts needed someone bilingual to help with an after-school GS program because most of the girls were Hispanic. I jumped at the offer. The girls and I formed a special bond during those weeks. I think they were enthusiastic about seing a Hispanic as a leader, which meant they could be leaders too in the future.

Re: Which super ability do you possess?

Posted: 06 Jul 2017, 05:13
by gamlet
I believe God has blessed me with the ability of grasping ideas in a text and organizing them to form a cohesive whole. This is what I use in writing sermons and messages from reading the Bible.

Re: Which super ability do you possess?

Posted: 08 Jul 2017, 10:42
by Naval Aulakh
I have a power to sense things that are going to happen in future. I have relied upon my intuitions always and it have got amazing results :)

Re: Which super ability do you possess?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017, 10:23
I'm advisor I'm capable of critically looking at different issues, analyzing them and coming up with solutions even in toughest situations. My family and friends often look upto me for views on different issues that they seem to be stressed about and am always glad that the the advice I give them always works.

Re: Which super ability do you possess?

Posted: 11 Jul 2017, 08:33
by Kinnera
I like to think my superpower is objectivity. I retain that distance from situations, no matter how much they should and are affecting me. Sometimes, it feels wrong to be emotionally distant, but it has helped me and others make more informed decisions.

Re: Which super ability do you possess?

Posted: 11 Jul 2017, 10:12
by Harrygx3
I can read people easily up to the point that i can feel what words they like/dislike just by hearing them talk a bit. This level of understanding has helped me provide solutions to my friends or to anyone in need of advice or i simply become a very good listener that people enjoy to talk to. It used to be a problem when i was younger since my opinion wasnt heard or some people were abusing that by overly talking and not doing anything.

Re: Which super ability do you possess?

Posted: 12 Jul 2017, 01:03
by Victoria44
My superpower would be stealth. I always end up scaring my family because they don't notice when I walk into a room. People are always telling me I walk fast. One minute I'm standing right in front of you, the next I'm gone. Plus, I'm super quiet.